Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1049: Come to the monster race again, half a month later!

The Xiao family seemed to have thought of the consequences of opening all the cards, and finally chose not to move. Seeing Luo Chen finished adjusting his breath, the Xiao family did not make any moves.

Neither Xiao Yun nor the ghost martial sage nor Xiao Guidao made a move. Even Xiao Yu, who fought with Wang Wuxin, broke away from the battle circle directly after Wang Wuxin fought back. The mansion swept away.

"It seems that the Xiao family will not take action anymore," Luo Chen, who had finished adjusting his breath, smiled upon seeing this scene, and said to Wang Wuxin and Zhang Qingshi: "Uncle Wang, Senior Sister Zhang, let's go."

He did not intend to forcibly break into the depths of the Xiao family mansion. Although he joined forces with Zhang Qingshi and Wang Wuxin, even if they faced three martial sages, they would have the power to fight, but it was the Xiao family’s lair, and Luo Chen didn’t dare Ensure that there are no other arrangements.

The goal of destroying the Xiao Family's banquet and preventing the Xiao Family from shocking the Liuyun Empire's many forces has been achieved, and Luo Chen will naturally not take risks at this time.

Wang Wuxin and Zhang Qingshi didn't say much when they heard the words, nodded lightly, and then left the Xiao family mansion with Luo Chen.

Although the members of the Xiao family around had intentions to stop them, none of the senior leaders of the Xiao family made any moves. They had the intention and powerlessness, and could only watch Luo Chen and others leave safely.

After Luo Chen and the three left the Xiao family mansion, the Xiao family banquet was still held as usual, but when Luo Chen was so disturbed, this banquet did not serve as a deterrent to the Quartet, on the contrary, it greatly reduced the deterrence of the Xiao family.

After the banquet, many forces that had already stopped secretly suppressing the Xiao family once again took action and secretly suppressed the Xiao family. For a time, the Xiao family's territory shrank crazily. If it weren't for a few martial sages and the establishment of the first generation of Yunhuang for a thousand years About, I'm afraid the Xiao family has been uprooted long ago!

But even so, the situation of the Xiao family is still in decline, and it is no longer the heyday before the banquet.

Of course, these are all things to come, so I don't need to say more for now.

Two flowers bloom, one for each table. When the Xiao family held a banquet, the three of Luo Chen had already returned to Canglan County. After Wang Wuxin and Xiao Yu fought, they felt that they touched the threshold of the martial arts realm and planned to retreat. Trying to attack the realm of Martial Saint, but Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi left the Liuyun Empire and their whereabouts became a mystery.

Only Yun Xuemei and some senior members of the Luo family knew that Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi had already left the territory of the human race. As for where Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi were, they didn’t know, only the ultimate goal of Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi. It's a snowy wasteland...

Half a month later, in the territory of the Monster Race, outside the gate of Jingxian Academy, a man and a woman walked side by side and appeared on the wasteland outside Jingxian Academy.

The man wore a moon-white robe, abundance of gods like jade, and a sword embryo behind his back, which made his temperament sharp and sharp.

The woman wears a long water-green dress with a light veil covering her face. Only a pair of smart eyes are exposed. The woman is carrying a long sword like water behind her back, which adds a bit of strangeness that can be seen from a distance and not playable. temperament!

Naturally, these two people were Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi who had made a noise in the Xiao family's mansion that day and undermined the Xiao family's plan to frighten many forces in the Liuyun Empire.

Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi returned to the city of Canglan County after making a big disturbance in the Xiao family. Luo Chen only arranged things for the Luo family and explained that after Ye Ming had stayed in the Beast Temple to understand the formation, they would fight with Zhang Qingshi. Man left the Floating Cloud Empire, planning to go to the Snow Region to open the inheritance that Sword Ancestor said.

After leaving the Floating Cloud Empire, Luo Chen's heart suddenly raised the idea of ​​bringing Jin Yu to the snowy area. He was to transfer to the Demon Race, and it took a lot of time to finally reach the Demon Race Jingxian Academy.

Zhang Qingshi looked at the gate of Jingxian Academy not far away, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Although this Jingxian Academy is not as famous as the Sky Demon Academy, this wasteland, as a forbidden place for Jingxian Academy, is not accessible to ordinary people. .

When I was a kid, I had rushed here by mistake, and was directly driven out by the master of the monster clan. Now we have been on this wasteland for so long and no master of the monster clan has come forward. I think it’s because of you, Brother Luo, right? "

Although she often stays in the sword domain, she is not ignorant of the outside world.

What's more, the reputation of Jingxian Academy in Qiankun Continent is not low. After all, the famous Queen Huang used to study at Jingxian Academy three hundred years ago, and at the beginning of this era, Jingxian Academy had even stepped out of it. The talented Tianjiao is known as the legendary invincible.

That Tianjiao eventually reached the ancestral realm, and was honored as the'monster ancestor'!

In fact, the wasteland they were in was known as the Ten Thousand Demon Plains during the heyday of Jingxian Academy. The Demon Ancestor Temple was located here, and it was a holy land of the demon clan!

It's a pity that Jingxian Academy declined, and now there are only two or three big cats and kittens, which is no longer at its peak.

But even so, as a force that has walked out of the ancestral realm such as the demon ancestor, Jingxian Academy is not daring to underestimate it.

After all, no one knows what hole cards the Yaozu left in Jingxian Academy!

And this barren Ten Thousand Demon Yuan is a forbidden place in the Jingxian Academy, and it is strictly forbidden for other people to enter and exit. Even if the Wu Sheng strong enters here, they will be invited out, and they have stayed on this Ten Thousand Demon Yuan for a long time, and there is still no The powerhouse of Jingxian Academy showed up to drive people, this can already explain the problem!

"It's somewhat related," Luo Chen didn't hide anything, and smiled: "My contract beast is studying in Jingxian Academy, and its status in Jingxian Academy is not low."

Although he didn't know what position Jin Yu was in the Jingxian Academy, from the perspective of Pengcheng's attitude at the time, just Jin Yu from Fantasy Sea Youpeng had already given him many privileges in the Jingxian Academy.

Now Jin Yu is about to complete the transformation, completely transformed into the Nine Nether Demon Peng, and its status in Jingxian Academy will only rise, not decline!

And this may be the reason why he appeared on the Ten Thousand Demon Plains, but was still not driven out of the wasteland by the strong monsters!

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Zhang Qingshi sighed secretly in her heart. She had tried her best to think of Luo Chen as excellent, but she still underestimated Luo Chen.

In addition to his own strength, Luo Chen's resources are far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

For example, the contract beast mentioned by Luo Chen this time. Before that, Zhang Qingshi had no idea that Luo Chen even possessed the contract beast. I am afraid that it was not only her, but the many powerful people in the sword domain and the hundred clans knew Luo Chen. Existing creatures didn't know that in addition to the amazing swordsmanship, Luo Chen actually conquered a contract beast that had a high status in the monster race!

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