Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3094: Yun Dingweng's depression!

This is basically the case for Su Jin. The only thing Su Hang can do is to pave the way for him. As for how to go and how to go, it is up to him!

Su Hang still believes in Su Jin very much. His son will definitely not be bad. With Su Hang as his father, Su Jin would be difficult even if he didn't want to be ordinary.

Besides, these days are really good things. Xue Xuan and Yin Yu'er have also become pregnant one after another. This has given Su Hang a huge surprise.

In addition, Cang Tian and Hong Jun respected them, and they all closed their doors. The realm of several people has been greatly improved.

Di Zun reached the seven-color realm, Hong Jun and Cang Tian both reached the eight-color realm, and Cang Tian almost reached the peak of the eight-color realm.

I originally thought that after this retreat, I was able to narrow the gap with Soviet Airways. As a result, the gap was getting bigger and bigger. Soviet Airline not only boarded the dominance, but now all jumped to the sixth-order dominance. went!

Almost all thought that this retreat took a few hundred yuan, and Su Hang, this guy, can really be regarded as chaos, and there is no one before.

Fortunately, there is Suhang now, and the threat to Chaos does not require them to go to the top. Now, Suhang is the tall man. The pressure on them is much less, but it feels relieved.

The drums on the mountain burst, and the fog in the mountain shook.

Under the moonlight, a figure came to the study room behind the Cangtian Temple. Su Hang was writing down the ancestral scriptures in the study room and was preparing to hand it to Su Jin for study.

At this time, the study door opened, Su Hang looked up and immediately stopped writing, "Senior Yunding, find me?"

Yun Dingweng did not regard himself as an outsider. He found a seat and sat down to look at Su Hang. "Brother Su, your progress is really fast!"

Yun Ding Weng Lai had been in Chuangjie Mountain for quite some time. Bing Ji also said that this guy is Zhang Goujiu plaster, which can't be squeezed on. During this time, Su Hang did not go to him deliberately because he was afraid Come trouble.

Looking at him like this, I can't help but take the initiative to find the door again!

"Is it fast?" Su Hang put aside his pen and walked out from behind the book case, calmly, "I'm a little too slow!"

"It's too slow?" Yun Dingweng shook his beard. How long did it take to jump directly from the second to the fifth order, and then from the fifth to the sixth order, it was faster than the rocket. The kid said that it was too slow, this is not Are you hitting people?

"I said Brother Su, what's the trick with your cultivation?"

"Oh, cultivation, relying on down-to-earth, what's the trick? If you want to say anything, it might be talent!" Su Hang smiled faintly, and said a little!

"Hang!" Yun Dingweng looked disdainful, "Boy, you shouldn't blame me. I'm old. I'm not so cheat. You must have a quick way to improve your skill. Don't be stingy. Tell me, you If you tell me, I won’t bother you anymore. It’s okay if you helped the goddess Lingzun with me before!”

"Do you really want to know?" Su Hang's face was calm!

Yun Dingwong nodded his head, and he could see that he was very serious. During his time in Chuangjie Mountain, besides seeing a few of them, he was also very interested in Su Hang. For the first time, Su Hang He was already surprised when he improved his skill. You said that if you are a breakthrough at the first level, it is not uncommon. Yun Ding Weng has never seen several levels jump directly!

The last time Suhang went out, Yun Dingweng wanted to come to Suhang, but he finally endured it. After all, he thought he was a senior expert. He wanted Suhang to come to him on his own initiative, but he never thought of it. It was only a long time before Su Hang actually jumped to the sixth order, which made him a little calm. In these few days, Zuo Siyou thought, still pulling his face down, could not help but find Su Hang, even if it is shameless, We must find out!

Su Hang smiled, "Actually, it's very simple, but I'm just afraid to say that you don't believe it. Not long ago, before I met Lingmu, I destroyed Donghua Great Emperor, and by the way I also absorbed his skill!"

Yun Dingweng listened to this and stared at Su Hang for a while before saying, "Donghua Great Emperor? Donghua Pavilion Donghua Great Emperor? I said Brother Su, are you an idiot or do you treat me as an idiot? So nonsense. Things, do you think I will believe? Donghua Great Emperor, that is the superpower of the ninth-order **** realm, you kill him? He crushes you, it is as simple as crushing an ant..."

"I knew that you wouldn't believe it!" Su Hang posed, "Although it's hard to believe, this is indeed true, and, I still tell you, the Donghua Great Emperor of Donghua Pavilion is now fake." , That was dressed by a strong man..."


Yun Dingweng angrily stopped Su Hang, which is just treating him as a mentally retarded play. At such a young age, he has never been played like this before. , A pair of eyes glaring at Su Hang, "If you don't want to say, I won't force you, and you don't need to use such nonsense to block me..."

Su Hang was speechless for a while. No one could believe the truth this year. In fact, he didn't expect Yun Ding Weng to believe that if it didn't sound so nonsense, Su Hang wouldn't say it!

Yun Dingweng patted the table, "Since you are so unkind, let's talk about the previous things, how do you return the cause and effect you owe me?"

Cause and effect, nature is a matter of supremacy!

Tier VIII dominates the realm, and Su Air currently has Tier 6 only. It is far from an opponent. However, if you control the armor of fate, you should have the power to fight, but Su Air is still a little all, it is in its own On the site!

Su Hang remained calm and returned to the back of the book case and sat back in his chair. "Why shouldn't seniors be angry? I don't hide it. Recently, I was about to find an opportunity. However, I felt that my strength was not good, so I wanted to invite senior... "

Su Hang took it lightly, even squeezing two walnuts in his hand, making it rattle.

"Wait!" At this time, Yun Dingweng suddenly stopped and looked at the walnut in Su Hang's hands. "Where did you come from?"

Su Hang glanced down, "You said this walnut? Your friend gave it, why, seniors know?"

"Oh, a friend gave it? I'm afraid it wasn't stolen?" Yun Dingweng snorted. "As far as I know, this pair of immortal walnuts is the thing of Yunyou Palace. The daughter of Nishan was married in the void. Temple, Nirvana made this dowry!"

"Yeah, Nirvana's daughter Ru Ji, married to the Void Temple Gru, gave birth to three sons-in-law, the eldest son convicted the Chaos Realm, and left the two sons of Gemiao Gesen, and Mrs. Ji gave one to each, The friends I mentioned were the two sons of Mrs. Ji, they didn't say anything about stealing!"

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