Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 454: Heitan advice, Luo Chen thought!

Luo Chen couldn't help being speechless when he heard Hei Tan's words.

Of course he knew the criteria for recruiting disciples in the Hantian Palace. After all, the Hantian Palace was one of the hundred clans in the mainland. The Snow Clan’s top power was extremely famous throughout the Universe Continent.

In addition, the Snow Clan has always been neutral and never participated in any battle among the hundred races, so the Snow Clan has always had a good reputation among the hundred races.

In the same way, Hantian Palace, as the top force of the Snow Clan, has never minded recruiting disciples of other races. As long as the qualifications can meet the standards of Hantian Palace, they can enter Hantian Palace to practice.

Except for the unique Snow Clan, few other races have geniuses that can meet the standards of the Hantian Palace. Because the Hantian Palace has existed in Qiankun Continent for endless years, only a few hundred foreigners have been recruited.

Luo Chen was also very clear in his heart that although Luo Qingxue's ice-condensing body was rare, it was only mediocre when looking at the Snow Clan. It was extremely difficult to alarm the masters of Hantian Palace.

The reason why he said that just now was just because he had a thought in his heart, and he was looking forward to it, who knew that the black charcoal head was poured over with cold water!

"I'm doing this for your good!" Hei Tan rolled his eyes when he saw Luo Chen's expression, and said with no good air: "Although Han Tiangong is good, it is much worse than my master.

The owner has collected a lot of ice-attribute best practices before, and many of them are even comparable to those on the list of magic skills.

As long as you can improve your strength as soon as possible to complete the trial left by the master, it is really easy to get a good ice attribute technique!

This is much more useful than the impractical things you think about here! "

Luo Chen shook his head helplessly when he heard the words, how could he not know this, but even if the mysterious senior Xiao Tian left behind the best ice attribute cultivation method that is comparable to those on the magic skill list, but if Luo Qingxue comprehend it by herself, and it took a long time.

Even with the help of the Ancient Enlightenment House, it would take a lot of time to pile up.

And if Luo Qingxue can enter the Hantian Palace, relying on the huge resources of the Hantian Palace and the accumulation of countless years of ice attribute cultivation experience, it will be easy for Luo Qingxue's strength to change qualitatively!

"It looks like I have to find a way to get a little more special physique promotion liquid," Luo Chen thought to himself as he looked at Luo Qingxue who turned into an ice sculpture on the light curtain.

Hei Tan saw Luo Chen's expression, knowing that Luo Chen hadn't given up yet, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, flapping his wings and landing on Luo Chen's shoulder, and didn't say much.

Luo Chen smiled when he saw it, put away his thoughts, his eyes fell on the remaining two light curtains.

The performance of Zhang Juechen and Wang Xi can only be said to be quite satisfactory. Both of them are well-known students. Coupled with a natural sword and a clear sword, the strength of the two is also considered top among their peers.

It’s just that Zhang Juechen and Wang Xi didn’t perform too dazzlingly in the face of the trials left by Tianjiao like Luo Lingyun. It shouldn’t be difficult to pass the trial, but if you want to say how brilliant, then It's just not quite satisfactory.

In the next period of time, Luo Chen simply sat cross-legged on the spot and entered the cultivation state. Anyway, Heitan, the demon dragon of purgatory, was staring at him. Luo Chen was not worried about any accidents to Luo Qingxue and others.

As for the three of Luo Xiao, they stared intently at the four light curtains floating not far away, with a nervous expression.

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