Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1284: problem!

Latest website: However, Su Hang thought of a place!


Once he consulted some information about Li Dabai, the Jiu Zun. The place where Li Dabai fell was the Kun cave, and the Kun cave was in the extremely east sea of ​​the fairy.

However, Su Hang felt that it was not possible again. How could Tai Ao be good and go to the fairy?

Tai Ao is now nothing more than Heavenly Dao Realm, and Dominion Realm doesn't want to go to the Fairy Spirit, not to mention the Heavenly Daoist Monk who is 108,000 miles lower than Dominion Realm.

Su Hang frowned slightly, the fact is that there is really no trace of Tai Ao in this world, and the whole person seems to have evaporated out of thin air!

If Tai Ao is still alive, does that mean he is not in this world? However, after going to the fairy, this is really incredible for Su Hang!

"What else did he say?" Su Hang continued to ask.

Su Jindao said, "The ancestor also said, let your father find a way to close the blood of the dragon on my body, otherwise it will cause trouble!"

Ok? Su Hang frowned deeper.

Disaster? Will the dragon bloodline cause trouble?

"What's going to happen?" Su Hang thought, wouldn't it be that Tai Ao had caused any trouble outside, and finally caused trouble to Su Jin's body?

Su Jin shook his head, "The ancestor didn't say, just listened to the ancestor's tone. It seemed that he was really in trouble. Father, you said, will I just be a dream?"

"Then do you hope it is just a dream?" Su Hang asked.

Su Jin nodded, but then shook his head again, "I don't want to be a dream, if it is true, at least prove that the ancestor is still alive!"

A pair of eyes stared at Su Hang. Su Jin waited for Su Hang to give him the answer.

Su Hang took a deep breath, "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will deal with it!"

"Father, do you know where the Kun hole is?" Su Jin asked.

"Yes, but I don't know if it was the place he said!" Su Hangdao.

Su Jin's face was covered with caution and worry, "Although I don't know where it is, it must be a dangerous place, father..."

Su Hang waved his hand, "Relax, if I'm not sure, I wouldn't dabble easily. Isn't it that within a year, the time is still long, let him suffer more!"

"This..." Su Jin had a bitter face, and he really couldn't laugh at this moment.

Su Hang patted his shoulder, "It's not for you to worry about these things, go take a rest, and then follow your uncle uncle to do things, wait for your mother to wake up..."

"Father, you must be careful!" Su Jin nodded, and really hated that he was not strong enough to help.

Now his mother has awakened her knowledge, and seeing that she can be reunited, he doesn't want to have anything to do with Su Hang at this time!

"No matter what Long Zu said is true or false, be careful, I will first seal your dragon blood!"

Su Hang said that he directly played countless rules to seal the blood of the dragon in Su Jin's body. As long as his strength is not higher than that of Su Hang, it is impossible to perceive the breath of Su Jin's blood.

Later, because considering that this matter might involve the power of the fairy, Su Hang was not at ease, and he specially tailored a piece of convergent jade to the Xueshen system to cover the breath. Such double insurance, I am afraid that it is too Ao In person, the blood resonated again, and I couldn't notice Su Jin's existence!


After doing all this, Su Hang patted Su Jin's shoulder, which was somewhat gratifying!

In the past few days, Su Jin was indeed tired. At this time, he was relaxed and a little tired. He wanted to say goodbye to leave immediately.

Su Hang was the only one left in the main hall. Su Hang took a deep breath and sat in his chair for a long time.

The bloodline resonates and should not be fake. It is unlikely that it is Su Jin’s nightmare. If it is a nightmare, Suhang will definitely be aware!

The only thing that can resonate with the blood of the dragon in Su Jin is Tai Ao. After Su Hang pondered for a long time, he still didn't believe it, but the so-called Kun cave, he only knew that place.

Either way, it's about the safety of Tai Ao, whether it is true or not, he may have to go to Kuncuo to see the situation!

It's just that, with his current strength, going to that kind of place is probably very dangerous. After all, Li Dabai, the ninth-tier founder of Tianwei, is just falling there!

In a year's time, it is impossible for him to practice to the point of the Tianwei Powerhouse. What's more, he is in the Black Basket waters and belongs to the extremely western land. Given him for a year, he can't guarantee that he can't enjoy the bliss Go out to sea

To go from the extreme west to the extreme east, there is a vast immense fairy continent in the middle. How far is that far, and Suhang can't imagine it!

"Tao Ao, Tai Ao, you have given me a big problem!"

Su Hang was distressed all over his face, but there was no way, as long as Tai Ao still had a silver lining of hope, no matter how terrifying the Longtan Tiger Cave, he would have to make a break!

After going to the Immortals this time, after attending the Celestial Sect's great festival, you have to find a way to go to the sea of ​​the extreme east!

A large gate like the Celestial Sect, there should be a teleportation array. If you walk through the teleportation array, it should save a lot of time!

Thinking of this, Su Hang settled down a little bit, and really didn't know what Tai Ao did and what kind of scourge it caused!



Everything goes to peace. Daozong Sect now has Yin Yin, who does not need Su Hang to worry about it. The matter of chaotic expansion is also handed over to Gross to deal with, not to mention Su Hang to worry about!

In this aspect of the family, Yin Yu'er is waiting for birth, but Su Hang has seen that it should be some time before it can be produced, and She Xiaoman is merging memories. This fashion and coma, I am afraid that it will take some time to fully wake up, so Su Hanging down was idle.

Seeing that the two-month period coming back, I had to leave, so I used the guise of a retreat and found a quiet room to practice retreat, but in fact people have already slipped away!


Death abyss!

When Suhang came only discovered a very embarrassing thing!

Xunxianyin can only be used once every six months, which is less than two months old. The cooling period of Xunxianyin has not yet passed, and the channel cannot be opened at all.

Standing in front of the stone wall of the passage, Su Hang felt his scalp tingling. Why did he forget this?

He had forgotten such an important thing, and he just wanted to come back. He had forgotten this. If he remembered it earlier, he would definitely consider whether to come back.

After all, there is only a little time before the Celestial Sect of Heaven. If he considers going to see it, he will definitely postpone his return time!

How can this be adjusted?

Su Hang can't wait to slap himself, should he wait another four months? Tianyuzong's big festival was missed!

Four months is enough for him to do a lot of things in the fairy!

Wouldn't it just disrupt the plan in order to let him wait?

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