Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1071: Charming mind, top grade!

Luo Chen frowned when he saw it, and then his back figure flashed and appeared in front of Zhang Qingshi, holding Zhang Qingshi in his arms.

"Sister, actually there is no need to be so desperate," Luo Chen flew a strand of true essence into Zhang Qingshi's body at random, and realized that there was no true essence in Zhang Qingshi's dantian, Luo Chen couldn't help but said a little helplessly.

While talking, Luo Chen directly stuffed a purple spirit pill into Zhang Qingshi's mouth.

This time Zhang Qingshi is not only exhausted of true essence, but also extremely horrible exhaustion of soul power. If you do not take the pill in time to adjust your breath, it is likely to damage the foundation.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen couldn't help sighing, even though he knew that this Qing poetry wanted to create a low-grade sword skill that was extremely difficult, and it was likely that Zhang Qingshi's effort would be overwhelmed.

But Luo Chen did not think that Zhang Qingshi would persevere to the end. As a result, Zhang Qingshi has persisted to the present by his own will. If he had not created a complete sword move, I am afraid Zhang Qingshi would continue to persevere!

"Such opportunities are not many after all," Zhang Qingshi heard Luo Chen's words just as soon as she woke up, her pale face couldn't help but become a little blush, and she said softly.

Luo Chen shook his head when he heard the words. Although the inheritance of the master of the sword is good, it is not indispensable in Luo Chen's view. Luo Chen does not agree with Zhang Qingshi's approach that is almost self-damaging. .

This time, Zhang Qingshi's talent was amazing. He successfully created the sword art before the foundation was damaged, and he has the hope of passing the test.

If it is replaced by someone else, I am afraid that even if the foundation of the fight is damaged, there may not be hope of creating a suitable sword art!

Therefore, in Luo Chen's opinion, this kind of betting on the front line with one's own foundation is completely outweighed by the gains, especially when there is no fatal threat!

"Junior Brother, let me go," Zhang Qingshi said with a blush on his face, and said to Luo Chen: "The third test has not been completed yet, and I don't know if the sword art I created can meet the requirements of Senior Tsing Yi."

With that said, Zhang Qingshi tried to stand up with Luo Chen's shoulders, but she was exhausted a long time ago, but one could not stand firmly and fell directly into Luo Chen's arms.

After all, the purple spirit pill that Luo Chen swallowed for her was only a miraculous effect in nourishing the soul, and the recovery effect on the true essence was not even as good as the lowest Qi gathering pill. Therefore, although she has recovered a lot of soul power now, But he is still in an extremely weak state.

Wenxiang Nephrite entered his arms, but Luo Chen shook his head dumbly, holding Zhang Qingshi in one hand, and taking out an Ultimate Qi Gathering Pill from the Universe Ring in the other hand and stuffing it into Zhang Qingshi's mouth.

After doing all this, Luo Chen turned his attention to Tsing Yi, and said in a bad mood: "How come my senior sister was over-consuming when she passed the test and turned into the way she is now, don't you plan to take a shot?"

He didn't know what cultivation base Tsing Yi was, but the conversation between Heitan's Tsing Yi had convinced Luo Chen that Tsing Yi was not Heitan's opponent, so he didn't have too much scruples.

"No," Tsing Yi said with a dark face, and said coldly: "It's that little girl who doesn't know what to do, and has to do her best. Why does this deity take care of it?"

Luo Chen didn't say much when he heard this. He just said casually before. If Tsing Yi really made a move, with Tsing Yi's cultivation base, he would naturally save a lot of effort, but Tsing Yi was reluctant to make a move, and he didn't care.

After all, as an alchemist, although he is not a major, but with the pile of ultimate pills on his body, if Zhang Qingshi can't be recuperated, then he would be too useless!

Turning his wrist, a light purple pill appeared in his hand, and a strong life aura radiated from the pill.

This is the pill that he took the time to refine before going to the snowy area. It has no name. It is a kind of pill that he tried to create on a whim. Most of the medicinal materials used are the medicinal materials of Guben Peiyuan, and its medicinal effect is very simple. , Is to repair the dark wounds in the body, to prevent affecting the foundation.

He simply stuffed the light purple pill into Zhang Qingshi's mouth, and Luo Chen poured a strand of true essence into Zhang Qingshi's body to help her refine the effect of the pill.

Before long, the pale color on Zhang Qingshi's face disappeared a lot, and his face was reddened and stood up from Luo Chen's arms, and said to Tsing Yi: "Senior, this junior has adjusted his breath, please comment. Sword skills created by younger generations."

Luo Chen smiled when he saw it, did not say much, but his eyes fell on the countless swords on the wasteland.

Luo Chen is quite interested in the spirit gathering sword formation left by the master of the sword. With only nine spirit swords, he can create millions of pseudo-spirit swords with sporadic ones, and even with the help of those million pseudo-spirit swords. Condensing puppets similar to sword puppets. Although these methods are not necessarily practical, the effect of bluffing people is never bad.

After all, Luo Chen was shocked when he saw the million sword weapons before!

If he arranges the spirit gathering sword formation on the island where the Beast God Temple is located, the million pseudo-spirit swords and millions of puppets alone will be enough to make many people afraid to think about the Beast God Temple!

Seeing Luo Chen cast his gaze to the Spirit Gathering Sword Formation not far away, the blush on Zhang Qingshi's face disappeared a lot, but there was a feeling of inexplicability in her heart.

It's just that Zhang Qingshi's determination is not bad, and soon he suppressed the strangeness in his heart and turned his attention to Tsing Yi.

"The deity depends on what level of sword skill you have created," Tsing Yi nodded and said with a calm face: "The deity admitted that you have missed your eyes before, and your talent is indeed better than the deity imagined. .

This test of the deity does not require you to create a complete day-level sword skill, as long as the most powerful one of the sword skills you create can reach the level of the lowest-level sword skill. "

As the guardian of this space, although he is not qualified to change the test left by the Lord of Sword, as a referee, he can also adjust the difficulty to a certain extent.

Because of Luo Chen's reasons, the difficulty he gave Zhang Qingshi was the highest difficulty left by the Lord of the Sword, but Zhang Qingshi's performance before gave him a high look at Zhang Qingshi, so he temporarily decided to lower the difficulty.

After all, Zhang Qingshi's talent and will are not bad, but he has the qualification to inherit the master of the sword.

Zhang Qingshi didn't speak when he heard the words, and the Yin Shuang Sword appeared in his hand and swung directly.

Zhang Qingshi didn't use the true essence, or even used to destroy the sword intent, but even so, with Zhang Qingshi's movements, the surrounding heaven and earth still converged towards where she was!

Seeing this scene, Tsing Yi couldn’t help passing a touch of surprise in her eyes. Without using her own true essence, martial arts alone can mobilize the power of the world in a small range. This has shown that the sword skills created by Zhang Qingshi are at least the top grade and top-notch. High-grade sword skills on the ground!

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