Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 850: Five Dao Ancient Monsters

Bang! Boom!

Accompanied by a loud crash of the earth, they appeared from a distance, headed by God Yantian, including Li Yaodao, all five stopped their progress.

Because, there is no longer a dark dense forest in the front, but huge black pits that are faintly visible to the naked eye, sinking and falling slowly.

The pitch-black potholes that appeared this time were not just one, but five!

The black mud erupted like magma, bursting out from the huge black hole, and the large patches of dark old trees that had been swallowed by the black hole appeared around them, and under the immersion and blessing of the black mud, they grew one after another.


I only heard a scream like a scream, coming out of the black hole, after the black mud emerged, there were huge slug-like Dao ancient monsters, once again appearing in front of everyone.

Although these five ancient Dao monsters are huge and majestic one after another, they have obvious differences in height. However, the smallest Dao ancient monster is also thirty feet tall, and its strength is at the level of the three-star sky-passing realm.

And the strongest, that is, the tallest Dao ancient monster, is still as high as a hundred feet!

In other words, among the five Dao ancient monsters that were intercepted later, there is another existence comparable to the invincible sky!

Li Yaodao looked at the scene ahead, frowning his brows. He found that things were becoming more and more uncontrollable. The Dao ancient monster just now almost made them jump up and down. If there was no spiritual fire, that one might not be able to. Kill.

But now there are five ancient monsters rushing up from the ground in one go. What does this mean?

It shows that there is more than one Dao ancient monster under this wild blood spider forest!

"Five ancient monsters...Hey, can you still release the spirit fire?" Yantian God looked forward with a narrow gaze, then looked back at Li Yaodao and asked: "If the spirit fire can still be released, Give it to me this time, and I will take you out."

However, the next second did not wait for Li Yaodao to reply, but Long Erdie was a little bit dissatisfied with his waist, frowning and said: "You guy really doesn't know how to chatter, you didn't see how other people's faces are? How about being a tool man?"

When Yanyue saw this, she took a step forward. Daimei stared at Long Erdie tightly, and hummed: "My brother is not malicious. Although he is wrong, my brother wants to take you out together. Not a tool person, my brother would not treat him as a multi-tool person!"

"It's not the time to quarrel, everyone should reserve some strength to break through." Li Yaodao walked silently, and immediately looked at Yantian God, and asked: "I can release it once, but how sure are you? "

Everything is just like what Yantian God said before, and now his own spiritual fire urging power can be split into two again, but in that case, the power is bound to be greatly reduced, and there is no longer the previous level of power.

And if the blessing is combined and given to one person, the power can still be comparable to the level of defeating the invincible before!

At this time, there were two excellent candidates. Except for the **** Yantian, there were only Dragon and Butterfly.

Although in terms of the degree of relationship, Li Yaodao is more inclined to leave it to Long Erdie.

However, the current situation has developed to such a point that the degree of danger has increased geometrically. Therefore, his subconscious mind is willing to assist the spirit fire on the body of Yantian again for the safety of the opponent...

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