Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1264: Brother and sister!

"I have been busy with the business these past few days, and I haven't had time to find Shimei. You have a good chat. I don't know if you have free time?" Gouyang asked.


  Li Cuilian nodded slightly, but then looked at Su Hang.


  Su Hang reacted, and the two of them had to talk about private matters, and staying here with an outsider was somewhat inconvenient.


   "The lord of the palace, his subordinates retreated first!" Su Hang arched his hand at Gouyang, gave Gouyang an encouraging look, and then retreated.


   Su Hang thought that if Gouyang could win Li Cuilian, it would have saved a lot of things, just don't know if Gouyang could comprehend his own look!


   Now, Li Cuilian took Gouyang into the inner hall!


  In the inner hall, neither of them sat, and the atmosphere seemed awkward. Gouyang turned his back to Li Cuilian, as if brewing something.


  Li Cuilian looked up at Gouyang in front of her, and finally couldn't help but say first, "Brother, think, what do you want to talk about?"


   Gouyang turned around and stared at Li Cuilian for a while, "Sister and sister come so far away, shouldn't they have something to tell me?"


  Li Cuilian was stagnant and buried her head, and some were afraid to look at Gouyang!


   "Sister and sister don't have to worry about anything, just say anything!" Gouyang said directly!


  Li Cuilian bit her lip, "Brother, how have you been all these years?"


Gou Yang smiled and found a seat to sit down and looked up at Li Cuilian. "Of course, I am alone. I don't know how easy I am. I don't care about the blind eyes of the Zongmen people. I just do whatever I want, except Sometimes I feel a little scared, and others are much better than when I was in Zongmen!"


Although Gouyang said this with a smile, in Li Cuilian’s heart, it was an inexplicable sadness, because she knew that if it weren’t for the luck and root of the Gouyang she borrowed, maybe the Gouyang would The opportunity to become a disciple of the suzerain, since then, Gouyang’s qualifications will not work, relying on the elixir of Lingzhen to continue to break through, like Shang Zhongyong, many peers and brothers in the sect are despised, even mocked and ridiculed. Later, I simply found an opportunity to come out to establish a Zongmen branch and left Zongmen!


   Of course, she didn't see all these things. She practiced in Tianyu Island in recent years. She didn't know anything about the outside world.


   "Brother, sorry!"


  Inexplicable feeling of a sore nose, Li Cuilian lowered her head to Gouyang!


   Gouyang frowned slightly, "Sister, what do you mean?"


   Li Cuilian bit her lip, and her eyes were slightly moist. "I know that because of what happened to me in the past, it was my fault, so that my brother has been aggrieved and miserable all these years..."


Gou Yang waved his hand and interrupted Li Cuilian’s words, “Sister Sister’s words are bad. At that time, the internal rights struggle within Zongmen was so serious. Elder Lin was already powerful. The disciple's disciple, you are the granddaughter of the teacher's ancestor. The teacher's ancestor chose to sacrifice me to fulfill you. Anyone can understand, you don't need to say sorry to me..."


"Brother!" Li Cuilian took two steps in front of Gouyang. "It seems that Brother still refuses to forgive Cuilian. What happened in those days was indeed a terrible thing. Although I have been in Tianyu Island in these years, it is day by day. Brothers are all concerned..."


"What cares about me? Is Shimei worried about your marriage?" Gouyang smiled lightly. "If I am not wrong, Teacher Zu asked Shimei to come to me this time, presumably to let Shimei come to me. Dissolve this short marriage? Sisters and sisters don’t have to turn around and just say that, I have nothing to accept. After all, I also know that Sisters and sisters have different identities now. You and I are in the sky, and one is in the earth. Heaven and earth are forever. It's impossible to be together!"




   Gouyang's words were not finished yet, Li Cuilian blocked Gouyang's words, "Could Brother Cuilian be so uncomfortable in the eyes of Brother?"


  Don't say, that little look really made Gou Yang feel a little lousy.


Gouyang said, “It’s not that the sisters are unbearable, it’s the brothers. I have self-knowledge and self-knowledge. At that time, when you and I became relatives, it was just a form. As long as you say something, you can go back to the sect with you, and you can find the teacher’s ancestor. , Dissolve this marriage, when the sky is high and the sea is wide, the sister and sister will no longer be bound by this little thing...


   "Brother, don't say it!"


Li Cuilian once again interrupted Gou Yang’s words, “Grandpa didn’t know that I was coming here, and I didn’t know that you were here. However, Brother Tengfei told me that you were here. At the beginning, I was escaping and daring not to come See you, but I always owe you. If I keep escaping, I will only get more and more uneasy. Brother, whether you believe it or not, I never thought of dissolving this marriage with you. I have the courage to meet you, I just want to say sorry to you, and then make up for what I have owed to you over the years!"


Gou Yang froze, staring at Li Cuilian for a long time, "Sister, I'm sorry you have already said, I have also accepted, as for the make up you said, I don't need it. Over the years, the teacher's ancestors have taken care of me quite well and should make up Everything has been made up. If you have nothing to do, go back to Zongmen as soon as possible, lest the teacher's ancestor worry!


  Li Cuilian didn't answer, just looked at Gouyang so deadly, that look made Gouyang somewhat dazed!


"Sister, I'm talking about heartfelt words. I haven't complained to you in these years. We grew up together. You can have a great future. I will only be happy for you. As for what I will become, I don't need it. Attention, at least, I am doing very well now. If the sister and sister do not believe, I can go back to Zongmen with you now, find the teacher and ancestor to release the relationship between you and me, and I will be this negative person..." Li Cuilian's saw Gouyang guilty for a while, and now she wants to give her away, so as not to stay here and add many variables.


   Li Cuilian didn't answer, but stood in front of Gou Yang, stretched out a finger, and scratched on the buckle on her chest. The skirt suddenly fell down without a trace!


   "Sister, you..."


   Gouyang's eyes were straightened, and he was barely choked by his saliva!


Li Cuilian's face was a little bit red, but her eyes still looked back, "Brother, since you and I are married, they are husband and wife. I used to owe you. From today, Cuilian will hand over to you and slowly make up!"


   "Nonense, please put on your clothes!" Gouyang covered his face with sleeves. The scene was so spectacular that he didn't dare to take a look!


   At this time, Li Cuilian stepped forward, reached out and brushed on Gouyang's body, and the fragrant wind passed, and Gouyang was instantly immobilized!


   In front of Li Cuilian in the middle of Tier 7, Gouyang simply has no room to fight back!

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