Super Study God

Chapter 942: If she becomes a Buddha, do you dare to take it?


Liu Ruxu raised his neck, and Tian Daojian crossed her neck.

She actually hid!

Several people besides looked at this scene strangely. It was only then that Liu Ruxu had never avoided it, and was allowed to be slashed by Su Hang. However, this time, she actually hid, which means that she was from Su Hang. The sword felt threatened.

"Aren't you not hiding?" Su Hang stood by the sword and looked at Liu Ruxu unhappy.

Originally, he expected this surprise, but it was easily seen by Liu Ruxu. Sure enough, it was ridiculous to play tricks in front of Heavenly Realm.

"You have killed me a hundred times, and no matter how big the enmity is, I hope God Venerable can speak, and don't embarrass me as a weak woman in the future!" Liu Rusu pointed at Su Hangdao.

Weak girl? Su Hang was ridiculous when he heard it. If she was weak, there would be no strongman in this world.

However, Su Hang has nothing to say.

After Liu Ruxu finished his speech, he didn't wait for Su Hang to reply. He waved his big sleeves, rolled Jiang Li and left, and disappeared in a few people's consciousness detection in an instant. Only the three Su Hang were forced by Standing for a long time in the state.

"How could this be?"

For a long time, Mituo was very puzzled. The big killer would actually do such a thing.

"There must be something wrong with this!" Hao Tian said abruptly beside him.

The two glanced at Hao Tian. This guy was completely talking nonsense. The blind knew that there was something wrong with it.

"How to deal with?" Mi Tuo asked Su Hang.

Su Hangdao, "You can't let her run away, otherwise you will endlessly suffer!"

After finishing talking, Su Hang walked away.

The three people spent a lot of time almost turning the entire Ares Star Zone, but they did not find the slightest trace of Liu Ruxu, not even the figure of a demon.

"The means of Heavenly Dao Realm, I can hardly speculate, what magical power Xu used, so I can't search!" On a barren little planet, Hao Tiandao.

Su Hang and Mi Tuo also agree with Hao Tian's view. The God of War star field is vast and vast. When they use such consciousness to probe, most of them can't find anything.

"Forget it." Mi Tuo said next to her, "What if she really understands and is ready to change?"

Su Hang turned to look at him, "Do you think it is possible?"

Mi Tuogan laughed, "Although the path of possibility is almost negligible, there is always such a possibility. After all, after 100,000 years of vicissitudes, the Palace of the Gods is gone, and the Emperor Chu is no longer there. She tries to achieve the avenue. It also ended in halfway. Now it is no better than the ancients. The monk is dying and not as old as the eleventh. If she wants to take the old road, it may be unrealistic. Maybe he really figured it out, put down the butcher knife and became a Buddha!"

Su Hang smiled coldly, "If she becomes a Buddha, do you dare to take it?"

Upon hearing this, Mi Tuo laughed, dare to accept? Dare to take a fart! Perhaps only his apprentice can do such a thing.

"However, if she is forced to do so again and again, in case she is in a hurry, not to kill you, to kill others, and to do anything that is utterly innocent, then how is it good?" Mido said.

This is a truth. In case she is in a hurry, she will not kill you, but she will run to kill others. What should I do? With that woman's temperament, what can't be done?

Anyway, if she said that the woman would be rehabilitated, Suhang would never believe it. This time her expression was too abnormal, and Suhang even believed that he was advancing.

Perhaps, she has already noticed something!

Yes, she is a strong player in the heavenly realm. She jumped out of the rules. She should be able to see everything in the rules clearly. What kind of small movements did Su Hang have? She might have seen it early in the morning.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that she will give in again and again, she must know that there is a Hongjun on her head.

"From now on, the universe of the universe will probably be more troublesome!"

Su Hang sighed, extremely helpless, this is not his inaction, but powerless, after all, he is already ready to give up his own right, ready to feed the tiger.

However, there is still a bit of gain. The woman is still afraid of the power of the road in her body, otherwise, she will not avoid it before.

It's a pity that you don't have time. If you have enough time, you can improve yourself to a certain level, maybe you don't need to be so afraid of Liu Rusu.



Back at the Dragon Palace, Suhang told everyone what happened, and everyone said they couldn't believe it.

Everyone in this world may be better, but only a person like Liu Rusu, it is absolutely impossible to suddenly change her mind, because she is the public enemy of the monks of the universe, and has already completely stood on the opposite side of the universe. Too.


Her way of doing things is to make everyone feel confused. Everyone discussed the countermeasures, and they have nothing to do. They can only make people pay close attention to the God of War star field. Once the devil has a change, it needs to be dealt with in time!


At night, only Su Hang and Tai Ao!

In the courtyard of the palace, under the stars, both were speechless.

"What do you think she thinks?" Su Hang asked Tai Ao.

Tai Ao hasn't heard back for a long time, and it took a while to say, "There is no doubt that she must know our intentions, so she will give back to you again and again!"

"Tian Dao Realm is really so strong? Can it be counted?" Su Hang asked.

Tai Ao Dao, "I’m afraid that only Dao Zu can do everything, but for ordinary Tian Dao Realm, it is still possible to calculate a one, two, three, four, although you don’t know everything, but you should Haven’t forgotten, Dao Zu said, because he intervened in this matter, the rules have been broken, you should be damn, but you are still alive, that is to say, the demon girl is murderous to But now I haven't killed you!"

"Yes!" Su Hang shot her thigh. "It must be the case. She should have killed me, but she hasn't killed me. She must have known our intentions, so she deliberately avoided!"

Tai Ao nodded. "The history line is also a rule. Dao ancestors intervene, so history has changed. As a master of heaven and earth, it is impossible to feel your intentions. It is not difficult to work out your intentions with your heart and deduction. "

Su Hang listened to this and couldn't help but startle in a cold sweat. The opponent was not only a strong and unmatched opponent, but also knew your intentions, you could not even have a chance of being a yin person, this is not a dead end. What?

Tai Ao has been infinitely close to Heaven and Dao Realm, and he has much more to see than others.

At this time, Tai Ao said, "This time, we are not all fruitless, at least it proves it."


ps: The deduction of the book: "Eight wine is like a mountain and eight paint spirits", interested friends come to Kazakhstan. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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