Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 954: One red and one gold interweaving

Long Erdie looked at Li Yaodao, who had undergone earth-shaking changes in both his aura and breath, and immediately couldn't help but ask: "Brother Dao, you also have a secret method? What secret method is this? It is so similar to my sister's. ?"

I saw Li Yaodao after all the preparations were completed. The red pupil blinked a few times, and felt the familiar feeling brought by "Blood Rage". He grinned immediately and said, "This secret method was obtained by accident. It really looks like it. some."

Long Yiwu's blood explosion secret method is to use treasures to refine his own essence and blood, and then activate it.

And Li Yaodao's blood rage appeared directly by transforming its form with his own treasure. It also changed his own essence and blood, but the blood in his body was the blood of the devil dragon and the four-winged black king.

Therefore, if the strength he wants to improve is stronger, he needs more powerful bloodline power.

To put it bluntly, Long Yiwu's blood explosion secret method is that the higher the spiritual power base, the stronger the explosive combat power!

And Li Yaodao's blood rage, the stronger the bloodline power in his body, the higher the burst of fighting power!

"Ding! Host, you can actually break through to the level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm. Why don't you directly use the violent blood to elevate to the extreme?" The Evolution System asked puzzled.

Holding the Scarlet Sky Congyun Li Yaodao, he replied inwardly: "I just want to make people feel that we are not weak. This is not a life-and-death battle. What are you doing so seriously?"

"Ding! I really don't understand your kind of sentimental creatures, sometimes they are more cruel than anyone else, sometimes they are so..."

"There are so many things you don't understand, so I have to explain to you one by one, Master?"

"Ding! I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

"Huh? You still have a little mood? Drink!"

"Ding! Are you spraying me? Drinking!"



Long Erdie held the Dragon Butterfly giant sword and looked at the motionless Li Yaodao. His pretty face was slightly startled, but with a bit of concern, he asked, "Brother Dao, are you okay?"

Hearing this, I saw Li Yaodao slow down, and then shook his head, and said with a dry smile: "It's okay, you can do it first, ladies first!"

"Hey, if I give priority, you might not have the chance." Long Erdie smiled unkindly, and then didn't talk too much nonsense, holding the dragon butterfly giant sword, the bright sword light surging everywhere, with the most madness The way, slashed with a sword.

Feeling the waves of spiritual power from the peak level of Shenyou, Li Yao did not change his face, especially now, he will no longer be affected by this suppressing force.

Because from this moment, he already has this level!

Although, to continue this power, a lot of blood power is needed to support it.

However, with the improvement of strength, Li Yaodao discovered that the amount of blood needed to burn this blood rage was much less than before!

"Ding! Master, you can continue the blood rage for an hour. Please end the battle within this time!"


Li Yaodao replied inwardly, and saw him full of confidence, waving his sword to meet him!


Accompanied by the crisp metal collision sound permeating the square, the violent scarlet power and the majestic golden light swept across the sky with the momentum of the intertwined vortex, two huge waves, one red and one gold, entangled and confronted each other!

Feeling the impact of such majestic spiritual power, Long Yiwu looked at Li Yaodao again. At this moment, the trace of worry in his eyes disappeared!

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