Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1278: Kaigen Yellow North Sea!

"Jin'er, see the Sect Master!" Su Jin quickly and again!

Yin Wuxing waved his hand, "Your child, everything is good, but it is too serious, and your father is a little lively, boring, boring!"


Yin Yu'er glared at Yin Wuxing next to him, and Yin Wuzhen shrugged!

Yin Yuer immediately stepped forward, "Jin'er, you are in such a hurry, but what is there to find your father?"

Su Jin nodded quickly and turned to look at Su Hang, "Father, Ancestor has an accident!"

"Who?" Su Hang froze for a moment, a little unresponsive.

"Ancestor, Tai Ao!" Su Jin anxiously stressed.

Too ao?

Su Hang stayed for a while, as if I remembered it at this moment, there was a too ao, that guy hasn't heard for a long time!

"Mo Ji, come sit down and say!" Su Hang beckoned Su Jin calmly!

Su Jin walked over and sat down in the seat where Yin Yin was not hurt. "Father, the ancestral Dragon Ball that the ancestor stored in the Dragon Temple of the East China Sea is gone!"


Su Hang heard this and frowned slightly. Tai Ao was the dragon god. At first, Xuanhuang Realm was a first-class master. For the dragon clan, the existence of dragon ball is closely related to life. Once the dragon ball is damaged, then this dragon Life is bound to be greatly affected, and it is likely to fall!

Many years ago, Tai Ao left Dragon Ball on the bottom of the East Sea of ​​Dixian Continent to suppress the waves of the four seas and countless aquariums. For this reason, the four seas also jointly built a Dragon Temple to worship Tai Ao's Dragon Ball!

"Will Tai Ao come back and take it himself?" Su Hang asked.

Su Jin quickly shook his head, "I also thought about it, but when Long Zu comes back, there is no need to steal Dragon Ball quietly, and he can't come back without seeing me!"

Su Hang smiled and waved his hand, "Then you don't understand him too much, he has a strange temper, no need to make a fuss, Dragon Ball is not an ordinary thing, it is useless when others take it, it may be that he came back by himself Take it, I know him, he is accustomed to getting along, and may not want people to discover his whereabouts!"

"That being said, but in my heart, I always feel uneasy, and I just worry about his old man's unforeseen circumstances, so I came to find my father..." Su Jin's worry on his face was still gone.

"What can he expect? Now Xuanhuang Realm, the master has evacuated long ago, what else can hurt him?" Su Hangdao.

"Since Jin'er came to you, you can help him, so he doesn't worry so much!" At this time, Yin Yuer said to Su Hang, just like a mother who protects children!

"Yeah, Jin'er rarely comes to you. You can't send someone off in three words!" Su Rong also said beside him.

Su Jin glanced at the two aunts gratefully, and eagerly pointed at Su Hangdao, "Father, I'm afraid the child really has an accident with Longzu. You have a lot of knowledge, but can you find out where Longzu is now?"

Su Jin said this, and Yin Yu'er helped them, even if Su Hang didn't want to shoot, he could do it!

Closing his eyes, God's consciousness instantly looked at the heavens and the heavens of the heavens and the heavens. However, it was okay not to look at it. At this look, Su Hang's face became serious.

All the heavens and the world, there is not a little breath of Tai Ao!

You should know that with Suhang’s current strength and the creation of the first-order consciousness, let alone a small extraterrestrial world, or even the entire chaotic world, or including the void world, it is also easy to collect it. In a moment!

However, he did not find the slightest trace of Tai Ao, even if he repeatedly searched it several times.

"Father, how?" Su Jin frowned, and Su Jin was even more worried.

Tai Ao is the ancestor of the Dragon tribe. The belief of the Dragon tribe. Of course Su Jin was worried. Su Hang also became serious. "Have you seen Long Zu in the past two years?"

At that time, when Su Hang was in Xuanhuang Realm, he also saw Tai Ao, but Tai Ao was the only person who said that the dragon was closing in the end, saying that he was retreating and practicing in the Dragon Palace, but in fact he was just making an excuse!

After Su Hang left Xuanhuang Realm, he had no chance to see Tai Ao, but when Su came in to see Su Hang, he would mention Tai Ao from time to time.

Su Jindao said, "I saw it once a year ago. Long Zu appeared in the North Sea. I hurriedly went to meet him!"

"So what did he tell you then?" Su Hang asked.

Su Jin frowned, and seemed to be thinking back, "The ancestor's identity is noble. Whatever he says, I will listen to it, that is, some daily greetings and orders. There is nothing special about it!"

The time lapse is only one year, and it is not far away. Su Jin's memory is not enough to be so bad, and it is still fresh!

Su Hang frowned, "Why did he suddenly appear in Beihai? What did your grandfather say?"

Su Jindao said, "There is a spring eye in the North Sea. Grandpa said that the ancestor seemed to come out of the spring eye, yes, ancestor, ancestor also brought a girl!"


Su Hang couldn't help crying, this too Ao, afraid of looking around, would not like it!

"Since then, I haven't seen the ancestor. Until recently, the ancestor's dragon ball disappeared, just afraid..." Su Jin's face was full of worry again.

"Have you seen that spring eye?" Su Hang asked.

Su Jin nodded slightly, "I've seen it, and my grandfather went in to see it. It's just a spring in the North Sea, nothing special!"

Su Hang shook his head, "Since there is nothing special, how could he come out of it for no reason?"

At the moment, Su Hang got up, "Let's go back to Xuanhuang Realm!"



I haven't returned to the Xuanhuang Realm for almost a year. Before returning to the earth, I only stayed for a short time.

When I came back this time, I felt a little bit more revisited in the same Hang did not have a big show, only he and Su Jin.

After returning to the Dixian Continent, Su Hang searched again with his consciousness, and still found no trace of Tai Ao.

Without going back to the Dragon Palace, I went directly to Beihai and saw Su Jin's grandfather, Beihai Dragon King Aoguang!

In the past, Soviet airlines deliberately avoided this coming to the North Sea, afraid of touching the scene and feelings, thinking of some past, he was not good to face the old man Ao Guang.

In fact, Ao Guang has long been concerned, most of the time he is practicing, but knowing that he is here, he is still very excited.

After all, the identity of Su Hang, but God!

The Weng son-in-law met, and there must have been more talks, especially knowing that Su Hang had recovered Ao Xue's reincarnation, there was a lot of gaps between the two, and there were more smiles!

It should be recalled that year, when Su Hang pulled back the topic, Ao Guang was naturally very worried about the safety of Longzu. At the moment, he took Su Hang’s father and son and left the Dragon Palace. That spring is gone!

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