Super Study God

Chapter 922: The first beautiful man in the world!

Su Hang shook his head, no more words, this time no longer used Gu Huang avatar, directly to get started, absorb the domineering energy in the body of Mido.

Su Hang was very clear about Mituo's thoughts, in fact, he just wanted to escape and escape from Li Ruokong.

You know, he is a Buddha and a Buddha, how can everyone be respected by a woman?

Moreover, he has been single for more than 100,000 years. Although he always wanted to have a twilight love, but when this twilight love really came, he panicked, just wanting to escape, the farther the better.

Just like Zhou Botong escaped from Aunt Ying, she couldn't face and face it.


This time, it was obviously much simpler to heal Mituo. The force was overbearing, but when it encountered the unknown force in Su Hang, it was still able to succumb to rapid refining and assimilation.


After spending more than an hour, Su Hang finally absorbed the overbearing energy in the body of Mido and swam around the body of Mido with Gu Huang's avatar to ensure that there was no residue.


Taking back Gu Gu, Su Hang breathed out a long breath. Although everything went well, the process was very dangerous. After all, the energy in his body was still very weak, and he could easily be injured if he accidentally took it.


Mituo also took a long breath, but it could be regarded as clearing out the disturbing energy that troubled him. This Nima's body was easy.

As long as those alien energies are removed, this injury is nothing to him at all.

Mituo had been meditating for half an hour, and his internal injuries were good.

"Brother Dao, are you better?" Long Yang asked next to him.

Mido glanced at him, alas, his eyes were really tired.

"The stone doesn't know what the way is, but it contains such a powerful force, but it's just a little reverence, and it hurts me like this. The things in it, I'm afraid I don't know how terrible it is." Mi Tuo had some fear.

He is self-confident and daring, and there is not even a heavenly realm in this world. What else can hardly live in his heavenly realm? But I didn't expect to overturn the boat in the gutter.

At that time, I was still afraid when I thought about it. I wanted to split the stone to see it, but the stone almost cut him.

"If you have a fate, open the door and knock on my emperor, maybe we are not fate!" Su Hangdao.

Mi Tuo shook his head, "No, I don't think so, think about it, as soon as we got here, that thing appeared. It was such a coincidence, just like it was arranged in advance, we are not destined, but who else can we have ?"

What Mituo said was quite reasonable. Su Hang thought for a while and said, "I want to go and see that wasteland again."

The horrible power radiated by the stone could not even withstand Mituo. However, Su Hang thought that Mituo was violently dismantled before he was repulsed. Moreover, the four forces in the body of Suhang are now fused, including the kind on the stone. Mysterious power, perhaps, he will go again, the situation will be different.

"Pull it down, I will go to you, I will not go again!" Su Hang's words immediately met with opposition from Mi Tuo.

Wasn’t it bad enough the last time? If he went again, he would not dare to think.

"It's okay, after going back, ask Hongjun to ask and plan!" Su Hang hesitated and gave up his thoughts. He didn't figure out the situation. It's better not to take risks. Mito was so miserable. Not to mention him.

Mi Tuo let out a sigh of relief, "I'm afraid only Daozu can understand the cause and effect here."

Su Hang listened, and the corners of her mouth curved a little, "So, don't complain about me anymore, your marriage may have been arranged by him, complain, Hongjun!"

Mi Tu rolled his eyes, and Su Hang said something, but he made him speechless.

Long Yang stood beside him, looking at this, looking at that, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Your Majesty is here!" At this time, a voice sounded outside the palace.

Mi Tuo shivered.

"Unexpectedly, this Emperor Liang loves you so much." Su Hang's mouth smiled.

Mita's expression was chaotic, "What the **** are you talking about, hurry up!"

With a low yell, Mituo reached out and drew his hand, and pulled the space out of a hole.

The dark hole is deep and I don't know where it is going. This is the means of the master of Heavenly Realm.

Previously, because of the restriction of the heterogeneous energy in the body, it was impossible to use the skill now. Although it has not been fully restored, the ability has been able to be used at will.

Mituo was like escaping from a crash, and wanted to jump into the black hole as soon as he turned over.

However, the body was ripped off.

"Brother Dao, where are you going?" Long Yang hugged Mido's waist!

Mido looked down and quickly pushed Long Yang away.

"Brother Dao, if you want to go, take me all the way. Otherwise, I will be killed by Emperor Liang. Don't leave me behind!" Long Yang pounced again.

"Alas, trouble!" Mituo was quite helpless, grabbed Longyang and jumped into the black hole, while Su Hang had already jumped into the black hole.

"Ai Fei, as soon as I have finished my political affairs, I will come to see you. Is my body better?"

Li Ruokong's voice came out of the door, and immediately pushed in.

"Ah? Ai Fei!"

As soon as the door was pushed, Li Ruokong saw the scene where Mito entered the black hole, and the magician was holding Mito deadly, and it looked like he was pulling outward, his face full of fright,

Li Ruokong was shocked and rushed into the room, but the black hole was slowly closed until it disappeared.


I don't know who shouted. Many guards and several enshrined rushed in to protect Li Ruokong.

Li Ruokong stood blank, as if he couldn't believe this fact.


Soon after, there was a rumor on the mainland that it was said that the concubine of the Emperor Xinna of the Liangliang Kingdom was taken away by the mysterious master. The emperor Li Ruokong was not thinking about her tea and was so unhappy that she didn’t even bother to get up.

The people are extremely curious about this Various rumors are spreading, and gradually, this concubine Liang Guo was spread the name of the first beautiful man on the mainland.

Of course, these are things that happened later. If Mita knows these things, he doesn't know if the monk will be ashamed.



Solar system.

Several lights and shadows came out of the hot sun, but compared to the huge sun, the glare of the glare is almost negligible.

At super fast speed, light and shadow fall on a meteorite not far from the sun.

This meteorite has a size of two or three kilometers in diameter, and it moves very fast. Because it is too close to the sun, it is burned like a red iron. The level is lower, and I am afraid to fall on it.

"But he came out!" Mido adjusted his beard and looked back at the huge sun, unable to help but let out a long breath. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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