Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1090: The rules of the conference, the holy spirit!

"The rules of this Holy Spirit Conference are not complicated," Ji Ruhai said immediately after hearing the words: "This Holy Spirit Conference is conducted in a secret realm opened by the strong of the Holy Spirit race, and there are ten thousand in that secret realm. Block token.

The secret realm opens in March. After March, according to the number of tokens owned by each, the top 100 geniuses are finally selected to issue rewards.

The top ten geniuses can participate in the Holy Spirit Feast and Holy Spring baptism of the Holy Spirit family, while the geniuses ranked eleventh to fifty can enter the Holy Spirit family secretly to learn the exercises. As for the geniuses after the fifty, they can only get A holy spring. "

"The Holy Spirit tribe is a big man," Luo Chen couldn't help feeling a little when he heard Ji Ruhai's words.

The holy spring baptism of the Holy Spirit race is a very famous opportunity for the Holy Spirit race. After experiencing the holy spring baptism of the Holy Spirit race, one's own cultivation qualifications and understanding will be improved to a certain extent. The most important thing is that this promotion has no side effects. Therefore, countless geniuses on the Universe Continent are eager to baptize the holy spring.

However, in the past, only the top three of the Holy Spirit Conference were eligible for the Holy Spring baptism. This time, the top ten are eligible. In addition, the geniuses ranked after fifty can also get a share of the Holy Spring, even if every genius gets it. There are not many holy springs, but fifty holy springs are enough for one holy spring baptism.

It can be said that this time the Holy Spirit Race is really the blood!

"The Holy Spirit Clan is not so generous. Could it be that there is something wrong with that secret realm?" Luo Chen pondered for a moment, resisting asking.

The Holy Spring of the Holy Spirit Race is not so easy to produce. Even the Holy Spirit Race, taking out at least ten geniuses to baptize the Holy Spring at a time, is enough to make the Holy Spirit Race feel pain!

Therefore, this time the Holy Spirit family used so many holy springs, Luo Chen had to wonder whether the Holy Spirit family had any other intentions.

"Holy Son guessed right," Ji Ruhai nodded and said solemnly: "The secret realm that the Holy Spirit race chose this time is a secret realm that is eroded by the six reincarnations in the possession of the Holy Spirit race. Carrying out in that secret realm can also be regarded as helping the Holy Spirit Conference to eliminate some hidden dangers, and the Holy Spirit tribe naturally performed generously."

When Ji Ruhai said this, his tone became a lot more solemn: "The changes in the Snow Region have made many forces vigilant. The secret realm of the Holy Spirit Race has long been eroded by the six reincarnations, but the Holy Spirit Race has not always Keep it in mind, this time I am afraid that the Holy Spirit Clan was also frightened by the changes of the Snow Clan, so I plan to solve those hidden dangers as soon as possible."

"And that secret realm even limits the bone age of the person who enters it. It is difficult to completely clean it out by the genius of the Holy Spirit tribe alone, so the Holy Spirit tribe will hold the Holy Spirit conference in advance and give such a generous reward."

"So that's it," Luo Chen nodded, and then asked: "Are there any requirements for obtaining tokens? Can I seize tokens from others?"

Luo Chen asked with a flash of light.

If you can plunder other people's tokens, it will undoubtedly save a lot of trouble. After all, it is faster to plunder other people's tokens than searching for tokens in that secret realm.

And if the rules of the Holy Spirit Conference do not limit the inability to plunder the tokens of others, then the tokens in the hands of being taken away can only be said to be inferior to others, and they cannot blame others at all!

"Yes," Ji Ruhai nodded and said in a deep voice: "The final ranking only counts the tokens in their hands, and it doesn't matter how the tokens come from."

"The Holy Spirit tribe has a good calculation," Luo Chen smiled when he heard Ji Ruhai's words and said lightly.

This time the rules do not prohibit plundering tokens in the hands of others. Naturally, many people will think of plundering tokens in the hands of other geniuses like him.

And the genius who has been snatched the token will either find a way to get it back, or find a way to obtain other tokens!

After trying to regain the token to no avail, I am afraid that most geniuses will choose to enter other places in the secret realm to find tokens. After all, the rewards of this Holy Spirit Conference are too tempting, I am afraid that no one will want to give up!

In this case, the Holy Spirit tribe only needs to put some tokens in the place that needs to be cleaned up, and those geniuses will find a way to clean up the danger for the Holy Spirit tribe!

It can be said that the Holy Spirit race has a good calculation this time, and even if other people know the idea of ​​the Holy Spirit race, they can only do it according to the idea of ​​the Holy Spirit race!

Because this is a naked conspiracy, unless there is a genius who is not tempted by the rewards given by the Holy Spirit race, otherwise, he will definitely find a way to obtain the hidden token of the secret realm!

"The Holy Spirit tribe uses Yangmou this time, no one can say anything," Ji Ruhai, as the elder of the Sword Sect, is even more impossible to guess the intention of the Holy Spirit tribe. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "It's just that the Holy Spirit tribe does it this time. Putting everything directly on the bright side also explained the danger of that secret realm. Even if those geniuses really encounter any danger in the secret realm, the Holy Spirit Race does not have to take responsibility."

"Although the secret realm is dangerous, the rewards given by the Holy Spirit Race are too tempting. After all, there is still a genius willing to go in and fight for it!"

Ji Ruhai sighed. The Holy Spirit race was not afraid that the geniuses participating in the Holy Spirit Conference would not want to enter that secret realm, because the temptation of the Holy Spring baptism was enough to make those geniuses take risks!

Luo Chen sighed and continued to ask: "Does the Great Elder have information about that secret realm?"

"The Holy Spirit has released some information," Ji Ruhai said after hearing the words: "Except for the information released by the Holy Spirit, no one knows other news."

Luo Chen frowned, and all the information was in the hands of the Holy Spirit Race, which would undoubtedly make them very passive.

"How many senior brothers and sisters are planning to participate in this Holy Spirit Conference?" Luo Chen muttered for a moment, his eyes fell on Zhang Qingshi and others, and said in a deep voice.

He doesn't worry about himself, after all, he has a life-saving backstop, even if he encounters danger in that space, he can still retreat.

Zhang Qingshi didn't worry about it either. He got the inheritance of the Lord of the Sword, and he took charge of a space. Zhang Qingshi also had the ability to save his life.

He was worried about the three of Zhang Xian. If these three also entered the secret realm, if they were in danger at all, it would likely distract him and Zhang Qingshi.

"I'm going to check it out," Zhang Qingshi nodded and smiled: "As for the three juniors, although they plan to enter the secret realm, they only plan to operate in the place where the Holy Spirit tribe has released information. If they encounter danger, they will abstain and leave. ."

Luo Chen nodded now. As long as the three Zhang Xian didn't impulsively enter the place where the Holy Spirit Clan hadn't released information, he wouldn't worry that Zhang Xian would have any accidents.

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