Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3123: Destroy!

There was a commotion in the darkness around, and a cloud of black mist quickly formed. From a slow and fast rotation, Su Hang felt extremely depressed.


Su Hang clearly can feel that the formation of these dark mists is madly suppressing his strength.

If you don't use the power of Destiny's Warframe, Suhang is almost certain that you're afraid you will be crushed on the ground.

The fate of the body, the ninth order, and even vaguely exceeded the ninth order category, such a repression, for Su Hang, is still within the tolerance range.

At this time, two black shadows fell from the darkness. One of them was burly, wearing a cloak, and could not see clearly. He carried a huge sickle on his shoulder, like a **** of death.

The other person is several feet tall, with a wolf head, gray hair, and naked upper body. His exposed muscles are very exaggerated, and the skin is covered with dense runes. It looks very evil.

The wolf's head roared, and the space shivered.

Another eighth-order appearance, they understand the truth of the death of the teeth, if they do not play now, wait for Su Hang to solve the creeps, then it is their turn, instead of being defeated by each other, it is better to unite in World War I.

The head of the wolf, the eighth-rank peak, called the inverse wolf, the ability talent is torn!

Cloak man, the eighth-rank peak, named Soul of Soul, the talent for harvest is harvest!

Su Hang easily got the information of two new players, Su Hang also did not take them into consideration. After all, no matter how strong it is, it is only an eighth order, let alone two. .


The dark powers have suppressed the power of the Soviet Air to the greatest extent with the dark formation method. Now that the three of them work together, if they can't fight yet, then there is basically no chance.

The soul of the sword had already been killed towards Su Hang. With a sickle in his hand, countless sword shadows flew over and wrapped Su Hang from all directions.

Harvesting, a group attack ability, has almost no harm to the flesh, but it can harvest the opponent's power and turn the opponent's power into his own use. This is somewhat similar to the ability of Suhang's nine-handed black sword.

At the same time, the anti-wolf also came, two big hands tore apart, the space was like a rag, torn apart with a sneer, and the gap continued to expand towards Suhang, as if to join Su Hang Torn in half.

That momentum was so frightening that Yun Dingweng evaded consciously, but Lingmu raised her heart and pinched her sweat, and seemed to be hesitating whether to go up to help, help the dark side, and destroy Suhang!

However, the thought of Su Hang has just been so fierce, Lingmu hesitated!


Su Hang snorted with a cry, a volley was cut out, and the same space crack was torn open, tearing away towards the wolf.

The cracks expanded instantly, and the two cracks ran into one place quickly. With a bang, two forces rushed in, and the cracks widened into a huge black hole. The endless suction almost sucked the sky of the harvest blade almost instantly.


The reverse wolf was surprised. When he was about to start again, suddenly, a voice came from behind. The reverse wolf felt trembling. The head was cold, and the black sword tip emerged directly from the top of the head, all the way down!

The body instantly changed into two halves. On the other side, the soul of the sword missed and lost its lock on Su Hang. Looking back, the reverse wolf had fallen down, and the virtual core had been caught by Su Hang.

Dao Soul's face was pale. At this moment, a human face appeared in front of him. Dao Soul was terrified. He didn't see how Su Hang appeared in front of him, and flew back.


A flower in front of me, Su Hang's figure has disappeared from him!

"how do you feel?"

The voice appeared in the back, like ghosts and ghosts, and the soul of the sword turned back. I saw Su Hang standing behind him. I don't know when, there was another virtual core in his hand.

The soul of the sword seemed to realize something. Looking down, there was a hole in his chest. His virtual core had been taken by Su Hang!

Looking at Su Hang in disbelief, Dao Soul was completely blinded. He couldn't figure out why, why was this kid so strong in front of him? The dark circle suppresses his power, but it can still be so strong, kill him and counter wolf!

"Go with peace of mind!"

There was no mercy in Su Hang. The black sword passed through the soul of the sword. The body of the soul of the sword quickly withered. The remaining physical strength was sucked up by the black sword, and the flesh quickly turned into nothingness!

Creep is silly!

He hasn't come yet yet, and the two helpers have been killed in seconds, and in a blink of an eye, they have become lonely again, this is still an egg?

At this time, I already want to run completely, but the dark circle has not spread, how to escape?


Su Hang snorted and flew into the dark clouds.


The darkness was boiling, thunder and thunder, the dark circle quickly collapsed, and the black clouds scattered!

When Suhang once again showed up, there were dozens of virtual cores taken away by him.

Only three seventh-order and several sixth-order ran away, and I wanted to escape while chaotic, and my body split instantly, turning out tens of thousands of avatars, densely, and fled towards the four directions.

This is the talent ability of creep, split!

This ability is equivalent to a doppelganger, but only one of them is the real body. It can be said that this is really a good ability to escape and save lives.

It's a pity that he met Su Hang. Su Hang was a bit dazed at first. However, as soon as the Xueshen system was opened, not to mention tens of thousands of avatars, even hundreds of millions, billions, could be easily found.

"Where are you going?"

The creeps running wildly, suddenly shuddering all over, that horrible figure, I do not know when it has been blocked in front of him!

"No, don't kill me!" Creepy, almost kneel to Su Hang, he has turned out tens of thousands of avatars, he can actually find out his real body in such a short time?

"Now beg for mercy, it's late!" Su Hang was very indifferent, and his voice was like an evil spirit under the Nine Nether!

Wriggling, "I have no injustice with you, this time I only took you in the name of the There is a debt and a master, you should not kill me, you should kill the Lord. ..."


Just when I said this, the creep stopped suddenly, his face changed suddenly, his body seemed to be pinched by a pair of invisible big hands!

"Respect the Lord, spare your life, respect the Lord!" Creeping in horror, the body turned into a deity, a huge black worm, struggling in the void!


The creepy body exploded in an instant, and the black sewage was flying all over the sky, quickly being decomposed by the void!

The creeps that were just alive and gone, just disappeared, as if they were blown away by an invisible force.

Su Hang's face changed slightly, and there was no reaction for a while. Just now, through the eyes of God, he could clearly see the death process of the worm, and an invisible giant claw above the void, crushed it.

The majesty of the invisible claws made Suhang feel shocked!

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