Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 218: Back then, the shame of the human race!

Luo Chen couldn't help being stunned when he heard Lord Grim's words.

Before I heard Emperor Yun’s incarnation talk about the origins of the Luo family in the Tower of Trial, Luo Chen thought that the Liuyun Empire was jointly founded by Emperor Yun, Luo Lingyun and his Luo family ancestor Luo Jingcheng.

Unexpectedly, in addition to Emperor Yun and the Luo Lingyun brothers of Luojing City, the creation of the Liuyun Empire actually had four other Wudi behind!

The forces left by the four Emperor Wu still exist today, and they are all behemoths in the Liuyun Empire.

The imperial capital Xiao family naturally does not need to say more, it seems to have a direct relationship with the decline of the Luo family, and it is the culprit that caused Luo Xiao to leave the imperial capital in the first place!

The Fuling Ye Family is also a transcendent force in the Flowing Cloud Empire, but it has always been low-key, but even the Flowing Cloud Empire's imperial family does not dare to despise the Ye Family.

The two forces left behind by the Su Family of the Imperial Capital and Nangongwen, one is the Liuyun Martial Art that dominates the Liuyun Empire, and the other is the Liuyun Academy, the supreme institution that enlists the Liuyun Empire's Tianjiao.

No matter which power it is, looking at the Flowing Cloud Empire, it is also a giant.

Luo Chen calmed down, looked at Lord Grim, and said lightly, "Teacher Lord, please continue."

Lord Grim nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "As for the reason for the decline of Luo Family, and the reason why Luo Xiao stayed in Lingyun City and was incognito, you must have some guesses..."

Speaking of this, Lord Grim paused with a smile, then looked at Luo Chen, and said with a serious face: "You guessed it right, all of this is the imperial capital Xiao family doing a ghost!"

"About five hundred years ago, the Bone Race invaded Canglan County in the west. At that time, Canglan County in the west was Luo Lingyun's fief.

It's just that Luo Lingyun has no heirs left, and he doesn't know where he has gone, so Luo Jingcheng, that is, your ancestor's line, takes the management.

The Bone Race invaded Canglan County in the west, so it is naturally impossible for your Luo family to take care of yourself.

Luo Jingming, the head of the Luo family of that generation, led the Luo family's elite to help Canglan County in the west, but was ambushed by the Bone Clan army.

Although other forces later rescued in time, the Luo family was ultimately injured and its status was shaky.

And the one who brought the Bone Race army to kill the Luo family was the person sent out by the imperial capital Xiao family..."

Speaking of this, Lord Grim was a little bit more mocking in his eyes, and said with disdain: "Although the Xiao family explained afterwards that it was the Xiao family member who made his own claim, and killed the Xiao family who led the bone tribe army to kill the Luo family master. people.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is what the Xiao family is doing, wanting to take the opportunity to weaken the Luo family!

After all, in the imperial capital, the Su family wanted to come here without asking the world, but only in charge of the Fourth Ranking of Flowing Clouds, while the Yun family was the royal family, and the Xiao family could only attack the Luo family if they wanted to expand their power. "

Luo Chen's expression suddenly became gloomy, his eyes turned with murderous intent, and he gritted his teeth and said: "What then?"

He didn't think Lord Grim would deceive him with such a lie that could be easily debunked, after all, it was easy to deceive him by doing so.

He didn't expect that the Luo Family, who couldn't dominate a party in such a remote place as Lingyun City, had its predecessor turned out to be a super power in Liuyun Imperial City!

I didn't expect the Xiao family to collude with the human race's foreign enemies in order to weaken and suppress the Luo family!

You must know that the Bone Race and the Ghost Race are the deadly enemies of the Human Race. On the battlefield of the Human Race, the Ghost Race and the Bone Race, I don't know how many human talents are buried.

In order to weaken the Luo family, the Xiao family did not hesitate to join forces with such forces. It was a shame for the human race!

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