Fragmented sand and dust filled the wide dim space in the mountain. Li Yaodao leaned against the cracked rock wall and coughed violently. Although he had acted as a pad to protect the girl in his arms, he was shocked just now. Human impact is really powerful.

"Just let you go away, why didn't you go away?"

At that time, the Tsing Yi girl in her arms raised her head somewhat dissatisfied, pouting her mouth and looking at the surprised look of Li Yaodao, and was also stunned.

The two said in unison: "Why are you?"

At this time, neither Li Yaodao nor the Tsing Yi girl would expect to meet here.

Li Yaodao looked at the girl in her arms in astonishment, and she never expected that the girl in Tsing Yi who almost destroyed Zhou Yaoyao's shop before would appear here.

The girl in Tsing Yi gradually turned from consternation to a pretty face, and immediately lifted her slender palms, and the fierce wind filled her.


At the same time, on the tops of the two, the broken rocks burst open, and the huge rock suddenly fell. The Tsing Yi girl stopped waving her palms when she saw the situation, but subconsciously hugged Li Yaodao's body, and the two embraced and rolled down. On one side, dodging the falling rock.


After everything calmed down, whether it was Li Yaodao or the Tsing Yi girl, their eyes were very surprised. At this time, their bodies hugged, their lips pressed against each other, and their eyes stared at each other.

This kiss is definitely an accident in an accident.

With lips, Li Yaodao sat up, hurriedly left the other side, sat on the other side, stretched out his hand and touched his nose, not knowing what to say, but he was really speechless.

Damn, Xiaoye's first kiss was gone, and it was given to someone he didn't even know?

At this time, the Tsing Yi girl's pretty face was very embarrassed, and her clear eyes, which seemed to be about to cry, flashed a little bit of anger.

Li Yaodao touched his nose, and said, "Um...I didn't mean it, we are both monsters, shouldn't you care about this kind of thing?"

Hearing this, the girl in Tsing Yi gritted her teeth angrily, her small hand was condensed, and the blue light surged, and she saw a sharp blue light flashing away in the hands of a treasure that looked like a sword and knife, and slashed towards the opponent.


Seeing the momentum, Li Yaodao also drew his sword to block the former's swing, frowned, and said helplessly: "Isn't it just a kiss. As for the fire? The Yaozu still cares about this?"

"Yes! Care!" The girl in Tsing Yi gritted her teeth, bent her eyebrows and stood upside down, obviously really angry.

She only saw that Li Yaodao repelled with one blow, and the treasure in her little hand released a dazzling cyan blade mark sweeping away, covering everything.

Li Yaodao also had a temper at this moment, the meaning of the sky cluster "edge" swung out, the blue light blade mark and the blue knife light violently attacked together, causing turbulence in the large space in this mountain, as if it would be at any time Collapsed.

Seeing that the space inside the mountain was extremely unstable, the two stopped and waved the treasure in their hands, staring at each other.

In the quiet dim space, the girl in Tsing Yi was very angry, her pretty face still blushing, her thin lips biting tightly, her aggrieved appearance, as if she had suffered the biggest loss in the world and was about to cry.

Li Yaodao was also a little angry, but when he thought that the other party was also a female, and that he was almost crying, it made him even more confused. He frowned and said, "It's just a kiss. What's the big deal? dead?"

The Tsing Yi girl raised her head and glared at the black-clothed teenager who was taller than herself, her petite body trembled slightly, not to mention her petite, but very plump.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Li Yaodao didn't bother to continue talking.

At that time, the girl dissipated the treasure in her hand, raised her finger to the forward, and said angrily: "My name is Qingli, you remember it for me!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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