Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1053: Qing poetry shot, fierce battle against the giant bear!

Although Luo Chen came to the Snow Region for the first time, Luo Chen knew something about the situation in the Snow Region.

The white wolf that attacked them before was the most common beast in this snowy area. It was named "Xuexue Silver Wolf". Its strength was only moderate among the many beasts in the snowy area. Silver wolves have always acted in groups, and in this snowy area, not many fierce beasts dared to provoke the snowy silver wolf.

And the Titan Snow Demon is a fierce beast that is not afraid of the Snow Stepping Silver Wolf at all, and even uses the Snow Stepping Silver Wolf as food!

Although the Titan Snow Demon is not the strongest beast in the Snow Region, it is also at the top of the Snow Region’s food chain. Even the strong Snow Tribe dare not shake it when facing the Titan Snow Demon in the same realm. Its front.

Luo Chen didn't expect him and Zhang Qingshi to be targeted by a Titan Snow Demon!

As for the Xuexue Silver Wolf around, Luo Chen didn't take it seriously!

If it were at other times, he and Zhang Qingshi might have to work harder to solve these snow-walking silver wolves, but now that there is this Titan Snow Demon here, those snow-walking silver wolves have no chance at all!

"This is the Titan Snow Demon?" Zhang Qingshi looked at the giant bear not far away, surprised.

She has also heard of this kind of beast, which is one of the beasts standing at the top of the snowy food chain. It is extremely powerful, especially the thick fur on the Titan Snow Demon, which not only plays a role in keeping warm, but also The defense is also extremely amazing.

Many warriors made attacks that even the fur of the Titan Snow Demon couldn't penetrate, and they had no choice but to escape when facing the Titan Snow Demon!

"Yes," Luo Chen nodded slightly, and a faint blood color appeared on the sword embryo in his hand, which was the expression of Luo Chen's will to mobilize the killing kendo.

"Junior Brother, leave it to me," Zhang Qingshi noticed Luo Chen's movements, but smiled and held Luo Chen's right hand, and said seriously: "It just so happens that I have not done my best after completing the sword bone. Try this Titan Snow Demon!"

Luo Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and smiled: "Then I will hold the line for you, Senior Sister."

Luo Chen is also a little curious about Zhang Qingshi’s current strength. Since Zhang Qingshi completed the destruction of the sword bone, Luo Chen has not seen Zhang Qingshi make a full shot. This Titan Snow Demon is not weak, and its defense is extremely amazing. It is suitable for Zhang Qingshi. The target of the try!

After finishing speaking, Luo Chen directly took the sword embryo and walked to the side, cut off a huge boulder in half, and sat down with a golden sword, his eyes fell on Zhang Qingshi and the Titan Snow Demon.

As for the snow-walking silver wolves around, when the Titan Snow Demon appeared, they had already ran away and scattered. The few snow-walking silver wolves that were left were also curled up. Luo Chen didn't worry about the others. Xueyinlang will suddenly make a move.

Zhang Qingshi stood not far from the Titan Snow Demon, with the Shuang Shuang Sword in his hand trembling lightly, making a clear sword sound.

A small hurricane encircled the Shuang Shuang Sword, and snow flakes fell around the Shuang Shuang Sword, covering the fluctuating sword energy.

The Titan Snow Demon seemed to perceive that the little things in front of him were not as easy to deal with as Snowy Silver Wolf, and there was a bit more solemn color in the khaki eyes, and a faint white light radiated from the huge body.

In the next moment, the five-person tall bear body of the Titan Snow Demon disappeared directly in place, and a deep gully emerged on the snow. The Titan Snow Demon turned into a white snowball, and moved towards Zhang Qingshi with impeccable momentum. Bumped over!

Regardless of the huge body of the Titan Gorefiend, it is not clumsy at all. The speed that bursts out at that instant is beyond the reach of Snow Silver Wolf!

Zhang Qingshi's expression remained the same, she had just walked a light path, and her body style was not inferior to that of swordsmanship, or even worse.

Looking at the white snowball approaching quickly, the corner of Zhang Qingshi’s mouth covered by the veil slightly hooked. The next moment, Zhang Qingshi’s feet appeared on the side of the huge snowball, and the frosting sword in his hand was attached with a light layer. The grayish breath was cut out instantly!

A sharp gray sword net took shape in an instant, moving towards the huge snowball to cover it, wherever the gray sword net passed, numerous cracks appeared in the space, and even the falling snow was annihilated by the shattered sword intent carried by the gray sword net. , Disappeared directly into the air!

Luo Chen, who was watching the game not far away, became more serious when he saw this scene. He looked at the gray sword net and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It is indeed the best attacking sword among the five top swords. Meaning, the destructive power of Destroying Sword Intent is indeed much stronger than Killing Sword Intent."

The five top sword intents are the Five Elements Sword Intent, Killing Sword Intent, Destruction Sword Intent, Bright Sword Intent, and Dark Sword Intent.

Among them, the Five Elements Sword Intent is the most mysterious. The five branches of the Five Elements Sword Intent have their own mysticism. When taken separately, they are not inferior to the top sword intent. After the five elements are combined, they can exert their power. It is even more amazing. It is known as the strongest sword intent among the five top sword intents, and the sword intent closest to the supreme sword intent!

After the Five Elements Sword Intent, Slaughter Sword Intent and Shattered Sword Intent rank similarly, but relatively speaking, Sword Intent Slaying is stronger than Killing Sword Intent in terms of offensive power, which is the most aggressive among the five sword intents Sexual sword intent, and killing sword intent is stronger than damage to the soul. This sword intent hits the soul directly. Although it is not as aggressive as the destroying sword intent, its lethality is more than that.

As for the bright sword intent and the dark sword intent, they are extremely rare. Even Luo Chen doesn't know much about the mystery of the sword intent. He only knows that these two sword intents are even comparable to the five elements sword intent to some extent. .

"However, although the Destruction Sword Intent is more destructive than the Killing Sword Intent, the scope of application is still wider..."

Luo Chen looked at the unharmed Titan Snow Demon under the gray sword net, smiled, and said with emotion.

If he made a move, the Titan Snow Demon had already suffered soul damage at this moment, and his strength would have been lost.

After all, Slaughter Sword Intent is more suitable for dealing with Titan Snow Demon, a fierce beast with a powerful body but very weak soul, and what he possesses is the will to kill Sword Intent, which is far more powerful than Killing Sword Intent. He is dealing with this Titan. When the Snow Demon was, he was undoubtedly much easier than Zhang Qingshi.

However, although Luo Chen felt that it was easier to get rid of the Titan Snow Demon with his own shot than Zhang Qingshi's shot, he had already promised Zhang Qingshi to hold the battle for her, and he didn't even think about it at the moment.

Because Luo Chen knew in his heart that Zhang Qingshi’s attack just now could only be regarded as a test. The strength of this Sword Sect Master Wanhuafeng ranks among the younger generations in the sword domain, just like the sword cut just now. Although the net is very powerful, it is only an attack that it can launch easily!

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