Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 438: After the third pass, Xiao Tian thought!

"The surrounding scenes seem to be repeating all the time," Luo Chen stopped, watching the surroundings, and thought to himself.

After this period of time, he finally discovered the abnormality. In fact, he had doubts in his mind long before, because the surrounding scenery he saw at that time was also repeating at a fixed speed.

It's just that Luo Chen initially thought that it was because the starry sky around him was too far away, so he didn't think about anything else.

But after walking on the Starlight Path for so long, he has not been able to trigger a new trial, and the distance between him and the star where Xiao Tian is is still so far, this made Luo Chen a little bit confused.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Chen directly released the power of his soul.

The soul of the Supreme Void Realm has been able to affect reality, and the power of the majestic soul spreads in all directions like a spider web, quickly covering the starlight trails around Luo Chen.

And through the soul perception, Luo Chen quickly discovered the problem.

"So, is it a fantasy formation?" Luo Chen smiled slightly, a little more smile in his eyes.

If it were other means, he would still find it a bit tricky, but if it was a formation, he still had some confidence to crack it!

What's more, the level of the phantom formation left by Xiao Tian is not high, so Luo Chen quickly found the eye of the formation, and the incomplete sword ancestor saber appeared in Luo Chen's hands, slashing in the formation with the might of splitting the mountain and the stone Where the eye is.


There were dense cracks in the air, and suddenly a dim starlight barrier appeared around Luo Chen, but the starlight barrier was already full of cracks, and it might break at any time.

Luo Chen smiled when he saw it, and raised his hand to touch the starlight barrier in front of him. The dim starlight barrier quickly shattered. Luo Chen walked forward without hesitation.

"Not bad," Xiao Tian looked at Luo Chen on the distant stars, and couldn't help but smile: "Although some time was wasted, the reaction was fairly quick."

For Xiao Tian, ​​Luo Chen passed the first three levels and was already qualified to inherit this space, but if he only passed the three levels, most of the functions in this space would not be open, even if he inherited this space. The piece of space is nothing more than an inherited tastelessness.

At the beginning, Luo Lingyun, the ancestor of the Luo family, only passed the third level. Therefore, although Luo Lingyun obtained this mysterious space, all he could do was to change that space into a trial ground for the Luo family and leave it to The descendants of the Luo family.

In fact, with the exception of the second owner of this space, none of the third to eighth owners were able to open too many functions of this space.

It seems that some pearls have cast secretly.

However, even the stunning second owner failed to open all the functions in this space, which is also one of the important reasons that the generation of the subsequent owners of this space is not as good as the next generation.

"I hope this kid won't let me down," Xiao Tian sighed softly and whispered.

What he left in this space was just a projection. As for his body, it was in a strange place, which was not something ordinary people could find.

The reason why he appeared this time was also because he felt a familiar aura in Luo Chen. Otherwise, although Luo Chen's talent was good, he was not qualified to spur him to set the test himself!

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