Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 489: Super grade qualification, third grade martial arts!

As Luo Chen's voice fell, the aura on the attribute panel was instantly cleared, replaced by 10 vitality.

"The transformation of vitality is completed. Since the host transformed vitality for the first time, the system automatically rounds up."

Hearing the system prompt, Luo Chen was stunned for a moment, and then ordered: "In the future, cancel the use of spiritual energy, and everything will be based on vitality."

"Optimization is complete, please check it by the host," Luo Chen said before the system prompt sounded in his mind.

When Luo Chen looked at the attribute panel again, he found that the spiritual energy column had disappeared, and all the content related to spiritual energy was changed to vital energy——

Host: Luo Chen (【Soul Refining】)

Cultivation: Second Grade Martial Spirit (3/4)

Training qualification: Top grade qualification (3/9)

Vitality: 10 points

Growth rate of vitality: 0.5 points/day

"It looks much more comfortable now," Luo Chen couldn't help laughing while looking at the attribute panel.

After that, Luo Chen did not hesitate, and directly raised his hand and clicked on the column of cultivation qualifications.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the improvement of cultivation qualifications. The current cultivation qualifications are super quality (1/100), the growth rate of vitality has doubled, and the current growth rate of vitality is 1 point/day!"

Hearing the system prompt, Luo Chen was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect to be able to improve beyond the overclocking qualification.

According to the information he got from Jian Ancestor Jianjing, the super quality qualification is already the highest cultivation qualification, and above it is various special physiques.

For example, Luo Qingxue's ice-condensing body, although the cultivation speed is equivalent to the super quality qualification, but in the other face, it has to strengthen the super quality qualification.

Originally, Luo Chen thought that his cultivation qualification would be the peak after he was upgraded to a super-grade qualification. Now it seems that it is possible that he can still be upgraded to a certain special physique?

Shaking his head, putting aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, Luo Chen looked at the remaining four points of vitality on the attribute panel without any hesitation, and directly clicked on the column of cultivation level.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host level upgrade, the current level of cultivation is third-grade martial arts (1/5)!"

As the system prompt sounded, a large amount of heaven and earth aura gathered towards Luo Chen from all around, and in a blink of an eye an aura vortex was formed, enclosing Luo Chen inside.

"This is?!" Ye Changli and the others were attracted by Luo Chen's movement. Ye Changli opened his mouth and his face was full of shock.

"Aura vortex, this can only be triggered by Wu Ling's breakthrough to the realm of Wuzong!" Zhang Juechen was also shocked and lost his voice.

They had long been accustomed to Luo Chen breaking through at every turn, so seeing Luo Chen breaking through, they did not feel too surprised.

What really shocked them was the aura vortex surrounding Luo Chen!

You must know that the spiritual energy vortex can only be triggered when Wu Ling breaks through Wu Zong.

And all those who can trigger the aura vortex before Wu Ling breaks through Wu Zong are all the world's arrogant!

Now that Luo Chen has just broken through from the second-rank martial spirit to the third-rank martial spirit, he has already triggered the aura vortex. Then, when Luo Chen breaks through to the realm of Wuzong, what will it be like?

"Study Luo is really," Wang Xi looked at Luo Chen, and he held back what he said. After a long time, he sighed and said with a wry smile: "Are you evil."

Ye Changli and Zhang Juechen on the side also nodded their heads with deep conviction. Before they met Luo Chen, they were the best tianjiao in the Liuyun Empire.

However, after meeting Luo Chen, their proud achievements in the past have become unworthy, and even they are no different from those mediocre in front of Luo Chen!

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