Li Yaodao looked at the box opened in front of him. There was a red and gold heart that was beating gently. There was an incredible color in his eyes, and he was surprised: "Heart?"

"The heart that was taken out alone still has vitality?!"

This situation is completely beyond Li Yaodao's understanding of ordinary things. It stands to reason that after any life being takes out the heart from the bed sheet, the heart will gradually stop beating without the blood supply.

However, this heart that has no blood vessel support, but can still beat day after day, and the energetic feeling gave him the illusion that it is an independent individual.

"Evolve the system, scan this thing!"

The stranger the thing, the more cautious Li Yaodao is. After all, this is a barren ancient continent, and even the beasts have been dried out. A heart that can beat on its own is probably reasonable...

"Ding! If you return to the host, the system has already completed the scan. This heart has strong vitality and full spiritual fluctuations, but it is impossible to detect whose heart it is."

"Can't even you detect whose heart it is..." Li Yaodao murmured.

He also did not expect that the evolutionary system, which can be called the existence of the ancient encyclopedia, could not even recognize the origin of this heart.

In his opinion, the more mysterious the thing, the more terrifying its origin!

The beating red-gold heart seemed to see Li Yaodao. While it was shaking the heart, the waves of invisible thin lines quietly linked the other's snake body, conveying a kind of gentle and friendly emotion.

"Ding! According to the inference of this system, the origin of this heart is very large, and if it can merge with the host, it may be more powerful!"

"This thing can still be integrated with me?" Li Yaodao asked in amazement when he heard the words, a touch of joy appeared in his eyes, and even his breathing became a little quick.

If it becomes stronger because of the fusion of an unknown heart, isn't it a so-called opportunity?

Although this kind of thing sounds a bit ridiculous, but in the Desolate Ancient Continent, things that seem to be more ridiculous are very common...

"Ding! After testing, this heart will stop beating after one day. The box was sealed before to keep it fresh!"

"In that case, I have to make a choice?" Li Yaodao said in amazement, frowning at the beating heart in the box in front of him.

"Ding! The host is right!"

At that time, he rubbed his chin with his tail, looked at the rhythmic red and gold heart in the box, and thought: "System, do you think I will merge this heart, will it really become stronger?"

"Ding! This is hard to say, because this system cannot immediately tell whether this heart is powerful or harmful to the host!"

"Ding! Everything is the normal reasoning and judgment of this system, not some kind of decision-making, the final decision right is with you!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao fell into deep thought. This kind of thing is like buying a lottery ticket. If you are lucky, you will win the prize.

But no matter which world it is in, luck is often in the hands of a few people.

Li Yaodao is also a bit entangled now, because according to the normal logic of the system, as long as the heart is merged, the power obtained will likely be very eye-catching.

Of course, all of this is based on the position that this heart is beneficial to him. If it is the opposite, then he is very likely to perish!

"Either become stronger or die?"

Li Yaodao took a deep breath, and he gave a wry smile. There are difficulties and obstacles everywhere in this cultivation.

Suddenly, two shadows flashed across his mind, a blonde golden pupil dazzling like the sun, and a pink pupil cooling and melting the softness of the snow-capped mountains...

"Wealth and danger, if I do not fight, I may not catch up with them for the rest of my life, time is not waiting!" Li Yaodao gritted his teeth, made a decisive decision, and used his tail to roll up the beating red gold heart from the box. .

Li Yaodao looked at the beating heart in his tail, suddenly realized a problem, and muttered: "How can I fuse you..."

Gudong... Gudong!

The red gold heart seemed to feel Li Yaodao's mood, and its beating power became more steady and steady, and immediately the red gold light was released, and it suddenly turned into thousands of red gold rays to bloom!

The blooming red gold light is inexhaustible, it is like putting a soft red gold yarn on the Li Yaodao, fusing into every inch of Li Yaodao's body in the most comprehensive way...

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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