Super Study God

Chapter 330: How could they be?

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"What's the matter?" Su Hang looked at his expression, obviously it didn't seem to be unknown.

Zhuang Tianhu said, "This man, I really know that when I was alive, I wanted to be a ghost. I really became a ghost, but regretted it, and wanted to go back to being a person. In our ghost world, that's a celebrity. "

"Oh? What to say?" Su Hang asked.

"The last law is the monk of the Temple of King Kong. To be honest, it is really a genius. He created a soul refining recipe, and he has just sat down. The soul already has the realm of a ghost master. After repairing, he was afraid of ghost robbery, and his spirit-refining tactics made many monks in the ghost world afraid and coveted. When the ghost repaired for a short time, he regretted it." Zhuang Tianhu said that, his face was With a smile, it seems to be telling a joke to Su Hang.

Su Hang listened, and his face shook gently. Hearing this, the monk of the end was really amazing.

"So where is he now?" Su Hang asked.

Zhuang Tianhu shrugged, "Did I say that, the guy regretted that he didn't want to be a ghost anymore, plus a lot of ghost repairs had hit him with his soul-cultivating tactics, and the monk couldn't bear it, but couldn't be A year of ghosts went to reincarnate."

"Is the reincarnation gone? Do you know where he went?" Su Hang froze for a moment. As mentioned earlier, reincarnation is the patent of the strong, and only a ghost with a strong soul can put it into the mother's womb. The soul that will become unsuccessful devours and seizes the flesh, so as to achieve the purpose of reincarnation.

Mora's soul strength is strong enough, and reincarnation should not be difficult for him.

"It is said that I went to Nanhe and cast it in the house of a family at the foot of Song Mountain. Afterwards, I was picked up by the bald men of King Kong Temple. It seems that I also worshipped a great master. Under this refuge, there is no shelter from the Buddha. I have an idea." Zhuang Tianhu said.

It seems that my own guess is correct, the little toad eight achievement is the reincarnation of the end of the law.

The time and place are right, it should be right, the soul of the final law is strong. This created the early wisdom of the little toad. After all, the two generations were human, and many exercises were practiced in the previous life. It must be easier to learn again. What's more, they also have a master in Jin Danjing, and it's difficult to be a genius.

It's just that the killing power in the mother wolf is too strong to wipe out the memory of the little toad. It is normal for him not to remember his previous life.

From this point of view, even after sitting down, the final method has not broken the connection with the Vajrasattva Temple. This Vajrasattva Temple is the largest group of Chinese Buddhist temples, and it is not as simple as the surface.

However, this monk of the last Dharma may be called a small toad now, and after such a large circle, he finally returned to the King Kong Temple. Su Hang thought about it. I also feel a little funny.

However, as the second person, the little toad is much more outstanding than in the previous life. At least, now at a young age, he has been hired by Wujie Xianmen. Talking about the future, it is much larger than the last law of the previous life. Absolutely. It is unlimited.

That little guy, very angry, couldn't think of being a famous person in the ghost world!

A little toad appeared in his mind. Su Hang also feels funny. At this time, the little guy should have gone to Wujie, right? I don't know what the legendary martial world is like.

Is the warrior’s paradise really as good as heaven? I'm afraid not. At least one thing is that Su Hang is very clear, there are more masters, the water is deeper, it must be more dangerous than this world.

In the world, there is at least one more thing, the law. It controls most of the people, but I am afraid that the martial world is not so simple. Absolutely Hongguo's weak meat and strong food will definitely not go there until Soviet Airlines does not have complete self-protection capabilities.

While the two were talking, unconsciously, the team had reached the gate of the ghost city, and two ghost repairs were standing at the mouth, distributing masks to the people entering the ghost city.

According to Zhuang Tianhu, this mask is specially made in the ghost market and covers half of the face. However, as long as you bring it, no matter if it is a ghost, you can’t see the true face under the mask. This is the most primitive. The simplest and most effective security method, everyone does not know each other, so as not to be taken care of by someone who cares after leaving the ghost market.

Zhuang Tianhu is also considered to have a small status in the ghost realm. His son worshipped under the throne of Lian Gou Ghost, one of the three major ghost kings. However, on this occasion, it was obviously inconvenient to disclose his identity.

When he was away, he saw him greeting the old ghosts, but once he put on the mask, there were fewer words. After all, in the ghost world, there were still some threats to his existence.

"Brother Su, I'll be able to keep up in a while. There are dragons and snakes inside. Don't lose it."

Zhuang Tianhu whispered a warning to Su Hang. He was not worried about what happened to Su Hang, but he didn't want to make trouble.

Su Hang nodded, followed Zhuang Tianhu, Wan Erniang three sandwiched Su Hang, and slowly approached the ghost market.

This is a valley, very large, covered by heavy fog, irritating, and scary.

The sky was completely dark, but the ghost market was brightly lit, just like a small town on the earth, the streets were extending in all directions, the streets were all stalls, and all kinds of things were sold.

There are many A Piao swaying on the streets, but there are few voices for buying and selling, and the atmosphere is a bit horrible.

"Is this the ghost market? Sure enough, it's different." Su Hang squeezed his chin and looked around with some fun.

The small vendors on the street are all wearing masks, and their faces are dark, and Su Hang can only barely see through the use of perspective.

There are a lot of ghosts that can be seen, and the power of this ghost world is really not to be shy.

"Yo, this is good."

While Su Hang was appreciating, Zhuang Tianhu stopped suddenly. Su Hang looked at this old goods and stood in front of a small stall.

There are two stall owners, because they are wearing masks, they can't see their faces with naked eyes, but beside these two people, there are still a dozen beautiful girls.

Some of these girls are exposed, some are dressed elegantly, in different poses, and have different strengths. The key is that they don’t wear masks, and their beautiful faces are fully revealed.

Su Hang thought that the stall owner had an idea, and actually got so many young girls to attract guests. The thinking is very avant-garde. Seeing so many people around here, the effect is completely needless to mention.

It's just that when Su Hang looked again, it felt a little bit wrong. There wasn't any goods at all in the two's stalls?

"Lao Zhuang, what is this selling?" Su Hang asked Zhuang Tianhu in doubt.

Zhuang Tianhu quacked, and his eyes fell on those girls, as if an old wolf saw the fat, "Ghost Concubine."

"Ghost concubine?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, and immediately understood that the stall was not without goods, but that these women were goods.

This is the same as selling a wife in the world, except that in the ghost world, it is completely grand and sold out.

The ghost world has the rules of the ghost world, weak meat and strong food, Su Hang is not good to comment on right and wrong, but, after seeing these women ghosts being taken out for sale, he is still quite uncomfortable, if it is encountered in the human world This kind of thing, he absolutely took the stall owner directly.

"Brother Su is coming? If you're fancy, I will buy one for you, Lao Wang." Wang Tong said beside him.

Su Hang rolled his eyes and shrugged, "I can't stand it."

A few people smiled, Zhuang Tianhu licked his lips, "Yao chicken, have you confiscated your concubine? Would you like to pick two? You see these girls look, but they are really pretty, not seen in previous years. After such a superb deal, the stall owner is really nice."

Su Hang listened, and couldn't help but feel the cold. This old product was just what he wanted, and he pushed it to others.

Yao chicken shuddered a little, "Come on Zhuangye, let's forget the small one."

"Oh, that's because you are not luck anymore. I will pick two of them, or else they will all be taken away by other perverts." Zhuang Tianhu smiled and squeezed over immediately.

The eyes fell on those girls, Su Hang really felt that they were pitiful, and they would be fooled when they died. It was really uncomfortable.

I looked at the stall owner and the two of them. This kind of person should be utterly utterly stern. Su Hang wanted to see what they looked like. After leaving the ghost market, he looked for an opportunity to clean up this ghost world.

However, when Su Hang saw through the two men's masks with perspective, he suddenly froze.

"How could they be?"

At this moment, Su Hang was completely messed up, and the two attentive greetings to the buyer's stall owner were actually his acquaintances.

"Oh, good old man, actually doing such a shameful thing."

Su Hang got angry in his heart and immediately turned away the ghosts. He walked to the stall and grabbed the stall owner by the collar.

At this moment, there was an uproar around.

"Yo, brother, what are you doing?" Zhuang Tianhu was startled and ran over quickly. Su Hang's behavior completely made him stunned. "Brother, this is a ghost market, not a place of chaos, fast Let go."

Where did Su Hang listen in? pointed directly at the stall owner and scolded, "You old commodities, I met each other in Shuzhong a few days ago, and I thought you were a senior, I didn't expect you Isn't this kind of activity to run the ghost market to sell ghost concubines?

"Ah, who are you?" The stall owner also seemed a little confused.

The other man next to him leaned over and looked at Su Hang strangely. Because they all wore masks, they could not see their faces clearly, but they could hear the voice, "Su Hang?"

Who is it? These two stall owners are just a pot of old-fashioned and Su Yu who just entered under his door.

As soon as Su Hang saw the faces of the two men, he immediately came to the fire, especially the old cow's nose. He also said that he was right, but as a result, he did this kind of detrimental activity in the background, selling ghost concubines, this What is the difference with the seller, the most important thing is that this old product actually took Su Yu to do this.

Listening to Su Yu's words, a pot clearly heard Su Hang's voice, "It turned out to be you kid, go away, go away, don't stop me from doing business, Xiao Yu, pull this kid away." (Unfinished To be continued.) () "Super Learning God" only represents the views of the author Ghost Valley Fairy Master. If you find that its content contravenes national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. . 【】,thank you all!

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