Super Study God

Chapter 962: Pig Emperor Wuji!

Outside the Imperial City, there is an official residence dedicated to receiving foreign visitors and messengers. Su Hang is preparing to take a break first, observe and observe the customs of this feather, and then talk about other things.

"I think this feather race is not much different from other places!"

On the second floor of a restaurant, Su Hang leaned against the window and watched the people coming and going on the street. Apart from the imperial city hanging in the distance, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

Hao Tian smiled next to him, "Don't conceal the deity, the disciples have been to this ancient city, but they have never seen Yuhuang Zhenrong. The arrogance of this feather tribe, looking at the entire cosmic world, I am afraid that they are absolutely extraordinary.

"Oh? Have you been here? In your capacity, he refused to see you?" Su Hang looked back and looked at Haotian in surprise.

You know, this guy is not only the Emperor of Heaven, but also a disciple of Dao Zu. This feather family is so bold that it doesn't even give Dao Zu's face?

Hao Tian smiled bitterly, "The disciple has visited three times in total, but has only had one summoning, but he still has a layer of gauze curtains, and he doesn't see clearly.

There is a lot of helplessness between words, perhaps, in this big universe world, there should not be many people who can not give him Haotian face.

After Su Hang heard it, he shook his head and wondered whether he should come or not. In case the Emperor also gave him a closed door soup, wasn't it embarrassing?

"Hahaha!" At this time, there was a laugh beside him, "Are you two coming to see Emperor Yu?"

The two looked back, but saw the curtain of a private room open and a man came out.

Needless to say the figure, fat head, big ears, and brain full of intestines, fearing that there are hundreds of pounds, walking not only the stomach is shaking, the chest is shaking, the floor is shaking.

Perhaps it was just a big meal, with oil on the face, which made people look greasy.

Holding his head up, he was laughing, but the laughter made people think he was laughing.

Su Hang could feel the momentum of this person, very extraordinary, immediately pulled out the system and scanned it, there was no information.

Obviously, the realm is higher than that of Su Hang. As for how much higher, it is not clear.

Hao Tian saw this person, but his face was a little dark, and the two seemed to know each other.

"Emperor Pig?"

For a long time, Haotian's mouth spit out two words.

Behind the man, several people came out one after another, all of them were fat and big ears, they looked like a gathering of fat people, and one of them respectfully presented a white silk.

The man took the white silk, wiped his hands, wiped his mouth, threw it aside, and walked towards Haotian gracefully.

"Who am I? It turned out to be His Majesty Haotian Tiandi, a disciple of the Taoist ancestors. It was really rude. I didn't expect to meet His Majesty Tiandi in this ancient city!"

Between the words, there was a bit of joking, which made Su Hang have to wonder if this guy named Pig Emperor had any trouble with Haotian.

In the eyes of the fat man, Su Hang next to Haotian has been automatically ignored by him, after all, too weak.

This is the case in this world. In the eyes of the strong, the weak are often overlooked.

Hao Tian's face changed slightly, "I didn't expect that I could meet the pig emperor here!"

The man smiled, "I'm not invited by the Emperor Yu, said that there is something important to discuss, because of my relationship with the Emperor Yu, there is no way, I still have to come."

Speaking of which, the man paused and looked at Haotian with great interest, "Is this His Majesty the Emperor just coming, or is he going to leave?"

Is this ironic? Su Hang looked at the fat man, and then Haotian.

The Emperor Tian was also very tired. Although things were smooth, he certainly offended many people. This person seemed to want to find Haotian uncomfortable.

Haotian didn't answer, but the man took his own seat across from Haotian, where Su Hang sat down.

Picking up the wine glass, and seeing that there was no wine in the glass, the man immediately looked at Su Hang next to him, "What do you do, don't you pour wine for the emperor?"

Su Hang was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he regarded himself as Haotian's follower. This Nima's was too blind!

"Pig Wuji, you wantonly!"

Hao Tian saw this, but his face was blue. This guy actually dared to humiliate Su Hang. Is this enough? Immediately pointed at the man and scolded.

The man apparently didn't expect Haotian to suddenly jump, the wine glass in his hand was shocked, and he almost couldn't hold it.

Just torn your face? The man looked at Haotian a little unexpectedly, and then he satirized him a few words, and actually set himself on fire, which was not the Haotian he had in mind.

"You and I have been friends for so many years. Have you made this little slave a glass of wine? As for such a fire? I haven't seen it in so many years. His emperor's cultivation practice has not risen, but his temper has risen a lot!" Instead of being afraid, he sneered.

"You, Pig Wuji, you are really lawless. Do you know who you are talking to?" Hao Tian pointed at the man's nose, unusually angry.

"Yo?" The man was a little bit angry when he heard this, and looked at Haotian with contempt. "It's a great prestige to pass on the disciples of Dao Zu, if there is Dao Zu to support you, Hao Tian, ​​you think it's up to you You, can you be qualified to speak in front of the emperor today?"

"You..." Hao Weather was speechless.

The man sneered. "If it weren't because of the relationship between Dao and Zu, everyone would leave you a little thin noodles. Do you think you can still live safely today?"

"I heard that a few days ago, you were punished by Dao Zu, huh, it seems that Dao Zu is not so fond of you, a relationship, and dare to point fingers in front of me?"

"Did you still want to see Emperor Yu?" The man laughed at Haotian Yitong unabashedly, "Tell you, you are not qualified enough, you and we are not at the same level, go back to your heavenly palace, Don’t be humiliated!"

"Come here and pour wine for the Emperor!" After all, the man ignored Haotian's Tieqing's face and shouted at Su Hang again.

In that person's Su Hang was Haotian's follower. In front of Haotian, it was a pleasure to humiliate his followers.

Su Hang felt that the dog was beeping. What was this Nima, the gods were fighting, did the mortal suffer?

"Pig Wuji, you are so brave!"

Hao Tian yelled, and a gust of wind blew out, frying the wine glass in the man's hand.

The man's face darkened at once, and he looked at Haotian somberly, "Are you going to do it? Okay, let's calculate the new and old accounts together today."

He said, patted the table, stood up, glared at Haotian as if a battle was about to hit.

I am afraid that these two people are both in Heavenly Realm. They really want to fight. Su Hang can stand next to him.


ps: The deduction of the book: "89413870", interested friends come to Kazakhstan. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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