Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 425: The movements of the Xiao family are full of accidents!

Although it would take a full 30 years to repair a hidden wound, and it took a little longer, for Hongye, a thousand years had passed, and it didn't matter if it was just 30 years.

Anyway, the Giant Spirit Race has a long lifespan. With his talent, it won't take long for Ou to attack the Three Holy Realm after repairing the hidden wounds, so there is no need to worry about lifespan.

Hearing Hongye's words, Luo Chen didn't say much anymore, and isolated the spirit chasing incense fluctuation on his body with the killing sword intent, and then raised his hand and pointed, an illusory space portal appeared in front of Luo Chen.

After finishing all this, Luo Chen stepped directly into the space portal without any hesitation.

Upon seeing this, Hongye smiled, and also stepped into the space portal.

Then the space portal disappeared, and the figures of Luo Chen and Hongye disappeared from the wasteland.

In Manghuang County, an illusory space portal appeared, Luo Chen and Hongye stepped out of the space portal and landed on the ground.

"Sure enough, it is the unique breath of the barbarians," Hongye fell on the ground, looked around, and muttered: "But this wild aura is too thin, it looks like a place newly opened by the barbarians."

"Senior Hongye is right," Luo Chen nodded and smiled: "This is a wild county in the Liuyun Empire, an enclave of the barbarians, and the environment here has passed through the barbarians for thousands of years. It has become like this after constant transformation."

"No wonder the wild spirit here is so thin," Hongye suddenly said lightly: "The strongest barbarians here shouldn't surpass the barbarians, right?"

As the young master of the Giant Spirit Race, Hongye knows a lot about the barbarians. From the intensity of the barbarians here, he can guess the general strength of the barbarians in the wild county.

Because the barbarians step into the emperor realm and become a barbarian emperor, the improvement of their strength is only one aspect, and the transformation and influence of the environment is the most important ability of a barbarian emperor!

If there was a barbaric emperor in this wild county, the barbaric air here would not be so thin.

Luo Chen didn't speak, his eyes swept from the surroundings, his eyes suddenly condensed.

"It seems that the people of the Xiao family have been attracted by Jin Yu," Luo Chen muttered while looking at the fresh footprints not far away.

The group of people in the Xiao family are at least Grade Nine Martial Spirits. If they drive with all their strength, more than a hundred li is nothing to them, and he has delayed a lot of time in the realm of trials. During this time, Xiao It's normal for the group of killers to pass by here.

"Next, let's see how well those cannon fodder are used," Luo Chen's mouth raised slightly before communicating with Jin Yu in his heart.

"Jin Yu, look back and see if you can find those from the Xiao family," Luo Chen's voice sounded directly in Jin Yu's mind through the soul contract.

"Master, I'm rushing back now. As for the group of Xiao Family, they are now approaching the Barbarian Sacred Mountain. They should be trying to ambush us there."

Jin Yu's voice soon sounded in Luo Chen's heart.

Hearing Jin Yu's words, Luo Chen frowned insignificantly.

The movements of the group of people in the Xiao family were a little weird. Originally, he thought that the group of people in the Xiao family would slowly follow the barbarian sacred mountain after being misled by the soul-attracting technique he used. He happened to be able to chase after the group. Let the killer of the Xiao family find the way.

As a result, the group of assassins in the Xiao family didn't know what kind of wind they were pumping, and they went straight to the barbarian holy mountain, which completely disrupted Luo Chen's plan!

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