Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 856: It feels so good to be alive!


Looking at such a sensible young man, the head of the earth was quite surprised and happy in his heart. Although that mysterious person, he specially ordered this one hundred years ago, so that he, a powerful man of the three realms, would please a mere heaven. The young man at the virtual peak, something a little bit so...

However, after seeing Li Yaodao, and after experiencing the current situation, the head of the ground found that the other party really didn't have those so-called airframes. This modest attitude made him quite like it.

"Don't show up, don't show up, don't be proud, yes, I'm very optimistic about you!" Tianchao Qiong Mi was also a salute to Li Yaodao just now, slightly surprised, and then replied with a smile.

"Thank you Tianqiong Tianzun for your praise, this makes the younger generation a little flattered!" Li Yaodao once again arched his hands, facing the Dean and Tianchao Qiong Moose who had rescued them, this is the most basic etiquette and respect.

This is also Li Yaodao's inner personality. He has always been that, no matter who he is and what kind of attitude he is in, he will surely repay more if he is good to himself.

"Take it up?"

Long Erdie has already retracted the Dragon Butterfly giant sword, with a pair of small hands behind him, quite a bit of the vivacious vigor of the girl next door, jokingly: "It's okay, when everyone has the first time, the first time will be more painful. You will feel comfortable, and you will fall in love with this feeling."

Li Yaodao:? ? ?

Long Yiwu:? ? ?

Yantian:? ? ?

Yanyue:? ? ?

Tianchao Qiong Moose also looked at the little aunt in the gold dress with twitching faces, and was even more dumbfounded in his heart. There was a bit of surprise in his eyes, as if he was talking.

What is the word tiger wolf? ?

Li Yaodao was almost choked by the water he had just drunk. He looked at Long Erdie with a little astonishment, with an unbelievable appearance. A large amount of information flashed in his black eyes. The translation is as follows.

I suspected that you drove and drove madly, but I didn't have a certificate to show it to the public, and let the wheel of the car smash on the face, it hurts!

Facing the bewildered companion, Long Erdie didn't pay attention to what he had just said. Instead, he looked at everyone in amazement, spread his hands, and said, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Long Yiwu quietly shook his head and hid his face. This is not what my sister meant...

Yan Tianshen was twitching his facial muscles a bit, but he didn't say anything, but he secretly blamed himself for his guilt, and even wanted to get crooked.

"Ahem... you young people, the dean will not mix things up, Tian Qiong, let's go!" The dean also coughed dryly, then turned around and left.


After Tianchao Qiongmo came to the white robe man's side, the space around the two suddenly became distorted, and the two Heavenly Sovereign realm powerhouses disappeared in a blink of an eye, and they directly moved away.

Faced with the disappearance of the two strong men, the surrounding atmosphere gradually eased.

"Oh, it's great, or I like this kind of weather, Taboo Forest, I really don't want to go again!" Long Erdie walked to the edge of the mountain, opened his arms, took a deep breath, his pretty face was full of joy.

"Wait a while to go back and hand in the task, 1 million spiritual value is available, happy!"

Li Yaodao also nodded emotionally, looking at the blue sky, and stretched out his hand to slightly block the bright sun above, narrowing his eyes. In general, because of the misunderstanding, this trip was a surprise.

It feels so good to be alive!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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