Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1060: Luo Chen's back hand, flame crystal!

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Zhang Qingshi couldn't help feeling a little depressed, her opinion was the safest way, but Luo Chen didn't accept it, but instead planned to take risks.

With a helpless sigh, Zhang Qingshi looked at Luo Chen and said seriously: "Since Junior Brother Luo, you plan to take risks, then I will accompany you. After all, Xiao Zu asked me to follow Junior Brother you, and he also asked me to mention something to the side. Don't have impulsive thoughts in it."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qingshi was also a little helpless, she couldn't persuade Luo Chen, so she had to go crazy with Luo Chen!

Luo Chen didn't say much when he heard the words, he secretly wrote down the favor, then flipped his wrist and took out a fiery red flame spar from the Universe Ring.

There are layers of mysterious seals on the surface of the spar, which completely seals the aura of the spar, and in the spar, there is a fluttering flame.

This is the token that Luo Chen won from Yan Mo when he fought against Yan Mo of the Flame Demon clan when Luo Chen challenged the trial tower. With this flame spar, he was able to communicate with Yan Mo at any time and asked Yan Mo to replace him. Do one thing!

Luo Chen hadn't used this spar for a long time, because with his strength, he didn't encounter many things that he couldn't solve.

But this time Luo Chen thought of the Martial Emperor of the Flame Demon clan!

Luo Chen has always had some doubts about Yan Mo's strength. After all, Yan Mo is Luo Jingcheng and Luo Lingyun's best friend. With Luo Lingyun and Luo Jingcheng's vision, Yan Mo can become Luo Jingcheng and Luo Jingcheng. Lingyun's friends, naturally, their talents cannot be bad!

At the beginning of the tower of trial, Luo Chen was not strong enough, so naturally he couldn't detect any abnormalities, but now Luo Chen is already a Ninth-Rank Martial King, and with some strength, he can naturally discover the strangeness of Yan Mo!

Among other things, the method of injecting flame aura into the high-grade spirit stone and turning it into the flame spar in his hand is definitely not something that the Emperor Wu can master!

Not to mention that Yan Mo told Luo Chen that he could be contacted anywhere in the mainland through this flame spar!

You must know that even if a strand of divine consciousness is injected into a special medium, after a certain distance, the separated divine consciousness will lose contact with the owner. Since Yan Mo can say that with this flame spar, Luo Chen The fact that he can be contacted no matter where he is in the mainland is enough to explain the extraordinary nature of this flame spar!

How could Yan Mo, who can take out these things, be a mere Emperor Wu? !

"This is?" Zhang Qingshi looked at the flame crystals in Luo Chen's hands, her bright eyes couldn't help but a little more surprised, and whispered: "The Flame Demon Clan's'Huo Ningjing'?"

"Senior Sister recognizes this thing?" Luo Chen couldn't help being a little surprised.

He did not expect Zhang Qingshi to know the flame crystal in his hand. He didn't know much about the details of this crystal. Even Luo Chen's understanding of the flame demon clan was limited to the birth of the flame demon clan and the heaven and earth spirit fire. In terms of flame control ability, this clan is even higher than the Phoenix clan. Besides that, Luo Chen doesn't know much about the Flame Demon clan.

"I've seen it once," Zhang Qingshi nodded and said seriously: "Xueluo, you should know that although the Flame Demon Clan does not belong to the Hundred Clan, its strength is not weaker than any strong clan among the Hundred Clan. , It’s just that the strength of the Flame Demon clan is too scattered, and the number of clan members is small, so it has not been able to join the hundred clan.

Luo Chen nodded slightly. Zhang Qingshi said that he knew that this was the basic information of the Flame Demon clan. It can be said that anyone who has a little knowledge of the mainland race knows this information.

"The flame demon clan is too scattered in strength, and the clans are scattered all over the mainland. In order to facilitate contact, the strong of the flame demon clan created this kind of fire crystal." Zhang Qingshi pointed to the flame crystal in Luo Chen's hand, earnestly Said: "This fire crystal is equivalent to a spatial coordinate. As long as it is crushed, the strong of the flame demon clan will be able to sense this coordinate, thereby opening the spatial channel to come."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qingshi’s gaze towards Luo Chen also became a little weird, and she whispered: “Huo Ningjing can only condense the flame demon above the Saint King realm, and the price of condensing Huo Ningjing is not small, even if It’s the strong people of the Flame Demon clan that rarely condense Huo Ningjing, let alone handing it to outsiders easily. Junior Brother Luo, you can get Huo Ningjing, which surprised me a bit."

"So that's the case," Luo Chen realized after listening to Zhang Qingshi's words, and then smiled: "This is a bet I won with a senior of the Flame Demon clan."

While speaking, Luo Chen looked at the Huo Ningjing in his hand, and there was a sharp light passing by in his eyes.

Sure enough, as he guessed, Yan Mo is not only the strength of Emperor Wu, after all, according to Zhang Qingshi's words, only the flame demon above the Saint King realm can condense the Huo Ningjing, that Yan Mo's cultivation is at least the Saint King realm!

"If this is the case, it would be easier to handle," Luo Chen played with Huo Ningjing in his hands, with a little smile on his face.

The Huo Ningjing in his hand was sealed with aura, Luo Chen did not worry that the flame aura contained in the Huo Ningjing would disturb the fierce beasts around him.

"Xue Brother Luo, you want to..." Zhang Qingshi looked at Huo Ningjing in Luo Chen's hand, and asked in a low voice, "Senior of the Flame Demon Clan, please?"

Luo Chen nodded slightly. Originally, he wanted to ask Yan Mo to help him lead away the Moon Swallowing Python and the surrounding fierce beasts, but after learning about Yan Mo's strength, Luo Chen changed his mind.

Yan Mo is at least the Saint King Realm cultivation base, even in the Snow Region, his strength will be weakened a lot, but it is not something that the Moon Swallowing Python can handle!

He intends to ask Yan Mo to kill the Moon-Swallowing Python and see if he can use the blood of the Moon-Swallowing Python to break the Snow Soul Curse!

If he can really take the opportunity to break the Snow Soul Curse, he and Zhang Qingshi can leave the Snow Region directly after he obtains the inheritance of the Sword Ancestor, instead of staying in the Snow Region, waiting for the Snow Soul Curse to be broken. go away.

"The movement of summoning the senior here is probably a bit big," Luo Chen glanced at the Moon Swallowing Python not far away, and said to Zhang Qingshi: "Senior Sister, let's retreat a little bit."

He didn’t know how long it would take Yan Mo to come. To be on the safe side, Luo Chen decided to communicate with Yan Mo in a different place, so that the Moon-Swallowing Python wouldn’t be aware of the movement here and deal with him before Yan Mo came. Zhang Qingshi shot.

If it’s solo, Luo Chen doesn’t worry about the threat that the moon-swallowing python can pose to him and Zhang Qingshi, but the problem is that besides the moon-swallowing python, there are countless beasts near the mud pack. , Once he and Zhang Qingshi are surrounded by fierce beasts, that vitality will become extremely slim!

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