Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3168: The strong are like clouds!

"Well, don't be surprised, take this Tongtian Pill quickly, let's go with me!" Luo Jiuchen gave a slight cough, "The more opponents, the more progress can be made, you should be happy..."


   looked at each other with a firm expression on their faces. They threw Danmaru directly into their mouths, and immediately sat cross-legged to relieve their power.


  Luo Jiuchen is right. The more powerful, it can only prove that the stage there is wider and the room for improvement is greater.


  It may take a while to resolve the power of Tongtian Pill. Luo Jiuchen did not disturb them. He took a look at Suhang from afar, and then walked towards Suhang.




   "Senior Luo!" Seeing Luo Jiuchen approaching, Su Hang was busy at the ceremony.


  Luo Jiuchen nodded slightly and looked at Su Hang up and down, "Brother Su's progress is not slow, but every time I see you, you can surprise me!"


  Su Hang was not ashamed, and smiled, "Why, Senior Luo did not think I had great potential, but also wanted to take me to the fairy spirit?"


Luo Jiuchen heard the words and smiled bitterly, "The brothers Su's talents are not false, and indeed it has great potential. If it was before, I would definitely recommend it to the fairy, try my best to bring you into the fairy, but now, I am also weak!"


   "Oh? Why did Senior Luo say this?" Su Hang looked at Luo Jiuchen with some surprise. The old man would not blame himself for knocking on his bamboo sticks, would he want to knock himself on the other hand?


   Luo Jiuchen's face became very serious, "Brother Su, I ask you, have you ever seen a teacher?"


   Su Hang paused, "If your master is Brother Meng Nan, then you should have seen it!"


  Luo Jiuchen took a deep breath, "Then I ask you if you have offended the teacher!"


   Su Hang listened and couldn't help laughing, "Why dare I offend him like Meng Nan's realm?"


  He already knew what Luo Jiuchen wanted to say. Su Hang then told Luo Jiuchen some of his instructions to Meng Nan before leaving that day.


After listening to Luo Jiuchen, he stared at Su Hang for a long time, "No wonder, it is no wonder that the Master will command Zong Men to close this vast world, and he will also emphasize your name, and no disciples of Destiny Palace will be allowed to show you provide help!"


   "Isn't it so fun?" Su Hang's face twitched slightly.


  Luo Jiuchen waved his hand, "As you said, Master is changing your Fa'er to encourage you to grow up, Brother Su, this is a great honor!"


with pleasure? It's an honor to be fart, Su Hang is having an urge to spit and spit Luo Jiuchen's old face!


  Luo Jiuchen looked at Su Hang's eyes, and at the moment also appreciated a little, "I don't know what Brother Su plans to do in the future?"


   "Plan?" Su Hang shook his head. "All the roads have been sealed for me. What other plans can I have?"


   Luo Jiuchen said, "Brother Su doesn't have to be like this. The master sealed your way. Presumably, you just want to let yourself open up your own way. With the ability of Brother Su, I think this should not be difficult!"


"It's light!" Su Hang shook his head, how could it be so easy, only to go to the fairy, can he break through the founding realm, this is what Luo Jiuchen just said, and now the fairy has sealed the way to himself, Su Hang wanted to go to the fairy to complete the breakthrough, it simply would not work.


  Evolving chaos through the void, using the gap of the law reorganization to complete the breakthrough, but don't know when to wait, Luo Jiuchen said so relaxed, so don't mention the mood of Su Hang!


   "You just said that there are so many strong people in the fairy?" Su Hang was curious about this question.


  Luo Jiuchen smiled lightly, "There are only a lot of them. The area of ​​the fairy spirit is not wide. It is not what the Brothers Su can imagine. Don't look at so many powerful people, but it is not too much.


   Maybe, really not much, but, with 3 billion trillion, Su Hang really doesn’t know how much it is.


   "Ask for fear of offending seniors!" Su Hang touched the tip of his nose. "Senior is a disciple of Dao Meng Nan, why did he just break through the founding realm? Listen to Dao Meng Nan saying that he is invincible in the fairy spirit!"




Luo Jiuchen almost didn't get choked by his own saliva. The meaning of Su Hang's words was too obvious. Meng Nan was so powerful. How could he teach such a disciple, the apprentice of the first strong man, how could such a dish, Only one year old, only after the founder of three billion trillion founding strong.


This was a show of superiority, but I didn’t want to be despised by Su Hang. Luo Jiuchen was a little embarrassed. There are millions of disciples. How could Master Zun take care of each of them? Many of them just put on a name. Except for the 72-person biography, Master Zun I am afraid that they do not know which of them are his disciples..."


"And the reason why I still have some reputation, hehe, there is no other reason, just because my qualifications are really too bad, because I accidentally received the Master’s token on the cultivation tree, I can make a wish to the Master, I ask the Master to accept me , Master only barely accepted me to get started!"


   "Because of my poor qualifications, among the many disciples of the Master, the only one who did not break through the founding realm, so he is famous in the fairy spirit, but it is just a joke, making people laugh!"


   Listening to Luo Jiuchen's vomiting, Su Hang felt terribly cold. It turned out that Luo Jiuchen was not so beautiful in the fairy spirit!


   "Now it's good, Senior Luo broke through the founding realm, presumably many people will take a look at you!" Su Hangdao.


Luo Jiuchen shook his head again and again, "Salted fish will always be salted Even if it turns over, it is still salted fish, how to break through the founding realm, it is not a bottom, in their eyes The 72-person biography can only be regarded as a true disciple of Master, and I will always be just a stinky fish!"


Speaking of this, Luo Jiuchen suddenly smiled, "But I don't care about these anyway. Anyway, as long as I move forward steadily, it's enough, and there is a saying that it's more than inferior than inferior. Now there is a brother, Gross, who is at the bottom. ..."


   Su Hang was speechless for a while, and his forehead was covered with black lines, and Gros was recruiting who provokes others. They are just a monk in this void, do you have to compare with others? Looking for self-comfort?


   "Seniors have a good state of mind!" Su Hang smirked, "However, is the seventy-two family biography strong?"


Luo Jiuchen shook his head, "Jiang must be very strong, but to what extent, then I don't know. So tell you, Brother Yang Bo, who is ranked 926th, is already a 9th order The origin of existence is here!"


   Yang Bo? What an earthy name!


  The ninth order founding environment? More than nine hundred? Su Hang's face twitched slightly!

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