Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 457: In the depths of Luo's house, the three chatted!

Luo Chen noticed everyone's expressions, and couldn't help shook his head, and said helplessly: "Don't look at me like this, I'm just having better luck."

Hearing Luo Chen's words, the corners of Zhang Juechen's mouth twitched again, and even the expressions of Xiao Si and Deacon Crane on the side became extremely strange.

"Okay, go back to Luo's house first. How can a friend visit and take people to the wilderness?" Luo Xiao couldn't help but said.

After speaking, Luo Xiao took the lead and opened the road directly in front, and the group quickly returned to Lingyun City.

Not long after Luo Chen and others returned to Lingyun City, news of Luo Chen and others' return spread throughout the entire Lingyun City, and all the large and small forces in Lingyun City focused their attention on Luo Family.

Before Luo Chen left Lingyun City, he had already demonstrated amazing strength. Now that Luo Chen has returned from experience, who knows how much his strength has increased?

What's more, there are Luo Qingxue, the Tianjiao Luo Qingxue who was above the countless geniuses of Lingyun City, and Luo Xiao, the mysterious Patriarch of the Luo family who came back with Luo Chen this time!

With the strength of these three people, it is completely possible to destroy all the forces in Lingyun City overnight!

Therefore, the big and small forces in Lingyun City also had to turn their eyes to the Luo Family, for fear of what Luo Family would do.

In a house deep in the Luo family, Ye Changli and the three gathered together, constantly looking around, talking in a low voice.

"I heard from people in the clan that Luo Xuedi’s background was not very good, but I still don’t believe it,” Ye Changli said with emotion: “Now it seems that such a small family can give birth to Luo Xuedi and Luo. A genius like Senior Sister is really incredible!"

Luo Chen and the three had just returned to the Luo family, and there were many things to deal with, and even Luo Qingxue, who had always ignored Luo family affairs, had to help.

Therefore, Luo Chen had to arrange a secluded house for the three Ye Changli, and then went into the affairs of the Luo family.

Ye Changli and all three of them could understand this, but they didn't complain.

Hearing Ye Changli's words, Wang Xi shook his head and said softly: "Although the Luo family has fallen, it is a family left behind by Emperor Martial. It is not incomprehensible that there is great luck in the dark.

It's just that the Luo family has already fallen to this point. It is already an exception to be able to give birth to a Tianjiao like Senior Sister Luo, but he did not expect to give birth to a more enchanting Senior Brother Luo! "

"This may be a good thing," Zhang Juechen interrupted when he heard the words: "The empire has nothing to do with the younger generation in these years. Except for Luo Xuedi, there are no more decent geniuses.

In the empire, perhaps they can still dominate the king, but once they leave the empire, the talents of those geniuses are average.

Now that Xiao Xuedi has such a benchmark, it can also inspire those young people. "

"Haha, Brother Juechen, you are only sixteen now, why are you like those instructors in the academy?"

Ye Changli couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhang Juechen's words, and said solemnly: "But Brother Juechen, you are right about this. With the existence of Luo Xuedi, maybe the younger generation of the empire doesn't need to be like a stagnant pool anymore .

I have a hunch that this time Long Bang is here, maybe Xuedi Luo will give us a great surprise! "


The Luo family disciples who passed by heard the conversation between Ye Changli and the others, and they all lowered their heads and hurriedly left.

They had never contacted Zhang Juechen and the others, but Zhang Juechen and others were friends brought back by Luo Chen. In order not to embarrass Luo Chen, these Luo family disciples did not act too curious.

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