Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1262: Cause and effect!

"Female disciple?"


  Su Hang couldn't help but laugh. A total of three people crossed the ninth level. Two men and one woman. If the domain master only accepted female disciples, wouldn't it be Li Cuilian?


   This is the so-called chance of collision. It is very difficult to make this kind of thing clear!


   It seems that Li Cuilian got Gouyang's fortune, and indeed his luck has soared, so he got this opportunity. In a word, he wanted to take a female disciple, and directly became the final winner.


"At the time, I was still happy for my sister and sister, and I was even happy. After all, we are already married. Whether it is her or I was chosen by the patriarch, it is a good thing. Otherwise, Elder Lin really disputes, I am afraid I still Being blindfolded!"


"Although there is an objection, the sister and sister are considered cheating. Elder Lin really said that it was unfair and asked the suzerain to try again. However, in the Heavenly Palace, the word fair has always been the most pale and weak. The suzerain said victory If you are defeated, you will be defeated, and things will stop here. Choose auspicious day and officially accept the teacher and sister as an apprentice. If Elder Lin is dissatisfied, you can find a teacher and ancestor in private!"


   "So, since then, Elder Lin and the ancestor of the teacher have formed a deadly feud. Alas, to this day, two disciples who meet outside the sect will fight for your life!"


   Gouyang sighed with emotion, these seemed to be the memories he wanted to forget, but it was difficult to forget.


   Su Hang glanced at him, "Then what is your relationship with your sister?"


Gou Yang smiled bitterly, "In a few days she went to the suzerain's gate and went to Tianyu Island to study, but they were disciples' disciples, and I was just a teacher and a disciple who lost his luck and root. Only, Master, do you think I can have anything to do with her?"


   "Oh, wouldn't it just be such a loss? I'm going to have to say it instead. Isn't this a bully?" Su Hangdao said.


Gou Yang shook his head, "Since then, the teacher's ancestors may have been a little guilty, and they love me more than before. Alas, after all, they are teacher ancestors. What can I say? Just thank the teacher ancestors for their nurturing Yeah!"


"Since then, my path of practice has become more and more bumpy. Originally, my qualifications and potentials were not lost to Brother Tengfei, but when I reached the fifth level, I was stuck. Fire Dragonberry, which successfully broke through to the sixth level, and now the sixth level is stuck, the teacher ancestor did not forget me, helped me to ask the suzerain for a **** domain pill, this may be the compensation that the teacher ancestor gave me!"


   Su Hang took a deep breath and used his fortune to exchange the love of his teacher's ancestor. He did not know whether the exchange value of Gouyang was worth it!


   "Now this woman comes to you, what do you think it means?" Su Hang asked.


   Gouyang shook his head, "I don't know, but she has been escaping all these years. I think she shouldn't come to me on her own initiative!"


   "Even if you didn't take the initiative to come to you, it must have been your teacher's ancestor who asked her to come!" Su Hang waved her hands and smiled, "Maybe, he wants you to rebuild the old one!"


"They are disciples of the suzerain, they have a great future, how valuable is their status, and I... how is it possible?" Gouyang shook his head with a wry smile, "I think, she came to me, 90% of them wanted to be I'm released!"


   "Anyway, if you are married, you are a husband and wife. She wants to dissolve the relationship. As long as you bite, she can force you?" Su Hang asked.


Gou Yang sighed, "It doesn't matter anymore. She and I are no longer in the same world. The so-called marriage was just a drama. I don't take it seriously in my heart. She and I are not in the same world. People, why should I use this to kidnap others, after all, her future is very bright!"


"Huh? You are really generous! I don't know if I should admire you, or should I laugh at you!" Su Hang chuckled, "What future can she have? Your granddaughter of your teacher's ancestor? Disciple? It’s amazing that you may have the chance to become the Sect Master of Heaven, but what about that? You follow me now, and the future is brighter than her!"




   Gouyang laughed at Wen Yangan, although he was loyal to Su Hang now, but to be honest, the current Su Hang is not comparable to Tian Yu Zong.


  Although recruiting several men, if Tian Yuzong knew what Su Hang did, not to mention much, even sending an eighth-order strongman would be enough to wipe out all of them!


"Don't believe it yet!" Su Hang's ambitions were great at the moment. When he saw Gou Yang's face, he shook his head and said, "When one day in the future, I will enslave you, the celestial master of the heavens, and take control of the whole. Celestial Sect, you and Celestial Sect Master can be regarded as colleagues..."




The word    was heard by Gouyang for the first time, but he probably can understand the meaning, "Master, do you still want to enslave the people of the Celestial Sect?"


  Fixed a dragon to take off, it has already spent the power of nine cattle and two tigers, but in the end Suhang tasted the sweetness, actually want to take further action?


   There are so many strong celestial celestial beings, and there are more than ten strong tier nines. Gouyang doesn’t think that can manage the huge celestial celestial dynasty with just a few of them.


  An ant eats an elephant. It is ambition, but can an ant really eat an elephant? If Su Hang is going to do it, Gouyang of course they will not have any objections, but, as they all know, it is shaking the tree with crickets, a little careless, and absolutely dead!


"Why, can't it?" Su Hang looked at Gouyang's slightly frightened expression and shook his head. "Relax, I'm not that bloated, nor so stupid. I have to eat one bite at a time. Walking step by step, this is just a Celestial Sect. This is a fairy, and there is no wider world to see it. My ambitions have never been Celestial Sect. Celestial Sect is at best for me. It’s just a springboard to the fairy land, where a bigger world is waiting for me!"


   Gouyang looked at Su Hang in astonishment, and his master was so arrogant, how bloated was he to say this? What kind of existence is the master?


   "Master, you mentioned the Destiny Palace before, but that is the origin of the power and power of the entire fairy world. The little slave bravely asked, Master, do you have anything to do with Destiny Palace?" Gouyang couldn't help but ask curiously.


   Su Hang took a deep breath, "Relationship? I don't know clearly, but, I had an agreement with someone there!"


  Has been talking for a long time, it is equivalent to not saying, and Gouyang is not easy to ask!


  Su Hang did not mean to continue to answer, waved his hand, "I want to retreat to retreat for two days, please accompany your wife and sister!"

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