Super Study God

Chapter 879: 19 floors underground!

There is still a lot of buildings underneath this inquisitive investigation. This is only the fourteenth floor, and there are at least four floors below. He can clearly see the group of people around the crystal screen.

They are on the eighteenth floor.

Wait, you will meet soon!


A burst of gas leaked, a large gray smoke rose from the passage.

"Poison gas?"

Seeing this scene, Su Hang was quite disdainful and actually tried to use gas to confuse the master of the Dao Realm. How naive is this?

Turning to fetal breath, no more poisonous gas could enter Su Hang's body, strode up, and went straight to the end of the corridor.


Not waiting for the door to open at all, Su Hang hit the wall at the end of the corridor with a punch.

The sturdy wall couldn't even carry Su Hang's fists and feet, and collapsed instantly, revealing a big hole, even the elevator inside was smashed and the electric sparks creaked!

Lifting himself up, he jumped directly into the elevator shaft.

This elevator can only go to the next floor every time. If you want to go to the next floor, you must go through a corridor to the elevator at the end of the corridor and continue to the next floor.

It can be said that this design is really difficult for outsiders to invade.

However, he did not encounter violent demolition elements like Su Hang.

At this moment, the command room on the eighteenth floor has become a mess.

Everyone stared blankly at the picture on the screen and violently opened the channel. Is this still human?

"He entered the 15th floor!"

A white coat exclaimed, and the screen on the screen immediately switched to the 15th floor.

On the 15th floor, equipped with 15 A-class mechanical transformation guards, its equipment strength is comparable to the innate realm master, and the island country is forbearing.

This kind of firepower configuration is enough to dominate the side.

"Alarm, alarm, intruder enters the 15th floor!"


The alarm sounds from the main brain, including Matsushima and the old man in Latin America, can't calm down at this moment.

Su Hang's punch just shocked everyone, but the door wall made of the strongest Suzo alloy couldn't carry the punch.

Even more frightening is that on the 15th floor of the monitoring screen, there was no sign of Su Hang, only a large piece of darkness spread across, and then there was only a pile of broken copper on the corridor floor.

"He is in that shadow!"

The old man from Latin America said, at this time, his high nose bridge had been soaked with sweat.

The power of the lunar engulfed the light, and all they could see was a dark movement.

The darkness brings fear.


There was another loud noise, and the entire underground base seemed to shake.

"Alarms, alarms, intruders enter the 16th floor!"


Fifteen A-class mechanical reformers did not let the other party stop for a moment!

In the command room, everyone stood up. Listening to the alarm sound of the master's brain, all faces were full of fear.

"My God, what monster is this?" Everyone was stunned!

The old men in Latin America looked at Matsushima, and by this time, they had realized how serious a mistake they had made. This time they provoke the death!

"The two floors must not be able to stop him, such a strong existence, if he comes here, we..." The old man of Latin America was frightened.

I am here at the speed of the other party, I am afraid it will not take long.

There is no time to hesitate.

"All class A and class S reformers must stop him."

"Everyone, retreat!" Matsushima gave the order very decisively!

"Retreat? Where to retreat?" said the Latin American old man.

The above road was blocked by Soviet Airways. They could not get out of the channel at all. They must be blocked by Soviet Airways when they went out.

Although the base has an emergency channel, is it really safe to go out of the emergency channel? That will only make it more exposed.

Matsushima thinks about it and thinks about what is safer.

"Retreat to the 19th floor!"

Matsushima Tian's face was heavy, and a few words came out of his mouth.

19th floor?

Everyone seemed to be stunned, and there was deep fear between the eyebrows.

"Matsushima, there is..." The old man in Latin America stopped talking.

"The strength of this intruder is beyond imagination. For today's plan, only the one who activates it may be possible to suppress him!" Matsushima Tiandao!

Another old man from the island country said, "Although the one can wake up at any time, we can't control him..."

"Huh, what are you afraid of, retreat to the 19th floor first, and look at the situation first. If the situation is not good, we will evacuate from the 19th floor emergency channel, activate the base self-destruction device, and turn them into ashes!"

Matsushima said coldly.

Self-destruction, self-destruction device?

Is the situation so serious that it is necessary to activate the self-destruction device?

At the base, two nuclear bombs are installed. These nuclear bombs have been specially modified to concentrate most of the explosion energy within a radius of fifty miles. The small-scale lethality can be said to be many times stronger than ordinary atomic bombs.

Once exploded, the energy of the explosion can instantly turn this underground laboratory into ashes.

"Self-destruct? It's all yours and my efforts in the laboratory!" The voice of the Latin American man shivered.

At this moment, what he was worried about was actually the hard work in the laboratory.

You know, above the base is the Latin American garrison base. Although the self-destructive damage of the base is small, it is enough to turn the garrison base into ashes!

"You can choose to stay and die!" Matsushima left a sentence and turned around and left.

The darkness had entered the sixteenth floor, and there was no time to hesitate.

Everyone in the command room stood up and followed Matsushima in a panic.

Although these research results in the laboratory are precious, they are worthless compared with life.

And, as long as people are still there, are they afraid that the research results will not come back? The most important thing is that even if the research in the laboratory is completely destroyed, it will not be known to the outside world.

After all, their research methods are too cruel. It is completely that once the public is released to the public, the island countries and Latin America will probably lose their lives.

There are also experimental data, let alone cheaper for others.

The old man in Latin America struggled for a while, and then gnashed his teeth, and left the command room. He could scold Matsushima Keiko to death and let you go to catch a few white mice. I didn’t expect you to lead an elephant back. It's hard work, is it so ruined?



"Alarm, alarm, intruder has entered the 16th floor!"

"Execution order, kill in full!"


The alarm sounded continuously in the experimental base. At this moment, the entire experimental base has become a pot of porridge, as if the end of the world is about to come, all the staff are evacuated in a panic, as if running for a second and will die! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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