Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3113: go away!

"Boy, you are down!"

The second talent of Su Hang just came down from the stone steps, and a voice rang from the side, which was the voice of Lord Blood Raven.

When Su Hang looked at it, Yun Dingweng and Lord Blood Raven stood together, and Lord Blood Raven looked at him with a bad look.

The two didn't know what they were just thinking about. Yun Dingweng was so excited when he saw Su Hang at the moment.

"Yun Ding, you don't shoot, I'm going to shoot!" Lord Blood Raven fluttered his wings and flew directly to Su Hang!

Coming violently, full of killing intent, it seemed that he didn't want to tell Su Hanguo at all, he would have to get started directly when he came over. In his view, because of the existence of spiritual pressure above the stone steps, he could not help Su Hang, but now, Su Hang has not let him squeeze?

A sixth-order kid, in the eyes of his eighth-order, is simply scum. He wants to kill Su Hang and takes Su Hang's fortune, it's easy!

However, when the blood crow lord started his hands, suddenly, an impetus came from Su Hang's body, and the momentum suddenly increased, pressing against the blood crow lord like a landslide tsunami.

Lord Blood Crow was immediately shocked, immediately stopped his body, and looked at Su Hang with a shocked expression. The momentum of Su Hang's body is now not weaker than him!

This kid really has been transformed, how long has it been since he directly went from the sixth order to the eighth order?

"Yun Ding!" Lord Blood Crow shouted. At this moment, only when Yun Ding stood with him would it be possible to win Su Hang!

Yun Ding came over, and at this moment, Bing Ji no longer covered up, and directly released his momentum.

The eighth order dominated the realm, and the eighth order dominated the realm. The two sides were equally imposing. At this moment, Yunding wandered. Obviously, Yunding's wind exposed the rudder's character completely.

He just wanted to maximize his benefits, not take risks. After all, he hadn’t torn off his face with Su Hang. Now two tier eights are up against two tier eights. They don’t worry about losing, but Yunding I know, I can't win.

It is a pity that Xun is still on the stone steps. I don’t know what to rub. If there is Xun, Yunding will definitely not hesitate to stand with Xun. After all, it is a strong ninth order.

The two sides stalemate. The blood crow lord's face is as dark as the bottom of the pot. He never imagined that this would be the case.

"What? Senior Blood Crow, have any opinions on me?" Su Hang, without saying a word, took out the body of fate and merged with the deity. The momentum of his body climbed again and reached the ninth level!

Lord Blood Raven suddenly turned green and couldn't help but step back a few steps, almost hit Yun Ding Weng's body.

Ninth order?

Blood Crow Lord and Yun Dingweng were shocked at this moment. They thought that Su Hang was only eighth-order, and actually surpassed eighth-order and reached the ninth-order state.

That momentum was enough to crush them. The two breathed for a short time. Yun Dingweng's face twitched slightly. It seems that Su Hang is really a step up to the ninth level. Even if it is smoked, I am afraid there is not much chance of winning. That is to say, if he chooses to be hostile to the Soviet Air Lines, I am afraid it is a little unwise. It would be the best if he could handle the Soviet Air Lines, but if he could not do it, it would be miserable!

Su Hang's momentum is immediate, and all he wants is a deterrent. The two people in front of him, even if they join forces, Su Hang is not amazed.

Forced by Su Hang's momentum, he asked again, Lord Blood Crow's face was green and green.

"Brother Su, congratulations to Brother Su for making great progress!" Yun Dingweng grinned, arched his hand at Su Hang, and it seemed really happy for Su Hang.

Su Hang did not bother with him, and waved his hand directly, "Senior just now is going to deal with me with Lord Blood Raven, right?"

Yun Dingweng said, but he laughed, "Where can Brother Su speak, we can come together, even if I have nothing to do, Yun Dingweng will not do such things, Brother Su, I will say one more word We still have to leave quickly, otherwise, once the smoke is down, we are afraid that it will not be so easy if we want to go!"

"Good old Yun Ding!" Lord Blood Crow shouted it when he heard it. Just a moment ago, Yun Ding Weng could have agreed well with him, and he would rob Su Hang's fortune, but now, This guy said that if you turn your face, you turn your face, which is too bad!

"Blood Crow, are you looking for death?" Yun Dingweng heard the words and glared at him, as if to swallow the blood crow. Now he has an absolute advantage by relying on the Suhang. Where can he be afraid of the blood crow? Lord.

Lord Blood Crow was so angry that he pointed to Yun Dingweng for a long time without speaking.

Yun Dingweng ridiculed, "Don't join if you can't beat it, don't you understand? Blood Crow, because you are still alive at such a big age, Brother Su is now a ninth-ranked strongman, if you return, maybe Brother Su Give you some benefits!"

Yun Dingweng's words seem to be mocking Lord Bloodcrow, but in fact, Su Hang can hear that he is reminding himself not to forget the benefits promised to him before.

Su Hang was quiet, watching them quietly.

In the eyes of Lord Blood Crow, all kinds of emotions are mixed. At this time, he was asked to bow his head to Su Hang, but he didn't even fight to join it. Is this sure that it is not funny? My **** crow lord, don't you have face?

At this moment, Bing Ji gently pulled the corner of La Suhang's clothing, and signaled Su Hang to leave here first. Su Hang nodded slightly, immediately took out the token, threw it into the air, and the token was radiant and magnificent. The gate of void appeared in front of everyone.

Let's go out As for the smoke, it's better not to catch up, let him stay here, and no one can help them after they go out.

As soon as the door opened, Su Hang and Bing Ji left, and Yun Ding Weng and Blood Raven Lord also followed immediately. After all, no one wanted to be left here!


The nightmare abyss is dark all around. Only the light of the Gate of Relic shines around, but the darkness does not prevent Suhang’s vision.

The token shattered into two pieces in an instant and went towards both sides to escape. Su Hang did not expect this scene. When he got up and wanted to chase, the token flew away long ago.

It can only be a fool, I am fortunate and lost my life. The ruins have already been entered, and the great fortune has been given by myself. It seems that the token has no meaning, or maybe there are still in the ruins. Others, but that is not important anymore, Su Hang is not a dissatisfied person!

Yun Dingweng and Lord Blood Raven have also come out. At this time, the door slowly closed and Su Hang's mouth curved a little arc. As long as the smoker was shut in, no one could get him!

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