Li Yaodao, who swept from the back of the hillside, saw the familiar figure in white clothes, which was undoubtedly Zhou Yaoyao. The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she immediately fell down, smiling: "It's so late, why didn't you go back to rest?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yaoyao turned around in vain, looking at the black-clothed teenager who was dreaming in her heart, her beautiful eyes flashed with a bit of joy, and she rushed over.

"Brother Dao, it's great that you are fine!"

Just a second before Zhou Yaoyao wanted to reach out and hug the boy in black, Qing Li stepped forward in vain and stood in front of Li Yaodao. Her charming and pretty face was full of vigilance.

"Don't touch him!"

Zhou Yaoyao stopped when she saw the situation, and looked at the little girl in Tsing Yi with a small face, her pretty face was slightly startled, and she unexpectedly said, "You weren't the little girl who came to our shop to buy medicine pills that day?"

"I repeat, I am not young at all!" Qing Li stared at the opponent warily, not allowing Zhou Yaoyao to approach Li Yaodao.

Zhou Yaoyao glanced at the girl in Tsing Yi who looked like she was protecting her calf, then at the helpless Li Yaodao, and said in surprise, "Brother Dao, what's the situation?"

"Brother Dao!" Xiao Hei jumped from the former Xiangjian, and immediately jumped into Li Yaodao's arms.

Li Yaodao held Xiao Hei with a smile on his face, a little helpless, and immediately stretched out his hand to pull Qingli aside, and said with a wry smile: "This is a long story, but this girl is a bit special, don't care, she is. "

Zhou Yaoyao nodded thoughtfully when she heard the words, she looked at each other with concern and asked, "Brother Dao, are you not injured? I've been worried about you for a long time."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Li Yaodao gently shook his head and smiled: "By the way, did anything else happen after I left?"

Zhou Yaoyao shook her head and said, "No. At that time, the strength of the two parties was equal, and you were hunted down. The geniuses of the central capital were all gone. They thought that Gan Yuntian, the peak of the Nine-Star Sky Profound Realm, was chasing you and you would definitely die, so. .."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yaoyao was suddenly startled and said: "By the way, Brother Dao, what happened to you?"

"I'm okay, the guy who chased me is dead." Li Yaodao smiled, and the words were quite relaxed.

"One more thing, this young lady killed that fellow!" Qing Li said proudly.

Li Yaodao rubbed his chin and asked, "Then what's going on behind you here? I didn't expect you to be descendants of Zhou's family in the central capital."

Hearing this, Zhou Yaoyao also smiled bitterly and shook her head, and said: "I just know that father has hidden too deeply, but his old man didn't mean to return to Zhou's house."

Li Yaodao nodded slightly when he heard the words, looked at the other side, and said, "What about you? The Zhou family, the capital of the Yangtze River, has a strong background of resources. You have this status, don't you want to further study?"

"I have been in the wasteland since I was born, and I am used to it here, and I also like freedom. I am not familiar with the Zhou family, so I won't go. I just want to stay with Daddy and An An."

Zhou Yaoyao smiled, and immediately took out a small card engraved with the word Zhou from the storage space and handed it out.

Li Yaodao took the small card and said in surprise: "What is this?"

"This is a token of the Zhou family. Both my father and I know that you should leave here soon, should you go to Yangdu?" Zhou Yaoyao bit her teeth and said softly.

"Yes, I really want to go to Central Capital." Li Yaodao nodded.

Zhou Yaoyao looked at the young man embarrassedly, and said softly, "My father, I want to ask you something."

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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