Returning to the decaying and desolate hall from the beginning, Li Yaodao looked at the burning direction of the previous bonfire and threw the red flames past.


The flame instantly ignited everything that could be ignited all around.

Yanyue followed Li Yaodao and said nothing, as if waiting for the young man to do the next step.

"This place is evil enough..." Li Yaodao grinned, took out a small bottle from the storage space, poured out several life pills, and handed them to the opponent.

"Just now when Chen you slept, I made some pills, which can be considered as a combat battery life. After all, we still have some time to break through this flightless area of ​​suppression." Li Yaodao said solemnly.

Holding the pill in her hand, Yanyue smiled sweetly, and lightly pounded the young man's shoulder, and said: "Okay, you, alchemist master, fortunately you can make alchemy, otherwise, we would really die of nine deaths."

"Don't be too optimistic now, we don't know what's going on outside." Li Yaodao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I saw Yanyue with her little hand on her back, jumping around Li Yaodao like an elf, jokingly said: "I'm also a person who can afford to let go of Yanyue. If we can or go out this time, I will..."

With that, Yan Yueqiao blushed slightly, as if she was talking about a topic that made her a little bit shy, and she wanted to stop talking.

"If you have something to say, don't talk to me. If you are grateful, it will be avoided. My friends don't want this." Li Yaodao stepped forward and took back the Xingchending that had been released before.

Hearing this, Yanyue's pretty face was stunned, and she was stunned. She looked at the teenager who came forward to collect the tripod and couldn't help asking: "You...would you like to make me a friend?"

"I wanted to kill you before. As a member of the Monster Race, you don't have a bit of a hatred character?"

Li Yaodao couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, looked at each other, and said with a smile: "I'm not a bad person. We just misunderstood. It can be regarded as not knowing each other. Moreover, I would be happy to make friends with a "big" beauty like you."

Hearing this, Yanyue snorted and muttered: "Man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, how do I feel, you are a bit like my brother..."

"Your brother? That Yantian God?" Li Yaodao raised her eyebrows lightly, then shrugged, and said, "Maybe all men in the world are the same. Men still know men best."

"Cut, you are obviously a demon..."

"Correct, I am a male demon, I am rounded to the nearest man, thank you!"


At the gate of the ruins palace, there is still a howling cloudy wind outside, sweeping the surrounding forest and ocean with the most majestic momentum. The incomparably dark forest and ocean seem to be catering to the cloudy wind and swaying endlessly.

At this time, in addition to the yin wind, Li Yaodao stuck to the edge of the door and looked out. His soul power quietly spread, but it had not spread for many meters, but was blocked.

"Unexpectedly, the amount of suppression pressure here can suppress not only our spirit wings flight, but also soul power. It's really a weird place." Li Yaodao murmured.

Just now he released the sight of his visit and found that he was completely obstructed and annihilated by an invisible force of suppression. As long as it exceeded the range of a few meters, it disappeared instantly, which was really weird.

Yanyue subconsciously put her little hand on Li Yaodao's shoulder, exposing her head behind her shoulder, secretly looked outside, frowned and said, "What should I do?"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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