Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3145: Disbelief?

????? Su Hang smiled bitterly, really, it was the pair of walnuts!


  ????? "There is no founding state, nothing!" Su Hang quickly waved his hand, but the ninth order dominated the state, which was still far from the founding state.


?????Gross and King Xiao glanced at each other. Obviously, both of them didn’t believe it. They didn’t believe it at all for Suhang. Only when Suhang was deceiving people, it was low-key. After all, The momentum just now can't deceive people.


  ???????? "Brother Su, don't be humble!" King Owl sighed and said to Gross again, "Brother, since Brother Su doesn't want to say anything, let's keep the brothers secret!"


  ?????Gross had something to do, nodded again and again!


  ????? "I'm serious, you don't believe me? I just broke through the ninth order!" Su Hangdao.


  ???? The two nodded again and again, "Understand, understand, the Su brothers are only nine ranks, and have not broken through the founding realm!"


???Su Hang looked at the two people in front of us strangely, only to feel that they had a smirk on them, and they smiled with no sincerity. Obviously, they did not believe that they only acted as pigs and tigers. Only low-key.


  ???? Helpless, Su Hang sighed, no matter whether they believe it or not, after all, no harm to themselves.


?????? Don’t want to talk to these boring people, Su Hang pulled Bing Ji to his side, "It’s time to disturb for so long, and it’s time to go back to the chaotic world. After half a month, I will put a few banquets in the chaotic world. , I will invite some friends in the void, and if they do not dislike, they will come to give Su Mou a long face!"


  ????? King Xiao said, "Brothers of the Soviet Union are invited, I will not dare to go, I will prepare a big gift at that time, and celebrate the Brothers!"


  ???? Gross also shined, "This time the Su brothers broke through the founding realm, I will soon be invited to go to the fairy, it is indeed a gratifying thing!"


  ??????? As soon as the words came out, Su Hang rolled his eyes and hit a few hahas, and then left Bing Ji, leaving King Ogros and Gros, both of whom were still deeply moved.




  ?????? "An old friend visits, Gross, don't you come out and see you..."


  ???? Just when the two were moved, a thick voice came from outside the Void Temple. Gross was startled, and looked at the King Owl, and hurried to the sound.


  ???? Above the square in front of the main hall, stood two figures, a timid, crutches, a slender old man, and a burly man in black robe.


  ???? The black-robed man stood behind the old man, straight like a mountain, with an invisible breath on his body, which almost made the monks of the Void Temple feel panic and inexplicable fear.


?????"Brother Blackstone?" Seeing Blackstone, Gros was a little surprised. Heishi and he were also some old friends, but it was a long time since I saw him. This sudden visit made him a little surprised, "I don’t know it is Brother Blackstone." Great drive, you are welcome to go far!"


  ????? Gross is still polite. His strength has declined in recent years, and he has learned to be humble, and has experienced the rise of a super genius such as Su Hang, he dare not underestimate anyone.


?????? "Gross!" The expression on Blackstone's face can be said to be a bitter bitter gourd, like crying instead of crying, like laughing and not smiling, "Brother Dragon wants to come and see, I He came with him!"


  ???? Dragon? Gros heard the name, and he choked, and turned to look at the man behind Blackstone.


In fact, from the beginning, the King of Owls has noticed the Horror Dragon, which is a collision between the real powerhouses. The King of Owls has been locked in a magical machine box for many years and has not experienced the fate of that year. The battle, but he still knew the dragon, after all, he was also a celebrity.


  ?????Gross's face also changed. This man standing there, like a terrifying mountain, the familiar figure, brought his thoughts back to the memory that was not particularly distant.


  ????? "Brother Dragon, you, come out?" For a long time, Gross sighed, and the surprise on his face did not converge.


  ?????? There was no change in expression on Horon’s face, "Gross, see me, you seem disappointed!"


??????Gross shook his head quickly, "Where did Brother Dragon speak? In the original battle of the abyss, Brother Dragon lost to the hand of destiny. The days I waited on were not good. Look at me, then After the First World War, it hurt the fundamentals, and the strength fell to the sixth order. My Void Temple is almost insecure. Now, by chance, it can only be restored to the eighth order!"


?????? The dragon looked up and down at Gross, and the stern feeling slowly disappeared. Perhaps it is a pitiful reason to see Gross. After all, he was suppressed for so many years, but he did not hurt. To the end, the state has not declined.


  ?????? Take a deep breath, said Dragon, "Just that momentum, but it came from your temple!"


  ???? To find out the source of that momentum is the most important purpose of the dragon.


  ????? "Uh, this..." Gros was stagnant and turned his head to look at the owl king. There seemed to be something unspeakable.


  ????? "How? What do you want to hide?" Du Long frowned, obviously displeased.


??????Gross does not dare him. After all, isn’t King Owl also a ninth-rank strong man? Although the Horror returned, he was only at the same level as King Owl. After so many years, he came out By the way, there is no reason to be stronger than before.


  ?????? However, Gross did not dare to underestimate him, nor did he want to offend the Horror Dragon, mixing in the void world and offending a ninth-order superpower, that was a very stupid act.


  ?????? "Since Brother Long is here, let's go inside and talk again?" Gross said.


  ?????? But the Horon waved his hand, "No, I just want to figure out, the source of the momentum just now, you tell the truth, I will leave!"




  ??????Groston is This terrible dragon seems to have some changes, it is not as straightforward as before, and the voice is a bit chilly.


  ?????? At this time, King Xiao came out, "Dragon, since you also feel that momentum, then, what do you think is the source of that momentum?"


  ???????? "That momentum is unheard of, undoubtedly it should have existed beyond the realm of domination!" Blackstone rushed to answer.


  ??????? "Humph!" Du Long snorted softly, showing a little bit cold, but did not intervene, obviously, he also knew how powerful that momentum was.


Xiao Wang nodded slightly, "Since I know it, do I need to ask? Is there a founding realm that you and I can inquire about at will and offend him? You can afford it? "


?????? The face of the dragon changes and is entangled. You know that he was the oldest leader. You said Ming Gu, Tong Zhanxuan, they're okay. Except those two people, who is in front of him? breakthrough?

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