Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1017: Cause and effect, one party is in a fog!

"It turns out that the reason why the sword bones completely disappeared from the mainland is because of an unknown curse?"

Seeing that the sword bones in those strong men became more dimmed, and even the sword bones in the surrounding strong men were faintly affected, Luo Chen felt a little more clear in his heart.

After the Ancient Era, the reason why the sword bone completely disappeared in the long river of time was probably because of this!

The strange curse is directly rooted in the blood, and even affects the laws of the Universe Continent. Whenever a genius with a sword bone is born, the strange curse will act on the genius with a sword bone, causing its sword bone to change. To be mutilated, even cut off directly!

And this is why since the ancient times, no genius with sword bones has appeared on the mainland!

Because all geniuses with sword bones will be affected by that inexplicable curse, so that the sword bones will be covered in dust, and they will not be able to bloom the power of the sword bones!

"I don't know how Senior Sister Zhang's broken sword bone was preserved..."

Thinking of this, Luo Chen didn't consciously think of the broken sword bone that Zhang Qingshi had. According to his speculation, the stronger the sword bone, the stronger the curse it would suffer.

It stands to reason that Zhang Qingshi’s broken sword bone should be one of the types of sword bones that are most likely to be knocked down. However, Zhang Qingshi’s sword bone is only incomplete, but there is nothing unusual other than that. Even Zhang Qingshi can still show the incompleteness. The entire power of destroying the sword bone was not affected at all.

When Luo Chen thought about the problem, dozens of figures were buried in the huge rift, but there were only a handful of strong people still alive.

However, Luo Chen did not feel any panic or even desperate aura from those strong men. Not only that, Luo Chen could even perceive the aura of joy emanating from those people!

"That person should be almost ready, right?" said a legendary expert: "This time it should be possible to completely seal off the Heavenly Burial Abyss, so that this eleventh emperor will never be born!"

"With that person's strength, coupled with many of our top sword bone owners, and then gamble on the future of the sword bone owners, it is enough to seal the extremity!"

A figure next to him nodded, with a bit of sigh in his tone: "The world only knows that the Abyss of Burial is the third extremity of the mainland, which is extremely dangerous, but who knows that the Abyss of Burial is actually the top ten extremities. The safest place among them?

Even if it weren't for the existence of Heaven Burying Abyss, the continent today would have been shattered long ago? "

"Some things are too weird after all, it is normal for the world to not know," the strong man next to him said with a smile: "If it wasn't for this change, maybe even we didn't know that this burial abyss was actually buried. Is it a place of a world?

But how could the heaven and earth of one world be easily obliterated? If it weren’t for the existence of the Abyss of Burial Heaven, perhaps the Universe Continent would have been torn apart by the heaven and earth’s heaven and earth, and completely shattered..."

Hearing that person's words, Luo Chen was shocked, he didn't expect that Heaven Burying Abyss would hide such a secret!

In the eleventh Jedi in the rumor, Yifang Tiandao was buried. Originally, he thought that the news recorded in the illusion of the Shenzong Zongshu Pavilion was only an error, but now he discovered that there really existed on the Qiankun continent. The legendary Eleventh Jedi!

Under Luo Chen's gaze, a figure suddenly appeared in the void. The man was wearing a linen shirt and holding a simple stone sword in his hand. A sense of vicissitudes radiated from his body, as if he had melted with the surrounding world. For one!

But when he saw the person's face clearly, Luo Chen's eyes suddenly popped, with a little bit of amazement in his eyes.

"Sword Ancestor?!"

Yes, that figure wearing a linen shirt is impressively the sword ancestor Luo Chen once had a lot of bonds with!

Moreover, he who possessed the Sword Ancestor Sword Crystal could not have mistaken the amazing sword intent exuded from the Sword Ancestor!

"How is it possible?!" Luo Chen looked at the figure in midair, his eyes full of horror.

In his understanding, Sword Ancestor is a strong man who has risen in this era, and Luo Chen has also received some unintentional news about Sword Ancestor from the Sage Demon Sovereign Cave Mansion, which has convinced Luo Chen that Sword Ancestor is The strong of this era!

However, in such a scene, Luo Chen saw the existence of Jian Ancestor!

Originally, Luo Chen thought that he already knew some of the secrets of the mainland, but now Luo Chen discovered that he did not know enough about the mainland, and he had never touched some real secrets!

Under Luo Chen's gaze, Jian Zu Wuxin had no joy or sorrow on his face, and the stone sword in his hand exuded a faint brilliance. In the next moment, the stone sword turned into a mountain that reached the sky, directly cracking the ground below. After sealing it up, amazing spiritual energy fluctuations emerged from the surrounding powerhouses, turning into sword prints and falling on the mountain peaks, letting the sword-shaped mountain peaks have an amazing sword intent released!

Luo Chen quickly recognized the bottom of the mountain, because it was the Jian Yuan he had seen in the Abyss of Burial Heaven!

At the beginning, Luo Chen was still wondering why it was clearly a mountain with a name like Jian Yuan, but after seeing this scene, Luo Chen's doubts disappeared.

As for the origins of Jian Yuan, Luo Chen also has an understanding. The legends circulating in Tian Buried Abyss are not wrong. Jian Yuan does have something to do with Jian Ancestor, but it is not the Sword Ancestor of this era. It is the sword ancestor of the strong ancestor realm who has become the ancestor in the ancient times!

As Jian Yuan took shape, the few powerhouses left in the surrounding area left one after another, and Luo Chen clearly saw that the sword bones in the bodies of the few powerhouses who had left had long since become dull. Obviously, In order for Jian Yuan to take shape, these powerhouses also paid a great price!

"Is this why a complete sword bone cannot be born in this era?"

Luo Chen watched Jianzu pull a stone sword from Jianyuan that was the same as the stone sword he saw on the fifth floor of the Jianzong Collection Pavilion. After the figure disappeared, Luo Chen couldn't bear it. Live with emotion.

According to what he had seen, the reason why the extremely glorious sword bones disappeared in ancient times was indeed because they had offended some horrible existence.

It's just that this horrible existence is not the peerless powerhouse in ordinary people's imagination, but the will of heaven and earth that is sealed in the depths of Heaven Burying Abyss, the heaven and earth under Jian Yuan!

The owner of the sword bone will suffer the curse rooted in the rule level as soon as he is born, and the sword bone will be cut off. Therefore, it can be said that since this era, the mainland has not not had no geniuses with sword bones, but those geniuses have. The sword bone is not enough to offset the power of the curse, causing the power of the sword bone to be cut off and completely reduced to a mortal body!

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