Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 384: Blood River Saint, grudges back then!

As the blood-robed old man appeared, the air suddenly filled with a strong smell of blood, and at the same time a heavy pressure emerged out of thin air, oppressing Jian Qing and others.

A dense cloud of blood suddenly appeared above Liuyun Academy, and blood-colored thunders pulsed among the clouds, like a doomsday scene.

"Wu Sheng strong!" The white-haired old man who was called the dean by Jian Qing and others changed his face suddenly, and it was difficult to spit out four words from his mouth.

"You have some eyesight, and you are qualified to let this sage know your name," the blood-robed old man glanced at the white-haired old man, and said lightly: "My blood river subordinates are undead and unknown ghosts, report your name, and this sage will give you one for free. Cheng."

"Huh!" The white-haired old man heard that the whole body was turbulent, and his white hair went without wind. He coldly shouted: "The old man is the head of Liuyun Academy who is afraid of Liuyun. He wants to kill me. It depends on whether you have this. ability!"

"It's kind of interesting," Xuehe raised his brows when he heard the words, and a few thin lines of pitch-black ink suddenly appeared on the blood robe, and then they flew out of the blood robe, turning into a maniac and rushing towards the fearful clouds. past.

Fear Liuyun's expression remained unchanged, and suddenly a unique long sword appeared in his hand, and the sharp sword intent on his body rose to the sky, shaking the blood cloud above.


Fear Liuyun let out a cold cry, the long sword in his hand brought countless sword shadows, and slashed towards the blood river. The monstrous sword force completely locked the surrounding space, and did not give the blood river any room to escape.

As for the thin black thread thrown by the blood river, it was crushed by the sword energy cut out by the blood river immediately, and it did not affect the blood river at all!

"Unexpectedly, the dean is still a sword emperor!" Luo Chen, who was not far away, couldn't help but whispered when he saw this scene.

"Your dean is not the opponent of this Blood River Saint," Peng Cheng's voice suddenly sounded behind Luo Chen.

Luo Chen turned his head quickly, but found that Pengcheng had already arrived at the back mountain of Liuyun Academy at some unknown time. He looked at the river of blood that fought with Fear Liuyun, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"Senior knows this blood river saint?" Seeing Peng Cheng's expression, Luo Chen turned his gaze on the blood river, and said with some doubts.

"Naturally knowing," Pengcheng nodded and said with a serious face: "This is a demon from two hundred years ago. It is said that he obtained the incomplete cultivation method of the ancient blood race. After forcibly practicing, he turned himself into the present one. The appearance of human beings and ghosts.

One hundred and fifty years ago, this demon invaded My Jingxian Academy, and was severely injured by a senior of the Academy, and then disappeared, but he did not expect to reach the boundary of Liuyun Academy. "

The Blood River Saint who was fighting Fear Liuyun seemed to hear Pengcheng's words, his eyes suddenly turned here, and a fierce killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"People from Shocking Immortal Academy?" Xuehe's right hand condensed a dazzling group of blood, slamming directly at Fear Liuyun.

"Everyone at Shocking Immortal Academy deserves to die!" Xuehe's eyes were tyrannical, and after pushing back Fear Flowing Cloud, he actually attacked Luo Chen and Pengcheng directly.

"Damn it! This demon has noticed us!" Pengcheng's expression changed, and he quickly grabbed Luo Chen's shoulder and flew away.

He belonged to the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, who practiced the Tianpeng escape technique. Although he is only an eighth rank martial emperor now, the speed of eruption in a short period of time is enough to make the emperor Wu feel ashamed.

Although the Blood River Saint is a superpower who has reached the realm of Martial Saint, because of being sealed in the Xuanbing Cave, now he can only exert the strength of the peak Martial Emperor, and has not been able to catch up with Pengcheng for a while. .

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