Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 852: Seven Dao Ancient Monsters

Seeing that the strongest sword was instantly offset by the large black mud fins below, God Yantian suddenly stopped when he saw it, and immediately shouted, "Go back!"

When everyone saw the situation, their reaction was extremely fast, and they retreated in a row.

This sword already contains the strongest spiritual impact of God Yantian, and it also increases the spiritual fire power of the ancient monsters of Tiankedao, but even so, it is still not as good as heaven for human beings. The current situation is pessimistic. Straight up.

The retreating Li Yaodao took advantage of his own spiritual fire, and now he really can't mobilize the virtual dragon at will, because the soul power cannot be supplemented by the outside world. In this forbidden forest, there is no compensation. , Its own consumption, has reached a quite terrifying point.

As soon as he returned to the place where he had broken through before, the expressions of everyone at this moment were solemn!

"How do you feel in your body now?" Long Erdie quickly came to Li Yaodao's side, held the opponent's wrist, felt the condition of the young man's body, and was not as weak as he imagined, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm okay..." Li Yaodao gently shook his head, and looked forward to the appearance of a new Dao ancient monster again. Between his brows, there was also a thick solemn meaning.

Yanyue, who was standing next to Yantian God, wanted to go to Li Yaodao's side to see what was going on at the moment, but her brother still didn't dare to move with her brother beside her, so she could only watch from a distance with concern.

God Yantian narrowed his eyes slightly. He stared at the two ancient monsters that suddenly appeared in front of him. He swept across his younger sister with an undetectable color in his eyes. For some reason, he now dislikes this Li Yaodao very much. .

I always feel that my sister has a feeling of being robbed...

Although there were many fanatical pursuers of Yanyue before, they didn't care about Yanyue, but the latter didn't look down on this group of people, and even the pretty face was always stern and ignored!

But this time is different. Since the appearance of the Li Yaodao, Yanyue's degree of concern for the former is obviously more natural and active than the group of suitors in any previous period.

This is a bit of a "dangerous" signal...


Accompanied by the appearance of two more ancient monsters, accompanied by a series of screaming sounds, they began to move slowly, surrounding them one after another as if they were communicating.

Facing such a dead-end environment, the five people stood together and looked at the Dao ancient monsters, which were two more than them. Now Li Yaodao can no longer release the spirit fire to assist everyone, and things have changed. Yes, the situation is already very urgent.

The eyes of the five people, squinted uniformly, everyone, as super geniuses, has seen countless scenes of life and death, naturally they will not panic just because they are at an absolute disadvantage now.

Including Li Yaodao, the five people looked at the group of slowly moving Dao ancient monsters, and the five people's brains were running fast at this moment.


Seeing that the five human figures have no intention of moving, these seven huge ancient monsters, as if vying for the first time, approached each other one after another, wanting to engulf them!

"Hehe, you little guys, it's really a bit uncomfortable..."

Just at this extremely urgent fit, a familiar and peaceful voice sounded, and everyone suddenly raised their heads in surprise and said in unison.

"Dean Dean!"

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