Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3423: Refine Tianwei artifact?

   "I'm just stating a fact!" Su Hang was unmoved. Although the aftermath in front of him was the envoy of Destiny Palace, it was actually only eighth order!

   Even if it is a destiny palace, it is impossible to come up with a ninth-order strongman. The reason why Simon gave them face is only because the envoy is outside, which represents the destiny palace.

   They respected the Destiny Palace, not the person in front of them.

   Aftermath choked for a while, and then said after a while, "It seems that it is not a waiter, and it is no wonder that the small palace master will value you..."

   It seems that Long Fuhai was telling the truth, and he didn't flick Su Hang. He was indeed stared at by the Destiny Palace. Su Hangdao said, "That's really my honor!"

  Yu Bo smiled, "You are not curious. Before I came to Panlong City, what did Xiao Gongzhu say to me?"

  Finally, a pair of big and small eyes stared at Su Hang, a pair of perfect looks.

  Su Hang said lightly, "Could you let me come to settle me?"

   Aftermath waved his hand, "Perhaps you look too high on yourself. In your current state, do you think it can be a threat to the small palace master?"

   Su Hang didn't say a word, Yu Bo said that the facts, his current strength, in front of Meng Lang, can only be regarded as a younger brother, I am afraid even reptiles.

  The aftermath stood up suddenly and looked at Su Hang with a slight gaze, "The little palace master asked me to pass a few words to you!"

   "Hear your ears!"

  Su Hang did not get up!

Aftermath seems to be simulating Meng Lang's tone, "You are too weak now. A reptile can't lift my interest. I Meng Lang doesn't like to bully the weak. I also know that Long Fuhai is secretly helping you, but this is destined to be just In vain, please hurry up and strengthen your time, so that you are eligible to appear in my sight, otherwise, the problem my father left me is really too simple!"

  Obviously, Yu Bo conveyed Meng Lang's original words, and even his tone did not change.

   Suhang felt an unabashed arrogance from it.

   Sure enough, the God of War, known as Tianwei's second, generally exists. How could he get into his dharma eyes?

   Su Hang is not angry, the atmosphere next to it is almost solidified, everyone dare not say a word, can only watch quietly!

"And that's all?"

   Su Hang raised his eyelids, but he didn't believe that Meng Lang asked him to come for a trip, just to say that these are useless!

Yu Bo chuckled, "Of course it's more than that, the small palace master told me to tell you that you might encounter some dangers on the way to Kuncui this time, and the God of War will temporarily lend you, after all, I want to come to you. Ling, I am afraid that there is no Dao weapon in his hand. If it is killed by someone else, don’t regret it!"

  Oh, God of War?

Su Hang flipped his right hand, and the God of War appeared in his hand, "This thing, only you will be a baby. For me, it is extremely useless. Since it is Meng Lang's thing, then it belongs to the original owner. , No need to give me any storage fees!"

  Finally, Su Hang directly threw the God of War flag to the aftermath!

Yu Bo stretched out his hand and copied the God of War in his hand, and the God of War suddenly became larger. Yu Bo waved it directly on the ground and spread it with majesty, all the princes and grandsons trembling, the East is not bright, and others are also slightly pale. change.

  The real thing, really God of War!

  Yu Bo's eyes were very hot, and the streamer held it in his hand, his strength surged instantly, he was confident and able to compete with the ninth order.

   raises a realm at once, and only the God of War can do it. There is no doubt that this is the real thing!

  Since the war between Meng Lang and Long Fuhai, the **** of war was left in the sea of ​​western bliss. Yu Bo is a latecomer, and he has only seen some fakes. The real authenticity is the first time he saw it today.

  The streamer flag was stirred by the wind. The first four characters in the world above made people see the blood.

   After a while, aftermath seemed to enjoy this powerful feeling, this made the God of War streamer smaller, caught in his hand, and his momentum quickly converged.

  After seeing everyone watching him, Yu Bo realized that he had just lost his mind just now!

   "Are you sure, don't you?" Yu Bo looked at Su Hang with surprise, this is God of War, this kid said don't want it!

Su Hang took a glass of wine calmly and raised his head to drink, "Such a gadget like this, I can make as many as I want, and you can refine it at your fingertips, and only you take it as a baby, you want it , Just when I gave you it!"

give away?

  Yu Bo dare to either? Such a treasure, this is Meng Lang's thing, even if Su Hang doesn't want it, it's his turn, and no matter what, he has to get it back to Meng Lang!

   "Oh, arrogant, you know, the God of War is a first-class Tianwei artifact, you actually said that you can refine it at will, do you think you are an ancestor? Big talk, ridiculous!" Yu Bo scolded.

  Su Hang smiled faintly, "You don't believe me, would you like me to show you?"

   arrogance, really arrogance!

Next to Ximen Jing and others looked at Su Hang, they all felt that Su Hang had something wrong with their heads, but that was the Tianwei Artifact, even the Tianwei Powerhouse did not dare to say that it could be easily A piece of Tianwei artifact is the treasure of fame of the Tianwei Powerhouse, but it takes a lot of time, and even the life of the Tianwei Powerhouse is hardened!

  Su Hang actually said that it can be refined as much as you want. This joke is not funny at all, but it is handed to the other party's mouth. If the other party puts you up, see how you end!

"I have been in Destiny Palace for so many years, and for the first time I heard that someone can make Tianwei artifacts easily, hahaha, jokes, jokes, okay, I want to see how you can make Tianwei artifacts. Let Yu Mou, the frog at the bottom of the well, grow his knowledge!"

   Sure enough, Yu Bo directly looked at Su Hang proudly. Obviously, if he caught Su Hang, he wanted to make him unable to step down!

   "Uh, envoy, I see, this matter..."

Simmon finally couldn't help speaking. The aftermath was an envoy. He couldn't offend, but he didn't know the identity of Su Hang, and he couldn't offend easily, but if he did so, the two had to fight. After all, this Soviet airline is a friend of the elder brother Ximen Jing, and this is in the Panlong Empire. Simmon Lang is reluctant to see this happen!


   Yu Bo snorted directly, "The Panlong Empire doesn't need to say much, just to say this, but he said it himself, and it's not that I underestimate him. It's just that I have a narrow vision and want to see and see!"

  Simen Lang's face was stiff, and there was nothing to say at the moment. The other party was an emissary. Now he is angry and he dares not offend!

  Everyone's eyes are on Su Hang. Indeed, Su Hang himself said that bragging requires capital, and the bragging of his own, then he must have the awakening of cowhide and bankruptcy!


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