Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1244: Teacher Zu!

   Fire Dragonberry is the spirit treasure of overseas super gods. Even if it is placed in the entire fairy continent, it is definitely ranked high on the list of heaven and earth spirit treasures. It has a very powerful effect for the founding powerhouses below level six!

  In other words, a founding monk below Tier 6, who gets a Fire Dragonberry, is basically properly able to advance to Tier 1!

   Of course, this fruit can only be taken once in a lifetime, but this does not affect its strong reputation. It is important to know that for the founding monk, the first-order gap is the difference between heaven and earth!

If it is Fire Dragonberry, it is worthy of a 7th-order strongman come to find it in person. After all, this 7th-order strongman is a family ancestor. Fire Dragonberry is absolutely very important for such a family , A fire dragonberry is likely to be able to give birth to a sixth-order strongman, which has a very great effect on the growth of family power!

  However, Gouyang was still wondering, how could the family be far away in the fairy continent, how could they know that there are fire dragonberries in the black basket waters?

Just when Gouyang was puzzled, Shen Xiou said, "Palace, this person is not easy to provoke. Since he didn't mean to provoke us, let's not provoke them. When they get what they are looking for, they will naturally leave. At that time, this sea is not the only master of the palace?

   Speaking of this, Shen Xiu glanced at Gouyang secretly!

   Gouyang's two thick eyebrows are obviously darker. Shen Xiu's words are really for his sake, but listening to them in his ears is so unpleasant.

  What's it like waiting for him to leave, are you still the boss? Didn't it depreciate me?

Although Gouyang is still unable to compete with the Tier VII strong, but he also has his self-esteem. He has long regarded the nearby waters as his territory. Although his hands have not reached the Black Basket waters, it is only Sooner or later!

   An immortal strongman, so far away, ran to his site to find a baby, and even showed his momentum to threaten persecution, he did not dare to let his fart go?

   Sect sent him here to expand the territory, has already cultivated a self-respecting personality, and since he came here, it has always been smooth and smooth. This kind of stumbling, he was the first to suffer!

   "Well, let's go down first, find me in the main hall for a while!"

   Gou Yang thought for a while, waved his hand at the five people, and then turned directly away!

  Shen Xiu and others looked at each other, but they didn't have a bunch of words to say yet. The Soviet airlines explained their plans, and they hadn't finished it yet!

How to do?

   A few people glanced at each other, vaguely uneasy, but there was no way. The Heavenly Palace did not dare to say more, so he could only go to the main hall and wait!


   In the depths of Tianyu Palace, a very secret room!

   A dozen square meters of secret rooms, very simple, with walls on all sides!

   There is an incense case in the back room. There is an incense burner on the incense case. On the wall behind the incense case, there is a yellowing ancient painting!

  An ancient painting on top is an old man with a goatee. The old man is lean and sits on a rock in the mountains. His eyes look far at the sea of ​​clouds ahead!

   The lines are very simple, but they are very vivid!

   I saw Gouyang close the stone door of the secret room, came to the incense case, took a fresh fragrance from the incense case, lit it, and respectfully inserted it in the incense burner!

   Gouyang looked solemn, took a step back, knelt down on the ground, and did three kneels and nine knocks!

   "Disciple Gouyang, please respect my teacher!"

   solemnly shouted, Gouyang was lying on the ground, not daring to raise his head!

   Amidst the entire stone room, it was terribly quiet!


   A voice sounded, breaking the silence in the stone room, "Xiao Gouzi, why do you call the old man?"

   Hearing this, Gouyang slowly raised his head, and some looked tremblingly forward!

I saw the smoky curls in the incense case, white smoke rose from the **** incense in the censer, and fluttered on the ancient painting. The old man in the ancient painting seemed to be alive, and the lines moved. stand up!

The old man on the painting has changed his posture at this time. His eyes are retracted from the distant sea of ​​clouds, and he turns to Kou Yang who is kneeling in front of the painting. A pair of eyes are bright and introverted, although they are only a few. Pen, but Gouyang can actually feel his majesty!

   This is the unique communication technique of the Celestial Sect. Through such an ancient painting as a carrier, ultra-long distance video and audio communication can be achieved!

The fairy world is really too large. If the distance between them exceeds a certain limit, such as mysterious light communication, telepathy and other communication secrets, there are different degrees of delay, so many major forces have developed their own communication methods. For example, this secret method of the Celestial Sect is that the great supernaturalist conceals a divine idea in the painting. This divine idea is useless, but it can be immediately sensed with the body, so the delay is reduced to the minimum!

  When you need to communicate, you only need to show the residual spirit in the picture!

   Although it was only a trace of residual spirits, Gouyang did not dare to have a little disrespect, and quickly told the old man about the appearance of the seventh-order strongman in the nearby waters!

   "Teacher ancestor, the seventh-order strongman is beyond the control of the disciple, and also ask the teacher ancestor to show, how should the disciple handle at this moment?" Gou Yang knelt on the ground and asked respectfully.


   The old man in the painting snorted coldly, "Who told you not to work hard at all, and every step of the seventh order scared you to the six gods?"

   Gouyang trembles, "The disciple is wrong, the disciple is cultivating day by day, but he hasn't slacked off one day, but the disciple's qualifications are stuck at the peak of the sixth order, and it has been impossible to break through..."


The old man snorted again, "Xiao Gouzi, you know, the old man asked the suzerain to send you out to expand the territory. Although it seems to be a chore, in fact, for you, there is a very big Help, not to mention letting you conquer the extremely west eight million seas, even if you only conquer one hundred of them, it is a great contribution to the development of Zongmen!"

"The extremely western waters are on the edge of the three-regardless zone, but they are rich in natural resources. My ancestors will use this as the foundation in the future. Your responsibilities can be significant. You will return to the sect gate after you have completed your work. , At least let you mix title deacons in the deacon..."


   This old man's nonsense is really a lot, Barbara said a lot, it seems that there is no point about Gouyang wanting to listen!

"Thank you, Teacher Zu for lifting!" Gou Yang kowtowed after listening to the old man for a long time, "Teacher Zu, now the strong man is in the nearby sea area, and also ask the teacher Zu to show the way, the disciple should deserve him when he doesn't exist, let him Looking for his treasure, the well water does not violate the river water, still have to take the initiative to attack? If you take the initiative to attack, the disciple is not an opponent!"


   The old man sneered, "Well, well water does not violate river water? Is there such a sentence in our Tianyuzong dictionary?"


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