Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1065: Million sword weapons, million sword puppets!

Luo Chen didn't hear Zhang Qingshi's mutter, and walked directly outside the cave.

Soon, Luo Chen walked out of the cave, and what caught his eye was a wasteland. On the wasteland, sword weapons of various forms were inserted. I don't know if it was an illusion. Luo Chen felt vaguely on those sword weapons. Spirituality!

We must know that although weapons with spirituality are not too precious, they are not bad things. The swords on the wasteland in front of you can not be seen at a glance. I am afraid that there are at least a million handles, and a million handles have spiritual weapons. It is also a sword-like weapon, which is not something anyone can take out!

Even the Sword Sect, it is impossible to come up with a million spiritual swords in one go!

It may be possible to gather the power of the sword domain, but doing so will undoubtedly hollow out most of the sword domain's background. It is absolutely impossible for the sword domain to do such a thing!

So seeing these million spiritual swords, even if Luo Chen had seen a lot of big scenes, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked at this moment!

At this moment, Zhang Qingshi's shocked voice also sounded behind Luo Chen: "Well, don't these swords have spirituality?"

It’s no wonder that Zhang Qingshi was so gaffe. The scene is too amazing. The strength of the sword sect may not be able to get no less than a million swords with spirituality scattered in this wasteland. This kind of visual impact is extremely powerful. Anyone will feel shocked when they see the picture!

You must know that even the sword pond in the sword city has only one million long swords, and most of them have not born spirituality. Even so, in order to cast the sword pond, the sword domain has already consumed a lot of heritage. But now there is a spectacle beyond Jianchi appearing in front of her, why is Zhang Qingshi not excited?

"I'm afraid this is the case," Luo Chen said after hearing this.

After a brief astonishment, he had come back to his senses. Although the scene in front of him seemed extremely shocking, Luo Chen didn't spend much time to figure out the key points.

These long swords may have been made by the sword ancestors at will. When the sword ancestors placed them here, these swords may not have spirituality. They were only affected by the sword ancestor’s inheritance. With the passage of time, these swords The device has gradually gained spirituality.

What's more, Luo Chen also discovered that although these swords have spirituality, they don’t have much spirituality, which is much worse than those weapons with spirituality in the outside world, as if they were batched by some secret technique. made!

"Let's take a look," Luo Chen pointed to the wasteland in front of him, and said to Zhang Qingshi: "The inheritance of Senior Sword Ancestor may stay here."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Qingshi also suppressed the doubt in his heart, followed Luo Chen and walked towards the wasteland.

Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi's speed is not slow. It didn't take long for them to step into the wasteland. The moment Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi set foot on the wasteland, the swords that hadn't moved suddenly buzzed, For a moment, countless lights and shadows emerged from the sword, turning into blurred figures, staring at Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi.

"What a powerful sword intent!" Luo Chen was watching those figures, and a dignified color could not help passing through his eyes, and said with emotion.

Although the faces of those figures are blurred, their eyes are extremely clear, but there is a strong sword intent in the eyes of those figures. If they look at each other, they will easily be pierced by the amazing sword intent!

It's just that these methods can play a significant role against ordinary warriors and even Jianxiu, but in front of Luo Chen, this method can't do anything!

Not to mention that the delusional eyes he cultivated are extremely restrained against these methods. Just relying on his own will to kill kendo, the sword intent hidden in the eyes of these figures should not affect him!

The same is true for Zhang Qingshi. Although she does not condense the will of swordsmanship like Luo Chen, and possesses the secret technique of breaking the eye, but the successful completion of her broken sword bone, she has a very strong resistance to these methods, plus She realized the impending sword intent, and the ordinary sword intent to affect her is undoubtedly a dream!

"This is..." Zhang Qingshi gazed at the blurred figures, pondered for a moment, and then a little uncertain: "Junior Brother Luo, these things seem to be sword puppets."

"Sword puppet?" Luo Chen's eyes condensed when he heard the words, his eyes fell on those blurred figures, and couldn't help asking: "How is it possible?"

As a sword repairman, Luo Chen is not unfamiliar with the word "sword puppet". The so-called "sword puppet" refers to a sword that cannot be controlled by the sword in his hand, and is eventually eaten back by the weapon in his hand and reduced to a puppet controlled by the weapon in his hand. repair.

And this kind of sword repair strength reduced to a sword puppet is also extremely terrifying, and more importantly, because it is backlashed by the sword in hand, the sword puppet has no emotions at all, nor is it afraid of it. Its combat power is more than that before becoming a sword puppet. Without the slightest drop, there will be no small improvement.

In the historical records of the Universe Continent, every time the sword puppet appeared, it would cause a disturbance.

According to the news that Luo Chen has learned, since ancient times, there have been very few sword puppets on the Universe Continent, and probably only a few tens of thousands in total.

And above the wasteland, there are more than a million people with blurred faces?

A million sword puppets?

This kind of power is enough to severely damage any one of the hundreds of races. No matter how bold the sword ancestor is, it is impossible to do such a thing at the expense of the world!

What's more, the birth of the sword puppet is also extremely demanding, and the difficulty of making a sword puppet with manpower is no less than breaking into the Holy Master Realm!

In Luo Chen's view, to create a million sword puppets, I am afraid that only the owner of the mysterious space he controls, that is, the senior who calls himself "Xiao Tian" has this ability!

Zhang Qingshi naturally knew why Luo Chen was so surprised. She guessed that when the blurry figures were sword puppets, the surprise in her heart was even greater than that of Luo Chen.

But these obscure figures in front of her were no different from the records about sword puppets she had learned!

"Although I don't want to believe it, since millions of swords with spirituality can appear here, it is not unacceptable even if there are millions of sword puppets again," Zhang Qingshi did not know when he had already pulled out the frosty sword and looked at it. Not far away, crowds of fuzzy-faced figures said solemnly.

Hearing Zhang Qingshi's words, Luo Chen's eyes flashed, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"I understand," Luo Chen took off the sword embryo on his back and said with a smile: "I was almost deceived. Senior Sister, you are right. Those figures are indeed sword puppets, but those sword puppets are incomplete. No one is complete!"

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