Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3204: Man riding a whale!

The Black Basket waters, not to mention just a remote closed area, this site is not a little bit bigger, at the speed of the first order of the Soviet Union's founding state, it will take two hours to penetrate the entire area.

   Not to mention that it did not break through the founding state, even if it is the ninth level of the dominance, I am afraid that it will not be able to go out for ten days and a half months.

   This time, Su Hang only took Qin Weizhui. This woman is an old river and lake, and has ruled the Black Basket area for so long, she must be very familiar with the Black Basket area.

   The purpose of Su Hang is very simple. He will inspect the Black Basket waters. In the future, he is going to use this as his first base camp for the fairy. Of course, he has to make everything clear to see if there are any hidden dangers.

   The so-called hidden danger is to see if there are any disobedient forces that can be solved smoothly, or whether there will be any hidden world highman hiding here. This is his own territory in the future, and it should be cleaned up in time.

   A huge ray drifting on the water, Su Hang and Qin Weishui stood side by side on the ray's back. At this time, the edge of the black basket sea has been inspected.

   The sea fog thickened in front, a small island protruded from the sea, and a huge reef on the side of the island was engraved with a word-Boundary!

   "Master, there is the boundary stone of the Black Basket and Blue Whale seas. The two seas are bounded by this, and further forward, it is the Blue Whale seas!"

  Qin Qianshui pointed at the small island in front, facing Suhangdao.

   Su Hang nodded slightly, and the rays at his feet also stopped automatically, floating on the sea, and no longer continued to move forward.

  Suhang looked in the direction of the blue whale waters, and the vast sea was no different from the black basket waters, except that it crossed the boundary again!

   "How does the blue whale area compare to the black basket area?" Su Hang asked, since he decided to station in the black basket area, he naturally had to figure out what the neighbors were all around.

"The whales dominate the blue whale waters. The sea area is similar to that of the black basket. The royal family of the whales is the blue whale family. An ancestor with a sixth-order dominance sits in the town. The strength of the whale is better than the previous dragon crab family. A little bit stronger!"

   "Before, they often harassed the borders of the Black Basket, but after the little slaves dominated this side, they dared not jump!"

Speaking of which, Qin Qianshui is obviously a bit suspicious. Since she dominated the Black Basket waters, it can be said that she is completely rampant. If it is not for her, she just wants to have a place to stay, not want to play too much, and is targeted by the big forces. , I am afraid that the surrounding sea areas have already been included!

   The slightest nod of Su Hang, the strength of Qin Weishui's eighth-order dominance, there are still a few masters under his command, it can be said that in this remote and hairless land, it is completely invincible.


   A resounding sound rang through the world, and the sea in the sea fog in front of him set off a large wave of several feet high, and the blast came under pressure.

   Su Hang put his hands behind him, frowned slightly, he felt a powerful breath approaching!

   A huge blue whale, separated from the waves, swam quickly, without evading to pass the boundary of the two domains, from the blue whale area to the black basket area!

   The whale is very large, and the whole body is a few miles away, like an island floating in the sea. 33 Novel debut

  The giant whale stopped, but the huge waves continued to pounce on the Suhang duo.

   Su Hang didn't do anything, Qin Weisshui took a shot with his palm, and the terrifying palm force directly separated the waves. The waves rushed to Su Hang and they went directly to both sides.


   A tremendous jet of water spewed from the back of the giant whale, just like a giant pillar of Optimus sky, rushed towards the sky, exploded at a height of thousands of meters, like a rain of flowers, bombing the surrounding sea. 33 The fastest computer terminal for novel updates: https://

  At the same time, the body of the giant whale slowly floated up, and the body that was exposed to the sea was very large, nearly 100 meters high, and the pestle was incomparable pressure everywhere.

   There are still a few miles between the two. In this general confrontation, Suhang stepped on the big rays under his feet. In front of this giant whale, it was like a small boat in front of the aircraft carrier!

  Does this giant whale dominate the sixth order?

   "Master, someone on the back of the whale!" At this time, there was a sentence next to Qin Weir.

   Su Hang raised his head slightly, and he didn't need Qin Qianshui to say more. He had already seen the existence on the back of the whale. The powerful breath he felt was derived from the existence on the back of the giant whale.

On the back of the giant whale, stood a man in a gray shirt. The man looked up and down, carrying a giant sword on his back, shaved a flat head, the model was still correct, but there was a scar on the left face, bad A little modeling.

  The man's figure is very strong, just like a nail on the back of a giant whale. Although the giant whale is huge, it is like an obedient kitten under the man's feet.

   Far away, Su Hang can feel the man's gaze, as if being spotted by a tiger!

   "Master, he stepped on the foot, is the sixth-order ancestor of the blue whale sea area, blue nine lights!" Qin Qianshui's face was a little dignified.

   Opposite is the blue whale sea area. Put the ancestor of the blue whale sea area under your feet and step on it as a mount. What would this person be?

   Suhang slightly bowed his He kept looking at the front. The two confronted each other for a long time without speaking. The whole sea area was quiet, and only the sound of the sea water impacting each other was heard, and the atmosphere was almost frozen!

   "Who is blocking the road?" Finally, the other party spoke first, and the voice came into a piece, which was heard by the waves, and the waves rolled in shock.

Qin Qianshui turned his face and looked at Su Hang. He saw that Su Hang didn’t mean to speak. Then he said, "This is the boundary of the Black Basket Sea. My host is the master of the Black Basket Sea. Now that I’m here on tour, who are you and why are you good at it? Break into the black basket sea?"

  Qin Weizhui's voice also spread far away.

   "Oh, domain master?" The man chuckled, "When will there be a Terran monk in the founding realm, ran out of this extremely western domain and become a domain master?"

   This person saw through the realm of Su Hang, that is to say, this person is also the existence of the founding state.

   "If I am not mistaken, you should be the daughter of Qin Tianzhu, the king of the Tianhe of the Moro Kingdom, Qin Qianshui?" 33 The fastest update of the novel mobile phone: https:/

  At this time, the man's words made Qin Weisshui's face change.

   "You, who are you?" Qin Qianshui exclaimed.

  She has been away from overseas for so many years, and there are still people who know her origin. How does it not surprise her?

The man said faintly, "Daughter of Tianhe King, born beautiful and beautiful, thinking that one of them was also one of the admirers, but unfortunately entered the side door, worshipped the Tushan clan chief Hu Yu as a teacher, and finally caused a disaster and sinned. Izumo-zong, the first immortal gate in the Moro Kingdom, did not expect to hide here. No wonder Izu-zong couldn't find you for so long..."

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