Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3134: burst!

?????????? "Give me death here!" The monster's eyes flushed and their wings fluttered, and they came to the nearest Iron Ahu, directly facing him. Catch.




  ???????? Tie Ahu was also a ruthless man, snorting, his body exploded, his muscles swelled, holding a stick like a pole in his hand, and headed directly towards the claw rack of the giant beast.




  ?????????? This claw directly smashed the stick in Tie Ahu's hand, and Tie Ahu almost didn't get shot directly on the ground.


  ?????????? The power of this beast is so terrifying that the ninth-order flesh can hardly collapse, and he will spit up blood a few times.




  ???????? The beast opened his mouth and roared, and the horrible sound wave came out, shaking everyone's scalp and numbing his head.


  ?????????? Seeing Ye Feifan and others attacking the wall of the shackles, the giant wings of the beast fluttered and they came behind the three of them, and Tie Ahu and others were too late to stop!


  ?????????? "Give me death!"


  ???????? The beast roared directly, turned his claws into fists, and blasted directly towards Yun Lang. Yun Lang hid without a hide, and he took a hard punch.




  ???????? This punch was strong, Yun Lang's entire body was almost smashed, and the wall of the shackles behind him was cracked by the force under the great force.




???????? Yun Lang spit out an old blood, like a mosquito shot on the strong, but his ninth-order flesh is not so weak, this punch hurt him, but not weight!


  ???????????? Seeing that there was a crack in the wall of the shackles, the rest of the eyes lit up, and they all leaned towards Yunlang, trying to take the opportunity to break the broken domain wall.


??????????However, the behemoth seemed to have already expected that with a sneer, countless chains of yoke struck towards the six people, and when they saw them, they were wrapped up, and the six powerful men were wrapped up in an instant. The huge force pulled the six people towards the mouth of the monster.


  ?????????? This beast has already made a lot of effort. The six powerful men are hard to break free from each other for a while.


???????????? The beast has thick skin and thick flesh. Although there are injuries, the pain arouses its anger and becomes more violent, trying to pull all six masters into it. In the mouth, chew all six people!


  ?????????? Six nine-rank strongmen, if you can swallow all six of them, the strength will definitely be able to take another step, the eyes of the beast are all red with excitement!


  ???????????? "Boom!"


?????????? At this time, a loud noise came from the place where the wall of the yoke was just smashed by a monster, a small crack was broken, and a black sword tip was taken from the domain wall When it came out, a figure penetrated through the crack.


  ???????????? "Boy, are you still looking for death?" The giant beast found the comrade at first glance, which was Suhang who had previously been shot by him.


  ?????????????????? At the moment, the tail of the beast flicked and went straight to the Su Air!


  ???????????????? Su Hang just stood firm, and the tail was already drawn, and immediately a sword was cut!


  ?????????????? "Dang!"


  ?????????????? With great force, he directly crashed Su Hang and hit the domain wall to stand it down, only to feel that he was about to fall apart.


  ?????????? The benefit of the Black Sword actually only slightly cut the giant beast, the tail of the giant beast was covered with scale armor, and its strength was beyond imagination.


  ?????????????? Really deserves to be a demon of the world, called horror.


  ???????????? The six strong men were trapped by the shackles law and could not break free for a while. Under the combined force, they were stalemate with the giant beast like a tug of war, but they didn't know how long they could last.


  ???????????? "Brother Su, your black sword is powerful, help me wait for the shackles of the rule!" Mo Changchun shouted.


?????????????? The six also had some scalp tingling at the moment, but fortunately there was a Su Hang that could move, and now the wall of the area has been broken, as long as Su Hang helps them break the shackles , Everyone can escape birth!


????????????????"it is good!"


  ?????????????? Su Hang responded, and moved his aching body, his figure disappeared from the spot instantly.




???????????? The beast immediately prepared for it, and finally trapped these six people. If they were destroyed by the Soviet airlines, I was afraid that they would really be allowed to run away, and the duck in his mouth , How to make them fly?


  ?????????? However, after waiting for a while, the monster did not wait for the appearance of Su Hang. Isn't this kid trying to help them cut off the shackles? What about people?


  ?????????? In an instant, the behemoth felt something bad, and thought of a word, slamming it, this kid must be cheating.


  ???????? Indeed, Su Hang is violently attacking the west. When the behemoth's attention is placed on the body of the six powerful men, Su Hang has turned to the back of the beast.


???????? Looking up, Su Hang’s mouth showed a smile, a fold of small holes appeared on the body of the monster, this should be the back door of the Nine Prison Supreme Beast, as long as it is a living body , It is indispensable for excretion, even if the level of life is high, it is indispensable.


  ?????????? Earlier I heard that Dragon talked about the door, and Su Hang thought about it subconsciously. This time, he was going to use the door to break this combination.


  ???????? The time is limited. When the monster responds, I am afraid that it will be difficult to succeed. Without saying anything, Su Hang directly put the prison mine pile into it and immediately withdrew and retreated.


  ???????????? "Roar!" The beast roared loudly, and in response, it had captured the shape of Su Hang, and then a tail was drawn towards Su Hang.


  ?????????? "Explode!"


  ?????????? Without a word, Su Hang directly urged the prison mine pile, which suddenly became bigger!




???????? Just listened to the horror roar of the giant monster, buttocks seemed to have eaten up, suddenly became very huge, and at the same time, countless black water prison thunder, wrapped the giant monster all over, the scene was exaggerated And shocked.


  ?????????? The half-drawn tail was also retracted. Su Hang was full of expectation. So, this monster should be able to disintegrate?




  ?????????? There are many powerful existences in the void, and they are watching this scene. Such a battle is quite rare in the void today!


?????????? Extremely far There are two people standing, if someone is here, you will definitely feel surprised, because these two people are actually the masters of Wanmo Ancient Cave Tong Zhanxuan and the Holy Spirit Garden Master Ming Gu.


  ???????????? You know, these two people have always been in conflict, but now they are standing together, and they are talking and laughing, what is this operation?


  ?????????? "Unexpectedly, the Nine Prison Supreme was actually repaired by the Heavenly Prison Master!" Ming Gudao said, looking a bit surprised.


???????????? Tong Zhanxuan caressed his beard, "I felt the strangeness of these three old guys before the Ten Thousand Demon Banquet. Do you want to shoot? They are obviously not opponents, and the three elders of the Heavenly Prison have become the Supreme Body of the Nine Prisons, which is also a threat to us!"


   Minggu pondered for a moment, and shook his head, "They don't have the life treasure prison monument of the Nine Prison Supreme Beast, their achievements are limited, and there is no threat to you and me!"


  Tong Zhanxuan said, "There is no threat to you and me, but we can't help but think about future generations. How many people can survive after you and I leave the void in the future?"


   Ming Gu took a deep breath, "No hurry, let's talk about it!"


  Tong Zhanxuan nodded slightly, pierced through the void with both eyes, and looked to the battlefield in the distance, "This Su Hang has some skills, and can find so many Ninth-level strong men to help out, but unfortunately, it is too naive to win the Nine Prison Supreme Beast!"



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