In the dark and dense forest, Yanyue’s combat power at this moment is far inferior to her before, and she has consumed a lot of spiritual power. If it were not for her strong willpower, and her inner stubbornness and unwillingness, she would have long since been replaced by someone else. fallen.

Yanyue, who was biting her thin lips, was unwilling to die here, but after she saw the tree poles not far away, the group of dense blood spiders was staring at the shaky purple-haired **** the black grass.

They are using their numbers to conquer each other. Although many companions have died, they have no meaning at all for this group of monsters who have no mercy at all.

Killing Yanyue and devouring the opponent's soul is what this group of monsters want to do.

"I'm dead, and I want to pull on all your ugly and dirty guys as a cushion!" Yanyue shouted angrily, and the purple traces of light all over her body were shocked, and the Snake Emperor's whip continued to attack the void, forming a lot of violent ripples. , Forcing the group of monsters to dare not approach.

Yanyue was ready to die. If she said regrets, her heart was very calm and she firmly believed that everything was dictated by fate.

Now the resistance is also useless, as long as the group of monsters are culled, Yanyue will directly explode!

This Nizi has a very strong personality!

In the distance, the Peak Demon Spider, which is protected by many monsters in the center, seems to like to see the desperate look of its prey. The ugly front claw swings slightly and makes a oozing squeak.


At the same time, just as Yanyue was about to die, she could only hear someone shouting her name in the roaring wind.

She looked down the source of the sound that was not loud, and the pupils in her Ling pupil contracted slightly.

I saw in the endless darkness, a golden flame of redemption and hope, rushing towards the moon like a meteor.

Facing the sudden appearance of "uninvited guests", the group of wild blood spiders seemed to be attracted by the golden light, and greedily culled them one after another. However, when they approached the hot and blazing golden light, a strange scene happened.

I saw that the group of many mad blood spiders who wanted to swallow the golden light was enveloped in by the extremely hot and unmatched light at the moment they were approaching, and it instantly turned to ashes.

Puff puff...

The muffled sounds sounded like a short circuit of the power supply one after another, the group of crazy blood spiders who rushed up to swallow them, turned into black and gray one after another, and annihilated in the violent roaring wind.

Faced with the sudden appearance of Jin Mang, and the familiar voice that made her gnash her teeth, Yan Yue's pretty face was startled at first, and she immediately became delighted.

"I am here!"

After saying this, Yanyue suddenly became angry again. When she thought that she was almost dead because of this nasty guy, she really wanted to kill him when she was angry.

call out!

The golden light scars appeared and flickered, Li Yaodao looked at the girl covered with a lot of black blood, frowning, and seemed to be relieved. Seeing the grievance to the extreme, the angry girl smiled bitterly: "I am I came here specially for you, at least give me a smile?"

"I want to drag you to **** together, so how about having a companion?" Yan Yueqiang smiled, her pretty face still very cold.

Although she was grateful for the other party's life-saving help, she was still very angry, and when she reacted, the other party was only at the peak of Tianxu and couldn't help exclaiming: "No, how did you rush in? Are you afraid of death?! "

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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