Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 868: If you have a host, there will be no him!

Since he just glanced at the attribute panel, Li Yaodao didn't talk nonsense, and directly pulled the panel to the bottom. However, when he saw the final hidden task, his face was suddenly stunned.

"Strike...Kill Yantian God? As one of the mission conditions for the ultimate breakthrough into the Heaven God Realm?" Li Yaodao's eyes widened in disbelief.

Kill Yantian?

Why kill him?

Moreover, what kind of side is this Yantian God, only by killing him, can he be one of the conditions for breaking through the Heaven God Realm?

Li Yaodao suddenly looked stunned, and couldn't help but ask the evolution system, frowning and said: "No, I won't break through the Heavenly God Realm suddenly, put it aside, why must I kill this Yantian God?"

"System, I seriously suspect that you are now in a faulty state. This will eventually hide the mission, and it's too trivial to release, right?"

He and this guy don't have any hatred at all. Now that the evolution system is forcibly binding himself and the Yantian **** to the point of immortality?

"Ding! This system will reiterate one last time. This is not a joke, nor is it a trifle, and it is not a system malfunction!"

"Ding! Host, you were supposed to be a person who was born again from another cosmic plane, but for some reason, you strayed into the deserted ancient continent. Logically speaking, the cosmic **** of this world is the Yantian god, not the host!"

Hearing this, the dignity between Li Yaodao's eyebrows became heavier and heavier, he walked back and forth on the grass, thinking about the impact this incident had on him.

"What you mean is that I originally didn't belong to this world, but I was arranged into this world, and this world, from now on, there can only be one deity, and that is me, but the premise is that Yantian must be killed. ?"

"Ding! The host is completely correct. Only in this way can the host break through the shackles, return to the world of origin, and regain the arrival of the emperor's rank!"

"Ding! Now that you are wrong, you can only make a mistake to the end. If the host does not kill him, the other party will kill you too!"

"Ding! Because the person named Yantian also has a system in his body, and if nothing else, that system, to a certain extent, I can't help it!"

Hearing such explosive news, Li Yaodao's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of surprise.

The second system owner?

In this world, there is still a system owner like himself?

This news is simply too explosive!

" mean, the Yantian God who also owns the system, he actually knew that I was also the system owner?" Li Yaodao was a little bit speechless, muttering.

"Ding! Maybe, but this system is sure. When he sees the host you, he must know it. This also explains clearly why he wants to kill you when he meets!"

"Ding! That person may be very scheming, maybe he is really worried about his sister, but these are secondary. The first thing is that although you are not related, you are destined to be tied together. Without him!"

The reality is often so cruel. The two parties have nothing to do with each other, but such dramatic changes have taken place, allowing two unrelated people to kill each other!

Taking a deep breath, Li Yaodao looked up to the depths of the surrounding mountains of Henggu Academy. Those firm eyes were shining...

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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