Super Study God

Chapter 876: Ruins of ancient civilization!

Keiko Matsushima couldn't believe her eyes at all, and before she could react, Su Hang had come to her side, and she didn't know what method was used. Keiko Matsushima felt that her body was not listening and could not move at all. Too.

"This is the strongest metal you said?" Su Hang looked at Keiko Matsushima in a leisurely manner. If this is the strongest metal, why do those magic weapons make sense?

"You, how come you?" Fang Cai's arrogance disappeared instantly, and the rest was only terrified.

Keiko Matsushima looked at Suhang in horror. At this moment, she seemed to realize that this time, she provoked people who could not be provoked at all.

One second ago, I was contented with pride and thought I was holding the winning ticket, but this second, I had already fallen from the cloud, and she couldn’t believe it.

Suzuo alloy, which can't even be destroyed by an atomic bomb, was actually punched into a hole by a punch. Isn't this a dream?

If Suhang knows Matsushima Keiko’s idea, it would be ridiculous. The power of the atomic bomb is indeed strong, but how wide is the explosion of the gadget? I can think of it as a weapon of mass destruction. Speaking of which, it is much stronger to concentrate the power on one point and smash it with one punch and break the face a bit.

"Tell you a truth, in the face of absolute power, any trick is just a joke." Su Hang smiled lightly and walked to Matsushima Keiko.

She was performed by Su Hang and could not move at all. She was completely a lamb to be slaughtered.

"What do you want?" Matsushima Keiko's voice was shaking, and Su Hang could feel the fear in her eyes.

I have to admit that this woman is really scheming. Su Hang miscalculated her and almost suffered a big loss, but at the same time this woman also miscalculated him. Obviously, this woman has to pay a higher price.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being." Su Hang's mouth curved a little arc. "At least, before finding the Songdo laboratory behind you, you are still safe for the time being."

"It turned out that you hit this idea!" Keiko Matsushima quickly calmed down, and her eyes were fixed on Su Hang. Su Hang followed her all the way across the ocean. She wanted to find out the organization behind her.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "If not for this, do you think you can walk out of Rongcheng alive?"

"Humph, ridiculous!"

Keiko Matsushima sneered, "I was still deliberately looking for Songdo Lab. Although you are strong, I have to remind you that even if you are strong, you will find yourself in the net."

"I really don't know your self-confidence from there!" Su Hang was speechless. "Are you islanders all suffering from such secondary diseases?"

Keiko Matsushima said, "You don't even know what is behind the laboratory!"

Su Hang smiled, "If I am not wrong, there should be an alien civilization helping you, otherwise, with such a place and people in your island country, how could it be possible to develop such a high-end mechanical civilization!"

After hearing Suhang's words, Keiko Matsushima's obvious complexion changed, and Suhang knew that he had been told by himself.

"Since I know that you are still so unscrupulous, it seems that you are really desperate!" Keiko Matsushima took a deep look at Su Hang, "If you let me go now, or I can think of what happened today, let's be well Water doesn’t violate the river, maybe you can still be friends in the future!"

At this time, Keiko Matsushima could already feel something. Su Hangming knew that there was a strong alien civilization involved, but it was still so indifferent, so fearless?

"Be friends? Forget it, I don't make friends with the weak!" Su Hang shook his head. "I can give you a popularization. In the universe of the universe, mechanical civilization is just a branch of technological civilization, a weak branch, and Scientific and technological civilization is not the mainstream civilization. The mechanical civilization you rely on is actually just a joke!"

"Fart!" Keiko Matsushima immediately scolded, as if trampled on faith.

Su Hangdao, "It's no wonder that your island country is already small, and it is inevitable to sit on the well and watch the sky!"

"You, wanton!" Keiko Matsushima was furious, as if he had trampled on faith again.

Su Hang didn't pay any attention to her, "Let's say, who is not open-minded, dare to develop mechanical civilization on the earth without permission? Where is the Songdao Lab!"

"Oh, even if I told you, would you dare to go?" Keiko Matsushima looked at Su Hang mockingly.

"You don't have to say it. I have my own way for you to tell you how you can practice, and open your eyes!"

Su Hang said lightly, and directly drove the golden silkworm Gu Emperor to instantly penetrate into the neck of Matsushima Keiko.

"What are you doing?" Keiko Matsushima was so horrified that being so big a bug could get into the meat, everyone would be afraid.


The indescribable pain struck instantly, and Keiko Matsushima's eyes were instantly straightened. She could feel that something was running around in her body, and her body and even her soul were torn apart.

However, Su Hang performed a body-setting technique for her. She couldn't even roll on the ground. The kind of pain was terrible and it made people collapse.

The beautiful face became terrible and terrible, and there was a scream in his mouth, it was really better than death.


"Want to come again?"

Ten minutes later, Su Hang looked at Keiko Matsushima, who was soaked in sweat and angry, should she feel very enjoyable now?

Keiko Matsushima looked at Su Hang, his eyes full of terror, as if he saw the devil.

In the laboratory, she wanted to be the only one who punishes others. He had thought that she would suffer such torture one day.

"Now, can I say that?" Su Hang looked at Keiko Matsushima with a smile, and that smile almost made Matsushima Keiko's spirit collapse.


Originally Su Hang thought that it would take several times to let Matsushima Keiko go into the game, but unexpectedly, this time, she spit out everything she knew.

Su Hang is really boring. The tougher and tougher the person is, the weaker the heart may be.


I don’t know how many years ago, an interstellar spacecraft landed on the newly cultured island country. A pair of men and women survived on the spacecraft. They have powerful capabilities and are regarded as gods by the island’s indigenous people.

The two, one called Izanagi, and one called Izanami, came from a northern star domain called a mechanical star star system named Gao Tianyuan.

I believe everyone can guess that these two are the father gods in the mythology and legends of the island country, and they even spread the so-called Shinto!

A hundred years ago, the island country discovered this ancient civilization ruin in Tongshen County. After some archaeological excavations, the island country experts were surprised to find that the ruin turned out to be the tomb of the legendary son of Suzuno, the son of the father god. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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