Super Study God

Chapter 982: Swire World?

Ancient, vicissitudes, like the legendary barren world, occasionally some unnamed flying birds swept across the sky, and in the distant forest, from time to time a low beast roar came from time to time, people could not help but from the heart trembling.

There is a faint scent of flowers and grass in the air, which is full of vitality. It is completely a piece of land that has never been reclaimed. broad!

In a yellow cauliflower field, a huge turkey with a crocodile-like mouth was just awake, his eyes fluttered down the bright feathers on his body, looking left and right, ready to find something to eat.

This cauliflower field, with a radius of more than ten miles, is its territory. It believes that no prey can hold its strong claws, and no prey can hold its crocodile-like mouth. Tear.

Looking for something to fill your stomach?

The big turkey is thinking in this way. If it is a person, how lonely it must be singing invincible in his heart now. How sad is such a day?

When should I develop my own territory, or I won't even find a spouse of the same kind.

Just as the big turkey was thinking, the yellow flower in front moved a little, and a big yellow flower python protruded out of the yellow flower.

The big turkey held his foot in his eyes, and there was a hint of evil in his eyes.

It seemed that the big yellow-spotted python had also discovered the existence of the big turkey, and immediately turned and ran into the yellow-flowered field, but since it has been discovered, how could the big turkey let it run away?

The big turkey screamed excitedly, carried a pair of claws, and ran quickly, a pair of strong claws, running like lightning, jumped three feet high, and fell with a bang.


In the cauliflower field, there was a roar from the cauliflower snake.

After a while, the big turkey came out of the cauliflower field. The claws were already the body of the giant cauliflower snake.

Invincible, really lonely.

The big turkey was so high-handed that it was thought that this cauliflower snake would make it a bit tricky, but the result was so unbearable.

The paws grasped the snake carcass and put it in the mouth. The crocodile-like teeth easily tore the tough snake skin apart.


Just as the big turkey was ready to taste his loot, suddenly there was a thunderous sound from Toushan.

Looking up, the sky seemed to be thrown into a rock like the surface of the water, and it waved strangely. In this scene, the scarred turkey shrank and said that the snake corpse in his hand also fell to the ground.


The center of the ripple suddenly shot two black spots, like a meteorite, hitting the big turkey. The big turkey was startled and turned and ran.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the two shadows smashed into the cauliflower field, the ground trembles, and a large amount of dirt was raised.

Feathers are flying!


At night, it was dark.

A flat area in the middle of the cauliflower field ignited a burst of fire, and far away, there was a fascinating barbecue aroma.

A huge turkey was standing on the hot woodpile. Under the flames of the fire, the skin was yellow and bright, and the oil beads dripped and fell on the firewood. The fire was trembling and jumping endlessly.

Hao Tian squatted beside him, carefully watching the huge roasted turkey roaring in front of him, swallowing in his throat, obviously being tempted.

In the end, the underpants were still not found. Haotian found a piece of clothing from the carry-on storage and wore it, but he was laughing in his heart. He was really kicked by a donkey in his head. In order to chase a pair of underpants, he ran that initiative. The space crack went.

"Shen Zun, can this meat be eaten?" Hao Tian swallowed, then asked Su Hang, who was seriously adding fire to the side and roasting a large turkey.

Smells good, but this animal Haotian has never seen.

Su Hang stopped for a while. "It should be possible. It's a waste of not eating."

He got up, pulled off a big chicken leg, and threw it directly to Haotian. Haotian quickly got up and held the huge chicken leg with both hands.

"The chicken leg with such a big size is the first time in my life."

Su Hang also pulled off one of them, with a little excitement between the eyebrows, this chicken leg is too big, two or three times larger than his body, so he holds a huge, shiny chicken leg The scene was really shocking.

Ya ya ya...

Looking at Su Hang's eating, Hao Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly. How could this deity not pay attention to his manners at all?


"How? How does it taste?"

A huge chicken leg was eaten alive by Su Hang. It was really unimaginable how such a big chicken leg was stuffed into his stomach.

Hao Tian sat next to him and threw the turkey leg bone like a leg to his side, then pulled out a handkerchief, and wiped the polished mouth gracefully.

"Shen Zun baked things, naturally is excellent." Hao Tian said.

"You, you will tell the truth."

Su Hang laughed and patted his **** and stood up. "Eat and drink. Should we see where we got this?"

Hao Tianhan was sweating, you old man, can think of the business, and thought you only remember to eat it.

Haotian looked around. "This place is very strange. I can't feel the existence of the world and the power of the earth. This world is full of strange power. I can't say it."

"Demon power!" Su Hangdao.

"Demon power?" Hao Tian froze for a moment, and looked at Su Hang unexpectedly. "I've seen so much monstrous energy, shouldn't this force be monstrous?"

Fear of hitting Su Hang's face, Haotian said very gently.

Su Hang listened, but shook his head, "It's the ancient demon power, a more brutal force than the heaven and earth a more powerful force."

"Ancient fairy power?"

Hao Tian heard it and was surprised. He stood up and stood up, looking at the dark night surrounding him. The evolution of time, how could there be an ancient magic power?"

Beside, Su Hang didn't answer, because he couldn't say it. God knows where they were brought by that space crack?

Space cracks can be encountered outside Taikoo Shing, and drinking cold water is just a stopper. Su Hang felt that he was really unlucky enough. It must be the reason why he did not look at the almanac when he went out today.

"The creatures in this place are all strangely shaped, many of which I have never seen before." Hao Tian paused and suddenly looked back at Su Hang, his voice trembling slightly, "God, we will not run Is Taikoo coming?"


ps: The deduction of the book: "89413870", interested friends come to Kazakhstan. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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