Super Study God

Chapter 869: Despise the human base!

In fact, they don’t blame them. They look at things with their own eyes. For them, they have greatly overestimated the Soviet Airways. After all, this is just over a year from the innate to the golden. Danjing, how is it possible?


Bajie couldn't help but laugh out loud, feeling that the two were really funny.

Su Hang glared at him, Ba Jie quickly held his smile, but the two old men felt a little inexplicable, is it wrong? .

"Thanks to the blessings of the two seniors, it's almost the same!" Su Hang replied with a sweat!

He really didn't dare to say his real state. First, he was afraid to frighten these two old men. Secondly, these two old men probably didn't know what the realm of the common realm was.

But in spite of this, the two old men were shocked enough. The speed of this practice is too amazing!

In the past two years of Su Hang, the improvement of strength is indeed rapid. Although he is still not satisfied with this, he has to admit that this can be regarded as unprecedented.


It's a bit old to talk a little bit homely, and it's almost twelve o'clock in the night. Although the two old men have kept them again and again, Su Hang insisted on leaving.

"Stop me!"

The two had just arrived at the door, and a slow voice came from the side. Su Hang paused, and a girl in a light yellow dress walked from the side to Su Hang.

A head protruded, and Su Hang shuddered. It wasn't who Huang Qimeng was. This female baby hadn't seen her for so long.

Behind Shen. Tong slowly walked over in a white dress. Obviously, it was much more elegant than Huang Qimeng's quietness.

"Ha, it's really you."

Earlier, I heard that Su Hang was at the door, and Huang Qimeng didn't believe it. Because Su Hang was talking with Shen Wuxun, they were inconvenient to disturb, so they kept waiting outside.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, it was really Su Hang.

"Uh, hehe." Su Hang laughed dryly, one head and two big.

Huang Qimeng had her hands tucked in her waist and a somewhat evil smile on her face. "It's true that there is a way to heaven. You don't want to go. It's okay to run to my sister's house. Do you want to steal something?"

This mouth, how can it be so profitable? Like a knife, it hurts as soon as you speak.

"Qimeng, don't talk nonsense."

At this time, Shen Tong came over to stop Huang Qimeng and turned to look like Su Hang, showing a plain smile, "Su Hang, I haven't seen you for a long time, but has he been well recently?"

"An okay, okay." Su Hang accosted, "Then, I still have something to do. Let's talk later."

After dropping the next sentence, Suhang will leave.

Huang Qimeng was already blocked at the door, just like a little hen full of fighting spirit, looking at Su Hang with a face, "Want to go, but it is not so easy, you big liar, quickly return the golden pig Or else, I won’t let you out of this gate today."

At the beginning, the Su Hang guy was a rogue, and in a word, he took away the gold beast that the Emei School spent a lot of money on training. Although the elders of the Emei School later also tacitly agreed to let Su Hang help for a while, but helping is after all. Yeah, the Emei pie also provides food for the golden beast.

Where did I think that Su Hang didn't run away after a long time, and then later, I heard that Su Hang had achieved the innate realm, and the Emei School was embarrassed to ask him to pay it back.

Our golden beast is for you to help you, not for you. What if you dominate?

Encountered a rogue, but this rogue is still very strong, Emei faction is not easy to say anything, it is basically the default fact, that the golden beast did not want to come back again, but, Huang Qimeng can not swallow this breath, it happened to be sent by Su Hang today Come to the door, where can he easily run away.

Forgive him for being a big man, and he will not bully himself for a woman by virtue of his skill.

Mummy is an egg.

"Golden Beast?" Su Hang patted his head and looked back at Bajie. "Bajie, I'm looking for you."

Ba Jie froze for a moment, just after Huang Qimeng and Shen Tong appeared, his eyes hadn't moved away, "Mother, Master, this, this, this..."

"What's this, your old club." Seeing Bajie's appearance as if he was sick again, Su Hang reached out and slapped on the back of his head.

Bajie swallowed hard, and the whole person was stupefied, completely speechless.

The hot eyes almost melted Huang Qimeng and Shen Tong, and the body inadvertently showed the momentum, and also frightened the second daughter.

"Su Hang, what are you doing?" Huang Qimeng quickly moved away from Ba Jie and asked Su Hang.

Su Hang shrugged, "Don't you want me to return your golden beast, this is it, Bajie piggy."

With that, I pushed Su Hang forward, took it, and returned it to you. If you still want it, take it away.

"What are you kidding?"

Huang Qimeng scolded Su Hang directly, how could he believe this nonsense, "I tell you, you will not return the golden beast today, I, I will, I will cry to you, no one you come to So easy."

Halo, I'm so scared.

Su Hang was sweating.

"Lord, master, she, they..." Bajie seemed to have something to say, and he looked very excited.

"What? What do you call him? Master? Do you call him master?"

Huang Qimeng listened to Ba Jie's call to Su Hang, as if he couldn't believe his ears, and then he seemed to see some disgusting and dirty pictures. He looked at Su Hang with disgust.

The expression on his face was as if the Sanguan had been subverted, "So you like this bite, it tastes so serious, hey, so disgusting, I'm not afraid of AIDS."

I go.

Su Hang almost spit it out, and a little girl, thinking so impure, thought of us as a py.

"It's really bad looking at the human base, and you really deserve your surname." Su Hang said to Huang Qimeng.

Huang Qimeng's eyes glared, "You are rotten, dead py."

" I'm going to die." Su Hang rolled his eyes and couldn't take it anymore. "Eight Commandments, I'll leave it to you. I'll withdraw first."

After dropping the next sentence, Su Hang's figure flickered, which made his body disappear instantly.


Huang Qimeng hadn't responded yet, Su Hang had no shadow, he stomped his feet and turned his head to meet Ba Jie's burning eyes.

"Look what you see, you are also a dead py." Perhaps it was because of the displeasure at Bajie, Huang Qimeng scolded Bajie again.

"Qi Meng."

Shen Tong hurriedly stopped and stepped forward to pull Huang Qimeng's hand, instructing her not to talk nonsense, after all, it was at their Shen family.

"This friend, don't know how to call it?" Shen Tong asked politely to Bajie.

Bajie looked at the two girls, and his expression was a little erratic. "Don't you remember me?" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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