Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 444: Mysterious blood family, defying ability!

A drop of cold sweat emerged from Luo Chen's forehead and slipped to the ground quietly, breaking apart.

Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little scared in his heart. Fortunately, he was keen, and he had been vigilant since entering this space. Otherwise, even if the sword just couldn't kill him, it would greatly reduce his combat power. Missed the test behind.

"It seems that the actual combat starts from this level..."

Luo Chen thought to himself as he watched the rusty long sword hide into the void again.

As soon as his thoughts turn, Luo Chen once again unfolds the step of the sky, his figure disappears instantly, the incomplete sword ancestor saber in his hand is suddenly pierced out, a dazzling sword light blooms in this mysterious space, like a glimpse , Cut in the void.


Crisp metal symphony sounded, countless sparks shot out in the void, and saw a figure shrouded in a black robe holding a rusty long sword and stopped the incomplete sword ancestor sword. .

Luo Chen raised his brows and flipped his wrists slightly. The incomplete Sword Ancestor Sabre raised his sword and directly tore the hood of the black robe figure to pieces, revealing a pale face.


Seeing that pale face, Luo Chen's pupils shrank slightly, as if he had seen some fierce beast from the ancient times!

It's no wonder that Luo Chen is so gaffe, it's really because the blood clan's notoriety among the hundred clans is too loud!

Because the blood race has an extremely terrifying ability, that is to **** the opponent's blood, and then directly comprehend that person's cultivation techniques and secret techniques from the opponent's blood!

Relying on this ability, the blood clan had copied the unspoken secrets of many powerful clan in the mainland.

It is precisely because of the blood-defying ability of the blood family, coupled with the fact that the blood family does not know how to converge, the blood family is eventually encircled and suppressed by a hundred races, and even the old nest with the blood family is destroyed.

That was the first and only time in the history of the Universe Continent that the human and the ghost bone clan, and other human enemies, joined forces against the enemy!

From this we can see where the blood clan was at its peak!

Rao is Luo Chen already well-informed, but suddenly seeing such a strong man of a race that should have disappeared in the long river of time appeared in front of him, Luo Chen still couldn't help being shocked!

When the black-robed figure heard Luo Chen's words, a strange red light flashed across her pale face. His half-squinted eyes suddenly opened, revealing a pair of blood-colored pupils. At the same time, a pair of bat wings spread out behind the figure and exudes. The cold and strange breath.

Luo Chen's expression condensed when he saw this, and the Good Fortune Art was turning to the extreme, and a monstrous sword intent radiated from him.

"The meaning of killing, the Shura clan?!"

The blood in the black robe sensed the aura radiating from Luo Chen's body, and the blood in his pupils was faintly dissipated a lot, and then gathered together again. Obviously, the killing sword intent released from Luo Chen's body also made the mysterious black The Blood Race feels very surprised, even jealous!

Luo Chen naturally heard the words of the blood clan in the black robe, but Luo Chen still looked solemn, his killing sword intent was urged to the extreme by him, and then the incomplete Sword Ancestor Sabre in his hand was cut out with a single sword.

The monstrous killing intention sealed all the space around the black-robed blood clan to death, causing the black-robed blood clan to face the sword energy that Luo Chen had cut.

"It really is the **** ability of the Shura clan!"

Seeing this scene, the black-robed blood race couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Didn't that kind of race have been completely annihilated by us at the beginning, and even the family land has been turned into a sea of ​​blood by us, how can there be remnants of evil? "

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