Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1281: Strange, strange!

"But..." Su Jin's expression ceased!

Su Hang reached out and patted his shoulder, "Worry is useless. After returning to Chuangjie Mountain, I will think of other ways, as long as he is still in this side of the world, as long as he has left traces. , I can find him!"

Su Jin nodded, and he was very confident about the strength of Su Hang. There is nothing in this world that his father can't do!

"Let's go!" Su Hang sighed. "Go back to the Dragon Palace first, explain everything you have, take the girl from the Pan family, and follow me back to Chuangjie Mountain. After going to Chuangjie Mountain this time, Just stay in Chuangjie Mountain!"

"Father wants me to stay in Chuangjie Mountain?" The two walked out of the Dragon Shrine side by side. Su Jin was obviously surprised.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "You can't stay in this mysterious realm all the time, and your current strength is not suitable for staying in this realm anymore. Your uncle will discuss it with me, ready to let you Temporarily acting as the master of the Xuanhuang Realm, he will stay in Chuangjie Mountain in the future and follow your uncle Uncle to deal with the affairs of the sect!"

"Although your mother hasn't recovered her memory, it's just a matter of time. I have now retired from the suzerain. I need to avoid a lot of suspicions. Our family must be neat and tidy. When your mother's memory is restored, I will make the big wedding for you and Panxin, I believe your mother will be very happy!"

"All depends on my father!" Outside the hall, Su Jin bowed to Su Hang!

Su Hang stared at him and said, "Jin'er, between our father and son, we don't need to be so stubborn, and we don't know who taught you these rules. For the father, I hope you can be free and happy. You are my son. The eldest son, the blood is connected, there is no need to be so awesome, don’t hold back in your heart, what you want, don’t hold back in your heart, you can talk to me..."


Su Jin paused and smiled bitterly, to be honest, he was indeed in awe of Su Hang. Every time he saw Su Hang, there was a string in his heart, he also wanted to relax, but there was no way, Su Hang's aura is too strong!

Su Hang is also helpless, Su Jin is too serious, this point makes Su Hang a little disliked, because he feels that the relationship between father and son should not be like this, but he also knows that this is Su Jin's growing up environment Caused!

What Su Hang wants is respect, not awe. To improve this, he can only bring Su Jin with him. After a long time, the relationship can naturally be closer. It just happened to Yin Su to mention this matter. Su Hang has For a valid reason, Su Jin was taken to Chuangjie Mountain.


After only staying in Xuanhuang Realm for two days, Su Jin briefly explained the matter of the Dragon Palace, and then took Pan Xin with him and left Xuanhuang Realm with Su Hang.

Calculating the time, I have been back for more than a month, and the two-month period is no more than a few days away. The airline has a sense of urgency.

After all, he still wanted to go to the celestial monastery to see what happened to the so-called big sacrifice. If he wanted to catch up, he had to leave in two months!

But at this moment, he was still concerned about Tai Ao. Tai Ao was regarded as the old predecessor of Su Hang. This dragon ancestor was also a teacher and friend for Su Hang. In the early days of his practice, he could Said it helped a lot!

This time Tai Ao's disappearance is very worried for Suhang, and even his worry is not lower than that of Su Jin!

But there is no way, there is no clue at all, he also tried to exchange a few tracing treasures with the Xueshen system, but the results are the same, no check!

There are too few clues left, I only know the appearance of the half face of the woman who took the Dragon Ball, and the appearance of the monk's appearance is simply unreliable!

On the back peak of Destiny Peak, on the cliff of training, behind Su Hang's hands, he watched the distant clouds covering the mist, and the spreading consciousness slowly withdrew.

He had to search this many times a day, and searched the entire chaos, even every corner of the void world, and there was no figure of Tai Ao. The bad feeling in Su Hang’s mind became heavier and heavier!

"Where is Tai Ao, come to be killed!"

Su suddenly, Su Hang sneered, and the **** of his right hand suddenly poked into the air!

For a long time, air!

Su Hang pointed in the air, after a long time, did not see the appearance of Tai Ao!

His thousand-year killing technique has not been used for a long time. With the current state of Su Hang, this law is enough to break all the laws of this world, no matter where Tai Ao is, no matter how powerful he is. As long as Tai Ao's strength does not exceed the first order of the founding state, it may be brought to the front of Suhang by this formula!

However, at this moment, Suhang's move did not seem to be effective!

Is Tai Ao really dead?

Puncturing the cause and effect, using Hongjun's Tianyan technique to calculate, did not find the cause and effect about Tai Ao, this person seems to be wiped out from the cause and effect chain by what force.

There are always traces of death, how to die, and who dies, the laws of this world will be recorded, especially Tai Ao is Xuanhuang Realm, although the Heaven Realm can cover the heaven, but it is impossible to achieve Cover up, someone can always find clues!

Previously, Su Hang even asked Hong Jun, the Xuan Huang Tiandao, to personally check, and it was the same result, as if he had never been to Tai Ao!

Obviously, someone in this heaven and earth had moved their hands and feet, just like one, which was artificially deleted and one of the characters was removed!

The people who do this are not so low in strength, obviously it will not be too Ao, and Su Hang believes that Tai Ao does not have that skill!

"Brother, I've calculated it, although I can't figure out where Tai Ao can't figure out if he is still alive, but he can't prove that he is dead!" Hong Jun stood Not far away, he spoke.

Su Hang withdrew his hand, with a little worry on his face, "I'm still worried, is there any unknown strongman in this world!"

"Unknown strong man? You mean..." Hong Jun also looked dignified. For Su Hang, who can be called the strong man, then only...

"A master who surpasses the second level of the founding realm!"

Su Hangdao said, but then shook his head again, "The fairy has closed this world. There can be no strongman of that level, and no strongman of that level can be disdained, and, even if there is that The strong level comes down, it makes no sense to find Tai Ao!"

Hong Jun gently stroked his beard and pondered for a moment, "Perhaps there is still a possibility that Tai Ao left this world!"

"Leave this world?" Su Hang listened and shook his head with a wry smile. "Where can he go, fairy? Other worlds of Hongmeng? That's even more impossible. The strongmen below the ninth level of the founding state don't want to break the barriers. What's more, Tai Ao is just a monk in the heavenly realm, what ability does he have to leave?"

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