Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 499: Re-enter the space, greedy the black dragon!

That illusory portal naturally leads to the space left by the mysterious senior Xiao Tian. At the beginning, Luo Chen passed several trials left by Xiao Tian and successfully took control of that strange space, although he could not unlock the strange space. All functions, but still have many permissions.

And one of them is the Ancient House of Enlightenment!

In the ancient home of enlightenment, Luo Chen can rely on the consumption of high-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones to allow himself to enter the realm of pseudo-enlightenment, although the effect is worse than that of real enlightenment, but if it is only a combination of exercises , It should be enough!

What's more, in the ancient house of enlightenment, he once drew a piece of ancient enlightenment tea, which was picked from the ancient enlightenment tea tree outside the ruins of the first extremist chaos in the legend. It contains many principles and can Improve your comprehension briefly.

With the help of the ancient tea for enlightenment and the ancient residence of enlightenment, although he has no chance of enlightenment, it should not be difficult for him to integrate the exercises.

After the illusory portal appeared, Luo Chen didn't hesitate to step into the illusory portal, and then disappeared.

After Luo Chen disappeared, the illusory portal in the room did not disappear, but shrunk in half and hovered in the room. At the same time, a large number of strange formation patterns appeared around, blocking the entry of other people.


In the strange space, an illusory portal opened out of thin air, and then Luo Chen's figure emerged from the portal, just fitting a dark purgatory dragon.

"Why is your kid back again?" The purgatory dragon's black charcoal golden yellow dragon pupils were a little surprised, and asked: "Is this planning for the next challenge?"

"Come back and use the Ancient Enlightenment House," Luo Chen shook his head after hearing Hei Tan's words, and said quickly.

He knows how difficult the subsequent trials are. His current strength hasn't improved much compared to before. At this time, he is going to carry out the subsequent challenges. Isn't he looking for trouble?

He is not stupid, he will never conduct the following trials before his cultivation reaches the realm of Wuzong!

Hei Tan heard a hint of disappointment in the golden dragon pupils, flapped his wings and landed on Luo Chen's shoulders, and said in a huff, "It just happens that this lord hasn't gone to the ancient house for a long time, so I will accompany you to go. ."

Luo Chen looked at Heitan when he heard the words, raised his hand to grab the wing of the purgatory dragon on his shoulder, and pinched the root of the wing with one hand, grasping the purgatory dragon in his hand like a little chicken.

Although this cub of the purgatory dragon is already in the realm of the holy master, it can't exert any power at all in front of the owner of this space.

Therefore, Luo Chen was not too afraid. Although he was only in charge of this space, many functions were not activated, but he didn't need to be afraid of black coal.

"I think you are greedy, right?" Luo Chen looked at the black charcoal he was holding in his hands, not having a good air.

After taking charge of this mysterious space, Luo Chen had a lot of information related to this space in his mind, and part of it was about black carbon!

This purgatory dragon cub needs to devour a lot of things with a strong aura to grow quickly, and although the first owner left a lot of things on Heitan, how can those things compare to this space? Hidden treasures in many strange places?

In order to prevent black charcoal from stealing food, the past masters of this space have set a prohibition in the space to prevent black charcoal from breaking into the treasures.

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