Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 855: The opening battle, weird Shenfa!

The geniuses watching the battle below saw this scene, their eyes condensed.

They tried to place themselves in Luo Chen's position, imagining how they would deal with this sword light.

However, many people sadly discovered that facing Ji Chen's sword, they have no resistance at all, and I am afraid they will lose in an instant!

"I don't know how Luo Chen will respond?" Someone among the crowd whispered.

He tried to place himself in Luo Chen's position, and found that he could only dodge by his body skills, but he didn't have much confidence in avoiding Ji Chen's sword. If he was lucky, he might be able to avoid this blow. , But if bad luck, he will definitely lose instantly.

Therefore, he was naturally very curious about how Luo Chen would crack Ji Chen's attack.

Naturally, he was not the only one who was curious, and even Ye Changli and the others' expressions became more focused. Obviously, they were also curious about how Luo Chen would crack this blow.

Luo Chen didn't notice the expressions of the people below. In his eyes, there was only the sword light that Ji Chen had cut out. Seeing that the sword light was about to come to his body, Luo Chen smiled faintly, and his figure seemed to have become a lot illusory. , The next moment, that stunning Jian Mangjin seemed to have passed through him, and it failed to cause any influence on him!


Seeing this scene, many geniuses below have their eyes widened. What is this?

They originally thought that Luo Chen would use his body skills to avoid it even if he could not use the sword, but looking at Luo Chen's performance, the sword light seemed to have passed through him directly, and it did not affect him at all!

But the three of Ye Changli saw some clues, with a little more smile on their faces, and many outside geniuses looked at Luo Chen with a little more dread.

If they were allowed to choose, they would rather choose not to see through how Luo Chen avoided that sword light, because after seeing how Luo Chen avoided that sword light, they couldn’t have any joy in their hearts at all, some just Scalp tingling!

"Holy son, good method! Good physical method!" Ji Chen screamed, but the long sword in his hand didn't have any lag, he cut out thirteen swords one after another, and every sword cut out several sword lights appeared, and in a blink of an eye they were densely packed. Hundreds of sword lights covered Luo Chen!

A sword Mang Luochen can hide, and these hundreds of sword Mang Luochen can't avoid it only by body skills!

Luo Chen smiled, and there seemed to be invisible ripples around him. Those sword lights fell on Luo Chen, as if they had fallen into a pool of water. Apart from splashing a circle of ripples, they could not cause any damage to Luo Chen. hurt!

Countless sword lights emerged from behind Luo Chen, slashing on the ground pulse ring, making a dull collision sound.

"What the **** is this?!" Someone below couldn't help but exclaimed.

Before Luo Chen had avoided that sword light inexplicably, they hadn't paid much attention to it, but now that hundreds of sword lights have been easily avoided by Luo Chen, they couldn't care less.

"It's a very mysterious body technique," someone in the crowd explained: "Na Luo Chen relied on that body technique to avoid the sword light cut by Ji Chen, and then instantly returned to the place, because the speed was too fast. So it seemed as if Luo Chen didn't make any movement, but the sword light had passed through Luo Chen's body.

This kind of body technique is too terrifying, if it is really used, maybe many people can't even touch Luo Chen's sleeves! "

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