Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 671: With one enemy six, it is easy to do!

"Master Luo is as confident as ever," Wu Zun headed looked at Luo Chen with a little more mockery in his eyes.

Back then, the fact that Luo Chen had used a sword to retreat a clone of the Bone Race powerhouse Martial Emperor level had spread throughout the imperial capital, how could the Xiao family not know?

This time they attacked Luo Chen, they were only used to distract Luo Chen's attention, and there was another person who was really responsible for assassinating Luo Chen.

The only thing they have to do is to distract Luo Chen's attention, and then consume Luo Chen's physical strength and true essence as much as possible to create an excellent opportunity for the assassin to take action!

Luo Chen did not speak, he did not know when he held the incomplete Sword Ancestor Sabre in his hand, and looked at the six mandala snakes, and said lightly: "You six, don't you just want to consume my physical strength? Well, I give you this opportunity."

Hearing Luo Chen's words, the six faces of the Mandala Snake also sank, and without any hesitation, they attacked Luo Chen one after another.

Although this Cangyun County is not the territory of the Xiao family, it is a famous chaotic zone. You can fight any way you like here, as long as it does not threaten people from other forces, no one will stop it.

It was impossible for Luo Chen to come to Cangyun County for the first time to get involved with the major forces in Cangyun County, so they didn't worry that someone would stand up to stop him!

The true essence of the six people was violent, each wielding weapons, and Qi Qi attacked towards Luo Chen. The six people each occupied one side, sealing all the directions of Luo Chen's dodge, forcing Luo Chen to face them head-on!

Seeing this scene, Luo Chen’s disdain flashed in his eyes, and then the sword in his hand turned, the incomplete sword ancestor saber swept across directly, drew an arc around him, and the stunning sword ring turned towards The six people holding the mandala snake attacked.

He is not afraid of head-to-head with those six people. The good fortune he cultivates is a combination of top-notch qigong and body-training techniques, and as he integrates more techniques, his power will be stronger. .

Today's Good Fortune Secret Art is equivalent to the high-ranking technique of the heavenly rank, and it is extremely terrifying to the increase in strength. Luo Chen's physical body is also far more powerful than the same rank because of the tempering of Good Fortune Secret Art, even compared to the six martial masters. weak.

The sword ring collided with the weapons wielded by the six mandala snakes, making a crisp collision sound, and countless sparks burst out beside Luo Chen, as if they were hitting iron.

"Go help eldest brother, don't worry about me," Ye Ming said to Jin Yu who was protecting himself immediately after seeing this scene.

Jin Yu smiled and said lightly: "The master's order is for me to protect you. As for the master's safety, you don't have to worry, just because those six wastes are not the master's opponent."

Hearing Jin Yu's words, Ye Ming's eyes flashed astonishment. He had only seen Luo Chen take a shot once, and that was when Luo Chen and Ye Tian fought against each other when solving the Ye Family's rebellion!

At that time, although Luo Chen showed a strong suppressing power, Ye Tian's strength was far inferior to the six martial masters in front of him. Therefore, Ye Ming just felt that Luo Chen was a bit powerful, but how strong Luo Chen was, Ye Ming did not know.

Settling his mind and calming himself down, Ye Ming realized that although the six men of the Mandala Snake had been besieging Luo Chen, Luo Chen responded with ease, seemingly easy to do, but he was the man who launched successive attacks. The six breaths of the draco snake have begun to scatter, and gradually fall into a disadvantage!

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